$ vetLana
Bread makers Panasonic SD-2500, SD-2501, SD-2502, SD-2510, SD-2511, SD-2512 ... (4)Bread only on rye flour (like Westphalian) (Author Kosh)
(Elena Bo)

Natasha, was she so hot? If without vinegar and acidifiers, then you get non-acidic.
I baked the last time at 100% c. h. rye, I did not rise. You can bake 350 rye and 50 wheat. I like him. Less dense than pure rye.

Here, and Luda advises him
Thank you my dear

I have no malt. I have frozen Borodino bread. What to do ?

Sorry, doesn’t resent today

$ vetLana
Quote: Waist
frozen Borodino bread
Soak a piece and toss in a bucket instead of malt. (?) Taste will be less bright than with malt

Natasha, if you measure the temperature on Rzhan
Mandraik Ludmila
Natasha, yes, in general, you can exclude malt and water for brewing it, the bun will still not be, it's rye And watch the rise, you will still measure the temperature, let it rise no more than 1.5 times, otherwise it will fall during baking.
Natashik, you will choose the recipe

with a predominance of rye flour, then at least that's how you like, but you need to put in there either apple-wine - any soft !!! delicious vinegar, or whey, or natural yogurt, if you don't find anything like Agram M.
Choose according to your taste, stuff it, tasting the dough, so that it doesn't sour for your taste. BUT be good, don't do without acid. At least a drop, but shove it. Just how much you can, so as not to sour. At least so.
Lan .. if you take at least ordinary flour, and if it is closer to whole-grain rye, this is still an infection. Without acid, it can make you a goat's face.
And in any recipe for rye, a little oil, at least a vegetable stick.

Malt gives such a leavened taste, you can survive without it.
You can also drink beer. By the way, there is also acid in beer. Although, if you take a non-acidic beer, then stuff more acids so that it does not affect the taste, but it was)))
When kneading, try the dough so that it tastes sweet and salty.

and more .. the mixing temperature has not been verified by anyone yet.
Something with a trick.
In the instructions, there is a scatter in the alignment as in the main mode. That is, there is also summer-winter period.

Looks like above 24? in the room, the shades also cease to warm.
In the instructions there is an instruction to "use chilled water in a warm room" and "cool water in a cold room" - it is obvious that there will also be heating of ten higher in the cold, that is, approximately up to 24 ???.
So it turns out that cold water is only in winter, and in "summer" it is simply chilled, that is, warm in our language, because the shades will not heat up, it will heat up on its own if it is not too cold. As I understand it.
Therefore, if you have a "summer")) period in the kitchen. take into account Lyudochka's problems with Svetik - mix warmer, well, so that the mash is immediately not lower than 30-32
If your "winter" has already come, then the experiment will be different. The water should be cool - like on leveling everything will heat up as it should.

So it's not easy. A study of temperatures in warm and cold is required. As in the main mode, the picture.
And I bake without malt every time, when I put even a little bit, then "malt again!"
M @ rtochka
I can’t find, do we have any scheduled regimes? How many kneading times, number of strokes, baking time ...
Tell me please
I looked on the first page, something was not found
Mandraik Ludmila
Daria, somewhere in the text Natasha painted for some regime, but I don't remember which one, when and where And so, there seem to be no signs
M @ rtochka
Yes? And I was sure of something, somewhere everyone was watching)
Okay thank you! And then the question arose, how the dietary regime is fundamentally different from the low-yeast regime.
Is there the same amount of workouts?
Somewhere discussed?
Mandraik Ludmila
Quote: M @ rtochka
than the dietary regime is radically different from the low-yeast regime.

Daria, I don't remember that, but maybe Lena wrote something ...
Daria, there is a table in the instructions for the HP. All stages are scheduled there in time. But the number of wrinkles is not there.
M @ rtochka, Daria, Bread makers Panasonic SD-2500, SD-2501, SD-2502 (3) # 323
Only low-yeast is not there, but can someone write it down, there is a dietary one in the table.
Mandraik Ludmila
Sedne, Svetlana, thank you, very interesting .. Only now, is there a difference and what is it with Panasiks without a yeast dispenser ...
Quote: Mandraik Lyudmila
Only now, is there a difference and what is it with Panasiks without a yeast dispenser ...
What difference should there be? Only put yeast under the flour, not in the dispenser.
M @ rtochka, there is a table on page 17!
Mandraik Ludmila
Sedne, it looks like it is, although there is a run-up for a couple of minutes, but this can be ignored. I just noticed when the last time I baked on the main one, I took off the shredder after the penultimate bite and it was 1s56m before the end
Quote: Mandraik Lyudmila
before baking, the proofing was almost 1 hour, more precisely 56 minutes
Mandraik Ludmila, Lyud, I wrote to you in Lichka. Westphalian baking. Have questions...
Mandraik Ludmila
Ritochka, I answered already
Quote: Mandraik Lyudmila

Ritochka, I answered already
I see, my golden one! Already stands on Service
Here on a fig you are discussing questions on bread in a personal. Everyone needs such infa. While reading, everything is clear. You start to bake - there and then a sea of ​​misunderstandings and reading the comments helps a lot.
So don’t worry, let's discuss everything in public
$ vetLana
Quote: fffuntic
let's discuss everything in public
Yesterday I baked on the Rye machine: 350g. rye c. h. Finnish + 50g Pounds in. from. with bran, 1 small Antonovka apple (total liquid 340g.) + yeast, salt, sugar, 2s. l. malt + vegetable oil .. Tracked the whole process! Helped with kneading.
It turned out to be an excellent bread (compared to the sole, which was 100% rye c. H.)
Dear ones, hello !!!)))
Yes, I thought about ... asking about this Bread for the hundred and first time. It has been discussed many times here.
And I skleZor ... life has finished
Svetik, except for the composition, what was there new, saw, just tracked? What else has changed compared to the first failed experiment?
Did everything work out on the machine now?

Ritus, there are no unnecessary questions about bread, even duplicates. Once again, the detail will throw itself into the eyes. So ... let's all questions to the studio))))
$ vetLana, Svetochka, I also add c / z wheat French thing 50-60 g.
Today with a grated apple and survived water + whey up to 320 g.
I kneaded it on Mode 9 (gluten-free), because there I immediately noticed and plus Heated bucket. Which, in my humble standards, is good for rye.
And then 10 minutes hesitated. And turned it off. Exposed Service. Waiting for the Rise.
(Well ... I deserve forgiveness)))
fffuntic, Lena, I obey, my general!
$ vetLana
Quote: fffuntic
Svetik, besides the composition, what was there new, did you track it down?
The dough is very viscous, the flour does not gather well around the comb. Therefore, the entire batch stood nearby and helped with a silicone spatula. Everything is perfectly mixed
Quote: fffuntic
What else has changed compared to the first failed experiment?
Only flour composition:
Option 1 was with 100% rye c. h. - 400 g.
Option 2 350 rye c. h. and 50 poods per. from. with bran.
Quote: fffuntic
Did everything work out on the machine now?
Bread makers Panasonic SD-2500, SD-2501, SD-2502, SD-2510, SD-2511, SD-2512 ... (4)

The difference between this bread and what I used to bake from peeled rye flour (Rye Limak, Rye Kudesnitsa) - the color is lighter, the taste is more "muted" (difficult to describe)
I also noticed: when I sift, the flour gets dusty.
Mandraik Ludmila
Quote: $ vetLana
the flour is dusty.
Svetochka, and my whole rye is dusty, that Limak, that Divinka
Well, here he is Blushing

Bread makers Panasonic SD-2500, SD-2501, SD-2502, SD-2510, SD-2511, SD-2512 ... (4)
Mandraik Ludmila
Ritochka, it turned out to be clasny and the roof is convex now let it cool and enjoy
Quote: $ vetLana

Yesterday I baked on the Rye machine: 350g. rye c. h. Finnish + 50g Pounds in. from. with bran, 1 small Antonovka apple (total liquid 340g.) + yeast, salt, sugar, 2h. l. sloda + vegetable oil .. Tracked the whole process! Helped with kneading.
It turned out to be an excellent bread (compared to the sole, which was 100% rye c. H.)
Sveta, how much yeast do you put in?
And malt, look you take 2 tsp ???
I got a little small yesterday and low-porosity.
Tasty anyway! I will continue testing.
Sveta, are you baking on serum?
I, however, took half an apple + a couple of s. l. serum + water = volume 320.
And I had honey, not sugar.
Malts 2c. l. 1c. l grow. oils.
Analyzing now, what's wrong?
Mandraik Ludmila
Ritochkahow much yeast? I put 1.5-2 tsp. I bake without water on whey, sometimes I replace some with an apple .. Show me the cutter, it's not bad in shape, after all, the porosity of pure rye is very different from mixed
$ vetLana
Quote: mamusi
Light, and how much yeast do you put
Rita, usually 2 tsp. I put a little more bread in the last one.
Quote: mamusi
malt, I see you take 2 tsp
2 sec. l.
I'll go fix it

The most delicious on whey, but I don't have it now
Mandraik Ludmila
Quote: $ vetLana
The most delicious on whey
We now have farmers from Volosovo come to Vyritsa, sell milk, I take whey from them on order, when I run out of it, and since we take cottage cheese from them, I have less and less of my own whey, but these farmers have good products. my husband eats their cottage cheese, but he doesn't eat bad from me like a cat, he didn't eat cottage cheese from those who bought them before, it was made from discarded milk (low-fat)
Whey in baked goods, especially in rye, is half the battle. I also rinse honey jars with this whey, the whey begins to wither a little, although it stands on the veranda in the cold, in general, the acidic environment is very good for rye bread
People, the serum just ran out yesterday. And so I only bake on it.
There were two last spoons of them and poured. Yeah.
And yeast two tsp. as you wrote.
I'll show you the cut a little later.
Mandraik Ludmila
Ritochka, I think that everything worked out fine for you, you are too strict with yourself, this is rye bread, it cannot be plump
Hello everyone ! sorry for delay

Measured the temperature of the program "Rye bread".

In HP 2512, the temperature probe was placed between the bucket and the flask, without touching, at the level of the upper edge of the bucket.
It was + 19 * C in my kitchen.
When the program was started, the shadows immediately turned on and to batch increased the temperature in the HP flask to 24*.
It was not realistic to measure the mixing temperature adequately, because I had to help a lot with a silicone spatula, and this is an open HP.
Proofing about 37*.
Bakery products : first half approximately 175*, the second is about 180*.

No photo, tablet (my camera) is broken
The bread turned out, although the recipe was wrong
Mandraik Ludmila
Quote: Waist
Proofing approx. 37 *.
Natasha, Thank you! These figures made me worry, the last time the temperature of the proofing was strained, I didn't feel it with my hand when I opened the lid, but at home I have about 20 degrees, not 30 degrees ... Well, only this program could not break
Talk about a new HP Panasonic Croustina moved to topic
New models of bread maker from Panasonic # 53

Quote: M @ rtochka
I can’t find, do we have any scheduled regimes? How many kneading times, number of strokes, baking time ...
Dasha, such a table is in the instructions for each HP, but Panasonic has it very general: with the shortest and longest time of each cycle, even the number of strokes is not indicated

There is a little more details
Time table of processes in HP Panasonic.
But this is also not fixed, since these numbers can change depending on the room temperature when the program starts.
$ vetLana
Quote: Waist
Measured the temperature of the program "Rye bread
Natasha, thank you very much for this

Natasha, are there temperature measurements on other programs in the topic? Give me a link, it's interesting to compare. And what is the temperature on the Baking program?
You are welcome ! Not everything, but better than nothing.Maybe I'll run it idle again, at the same time I'll see if there is a difference in measurements

Quote: Mandraik Ludmila
These figures made me worry, the last time the temperature of the proofing was strained, I didn't feel it with my hand when I opened the lid, but at home I have about 20 degrees, not 30 degrees ... Well, only this program could not break
Buttercup, well, in principle, a person's body temperature is almost 37 *, so maybe these degrees from HP may not be particularly felt, especially if your hands are hot after some work. Can it be so? I immediately drew attention to the fact that these 37 * are not particularly perceived by my hands as warm

Quote: $ vetLana
Natasha, are there temperature measurements on other programs in the topic? Give me a link, it's interesting to compare. And what is the temperature on the Baking program?
There is somewhere in the subject, already "buried", and my notebook with these notes I stuck somewhere at home I will find - I will write
Mandraik Ludmila
Natasha, you know, I did not feel a big difference between the outside temperature and the temperature inside, we feel the difference in temperatures with our hands well, I even climbed to feel the ten, but I did not think of measuring the temperature on it I quickly turned on the service and calmed down on this
Here he is my Bread, Lyudochka, almost finished eating already. Very tasty.
I will bake again tomorrow. I'll take a little more liquid. And I want to add prunes.

Bread makers Panasonic SD-2500, SD-2501, SD-2502, SD-2510, SD-2511, SD-2512 ... (4)
M @ rtochka
Margarita, uuuu, how beautiful !!
How does it seem round?

Is it Westphalian? Or how is he ...
We need to bake!
Mandraik Ludmila
Ritochka, well, maybe a little higher, but quite a bit. It turned out well, but for the first time, it's generally excellent, then you will feel and yourself already grope your proportions. Rye is still "hand mei", nothing can be done if you want a guaranteed result
M @ rtochka, no, it's not round. Such an effect in the photo.
Plain brick

Mandraik Ludmila, Luda, I will bake myself often. I'll fill my hand. Thank you and Svetlana for your advice, girls!)
$ vetLana
Rita, if not for laziness, I would have baked according to your Borodinsky's scheme: kneading in KhP, and raising and baking in Filka. It will be necessary to bake it this way and compare it with bread baked on a machine with Rye.
it ... 37 degrees is a very high fermentation temperature, the service mode is slightly different. And on the face of the fact, it was on the service immediately and worked. I suppose Luda was not mistaken, there was less. Perhaps in the kitchen it was above 24 degrees and the stove went to an unheated "summer" mode. Or was the stove hot? Would you like to check your guess, Natashik?

In cool conditions, the regime is straightforward according to theory.

Baking: first half about 175 *, second about 180 *.
it means that 180 is gaining
Quote: fffuntic
Would you like to check your guess, Natashik?
Eeeeee .... how? I have above 20 * in my kitchen only a couple of days in the summer

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