Nuts, squirrels, mushrooms from crispy dough with boiled condensed milk, oatmeal crisps and nuts

Category: Bakery products
Nuts, squirrels, mushrooms from crispy dough with boiled condensed milk, oatmeal crisps and nuts


For filling:
Boiled condensed milk 1.5 cans
Roasted, lightly chopped peanuts 300 gr.
Instant oatmeal 100 g
Brown sugar 2 tbsp. l. with a slide
Vegetable oil 5 tbsp. l.
For the test:
Freezer margarine 250 gr.
Boiled egg yolk 1 PC.
Sour cream 5 tbsp. l.
Sugar 3 tbsp. l.
Salt pinch
Flour 3.5 cups (glass 250 gr.)
Egg yolk С-1 2 pcs.

Cooking method

  • Before the new year, I bought an old Soviet-made used ear-frying pan for those adorable nuts with condensed milk Nuts, squirrels, mushrooms from crispy dough with boiled condensed milk, oatmeal crisps and nuts
  • She was in a terrible state, but the seller, under threat of death, insisted that the nuts were falling behind well. I know well how to cope with burnt vegetable oil, so I boldly took it. Moreover, it cost a penny because of its appearance. But I was just afraid to buy the one that was torn off with sandpaper to add gloss, tearing off the entire protective layer. I searched the dough recipe on the forum. Took it as a basis here thisbut nothing worked for me. Refined along the way. Irisha-Oreshek then asked me to show it with a step-by-step photo. I am happy to fulfill my promises, since everything worked out wonderfully well.
  • So, first we prepare the dough.
  • Rub the yolk of a boiled egg through a fine potato grater and mash it with sugar with a fork.
  • Nuts, squirrels, mushrooms from crispy dough with boiled condensed milk, oatmeal crisps and nuts
  • Wash margarine to the yolk on a coarse grater.
  • Then we add all the other ingredients and quickly knead the dough by hand. Putting it into a ball and sending it into a package. We send it to the refrigerator for 1 hour. My dough lasted 3 hours.
  • Then we take out the dough and knead. We give to rest on the table for 20-30 minutes.
  • While the dough is lying down, prepare the filling. It will consist of:
  • - boiled condensed milk
  • - roasted and lightly chopped peanuts
  • - fried oatmeal with sugar
  • - trimming from nuts.
  • Condensed milk must be saved. And the filling is very tasty and crispy.
  • Let's start with the oatmeal. Pour oatmeal into the pan, pour with oil and sprinkle with sugar. Fry until crisp. Let it cool. This delicacy is no worse than fried nuts. I fell in love with her after this dessert... By the way, I highly recommend it!
  • Mix condensed milk with nuts, flakes.
  • Nuts, squirrels, mushrooms from crispy dough with boiled condensed milk, oatmeal crisps and nuts
  • Next, we bake the nuts. I have it not only nuts, but also squirrels and mushrooms.
  • Before baking, I lightly grease the pan with a non-stick mixture. Just before baking. I heat each one on a separate burner so as not to twist. While the frying pan is heating, I am molding.
  • The gingerbread man is not entirely uniform. And it remains a little tiny. But this did not affect the taste in the future. We tear off the dough from the dough. We roll into the sausage. Cut into pieces. Since I have 2 squirrels, 2 mushrooms and 2 nuts, then respectively 2 larger pieces, 2 smaller and 2 even smaller. Under the squirrels and mushrooms, I roll each piece into a sausage by hand. Under the squirrels, the sausage remains long. Under the nut, the sausage is flattened from the side of the cap with your thumb. Under the nuts, the whole piece is flattened with the thumb.
  • The pieces fit into their niches when the pan is well warmed up.
  • Nuts, squirrels, mushrooms from crispy dough with boiled condensed milk, oatmeal crisps and nuts
  • I fasten the sashes and squeeze the handles. I fry on one side, and then on the other. Nuts, squirrels, mushrooms from crispy dough with boiled condensed milk, oatmeal crisps and nuts
  • To be honest, the stove had to be washed later. As the oil leaked out during baking. It's a price to pay for crunchiness!
  • Nuts, squirrels, mushrooms from crispy dough with boiled condensed milk, oatmeal crisps and nuts
  • So I gradually overcook the whole dough. I learned how to measure normal portions from about the third batch. I pour the finished cookies on the table. There they cool off.
  • Nuts, squirrels, mushrooms from crispy dough with boiled condensed milk, oatmeal crisps and nuts
  • I carefully wrote down how much it turned out and ... I forgot where. Here is sclerosis. It seems about 40 pieces.
  • When everything is baked, I sat down to cut off the fried crispy edge. Cropped quickly. I put it on the breadboard and cut the knives around the edge. These crumbs are a little chopper with a rolling pin and also poured into the filling.
  • I filled all the cookie halves and stacked them with pairs.
  • Nuts, squirrels, mushrooms from crispy dough with boiled condensed milk, oatmeal crisps and nuts
  • Even those that did not guess by the volume of the dough bookmark were perfectly fastened and the figures were deformed. Then everything was well eaten.
  • Nuts, squirrels, mushrooms from crispy dough with boiled condensed milk, oatmeal crisps and nuts


There was a big surprise for the kids. And for adults it's just joy! Everyone has already forgotten these earlier such everyday delicacies. The nuts turned out to be very tasty, crunchy, crumbly. And they did not lose their properties for several days! It was just that there were so many tasty things on the New Year's table that we just overeat!
Nuts, squirrels, mushrooms from crispy dough with boiled condensed milk, oatmeal crisps and nuts
Cook with love, your Tumanchik!

Now about no less important, but very necessary. I want to share with you a recently discovered method of washing pans and tins from a yellow nasty oily film of burnt oil. My mother taught me at the moment when I was digging the Internet and torturing everyone on HP. And it turns out that she always did that. So, everything is as simple as always. Pour salt, baking soda and baby detergent in equal proportions into a large saucepan. Yes, don't be surprised. At first I also grimaced. But we wash these clothes, bed linen, handkerchiefs and underwear with powder. And everything enters the body through the skin no slower than through the mouth. Therefore, do not throw your slippers. Just if you are afraid - do not use it. And I don't believe that the detergents are "natural" and wash this kaku. How I believe that if it is written on the fence ..., then there is definitely nothing of the kind!
So, on the largest saucepan in my household (5 liters), there are 3 tablespoons with a large slide of each ingredient. Dirty dishes are immersed there with the head. All together bring to a boil and boil for at least 20 minutes, preferably under a lid. Then the fire turns off. In the same position, the dishes should cool. The same film will begin to move away already during boiling. After cooling, it will generally swell. Then the dishes are simply washed off well under running water with an ordinary sponge. The coating does not suffer. Here is a photo of my forms before and after. I also washed my old discarded silicone cake pan. Foolishly, I smeared it on for the first time and heated it separately. Who cares - use the recipe for laundering! Everything is very easy and stress-free!

Nuts, squirrels, mushrooms from crispy dough with boiled condensed milk, oatmeal crisps and nutsNuts, squirrels, mushrooms from crispy dough with boiled condensed milk, oatmeal crisps and nutsNuts, squirrels, mushrooms from crispy dough with boiled condensed milk, oatmeal crisps and nuts
Nuts, squirrels, mushrooms from crispy dough with boiled condensed milk, oatmeal crisps and nutsNuts, squirrels, mushrooms from crispy dough with boiled condensed milk, oatmeal crisps and nutsNuts, squirrels, mushrooms from crispy dough with boiled condensed milk, oatmeal crisps and nutsNuts, squirrels, mushrooms from crispy dough with boiled condensed milk, oatmeal crisps and nutsNuts, squirrels, mushrooms from crispy dough with boiled condensed milk, oatmeal crisps and nutsNuts, squirrels, mushrooms from crispy dough with boiled condensed milk, oatmeal crisps and nuts

Tumanchik, and Tumanchik !!! And you didn’t treat me to nuts !!! I want that too !!!
Quote: V-tina

Tumanchik, and Tumanchik !!! And you didn’t treat me to nuts !!! I want that too !!!
Well, this is for us three more conversations for another hour!
Irisha! I also have such a frying pan (only some nuts) since Soviet times! She is 35-40 years old. Somewhere in the closet, on the balcony. And really, what were the nuts! How did we bake them and then eat them? Just a holiday! Thank you for recalling youth! Only my dough is different, but it doesn't matter!
How lucky your children are that they have such a mother-needlewoman-entertainer!
Great cookies!
Tumanchik, Ir I have somewhere a hazelnut.
And there was a form of nuts, cones, mushrooms.
Good recipe, they used to bake a lot and it was so festive!
The filling is interesting!
Tomorrow I'll go to my neighbor, we can have such a form.
Quote: Tumanchik
Well, this is for us three more conversations for another hour!
and I will boil my waffle iron tomorrow according to your recipe and together we will stir up something later
Quote: Guzel62
I also have such a frying pan (only some nuts) since Soviet times! She is 35-40 years old.Somewhere in the closet, on the balcony.
it's time to get and delight yourself and your loved ones!

Quote: Anatolyevna
Ir I have somewhere hazelnut.
And there was a form of nuts, cones, mushrooms.
exactly, exactly! from childhood!
thank you my beloved Tonechka!
Quote: V-tina
and I will boil my waffle iron tomorrow according to your recipe and together we will stir up something later
without a bazaar!

the second tomorrow will be - tired, otherwise Lesha will throw out the laptop

Ira! Great and topical recipe! Thank you
And then I have a new electrical rack, I still can't get myself to bother the nuts.
Here the other day it struck me to concoct a viscous creamy filling with nuts, so that it would stick to my teeth like a soft toffee (there is such a memory from childhood: at least kill me, those nuts at the birthday party of some half-familiar girl were simply unforgettable). I'll go buy a toffee tomorrow and cook condensed milk better

Thanks for the laundering method !!! Although we have a dishwasher, there is a lot of the whole kitchen house that either cannot be stuffed there or does not fit ... I also know a variant of a mixture with soda ash, but I used it only for the grate of an ancient hood, it is too poisonous. I'll try your way too
Tricia-Nastusha, I hope you will bake now! I will be glad if you like it! And if you share the recipe for the filling, it's just great! Thank you dear!
I also had such a form lying around somewhere, while my daughter was small, she often baked mushrooms. The filling is interesting.
Irisha, so that the stove does not get dirty, I specially cover the entire surface with foil, I buy a wide one.
Thanks for the recipe
Tumanchik, Irochka, thank you very much for such beloved nuts since childhood. I haven't baked them for a year now, I completely forgot about them, I need to bake my daughter urgently))) That year I bought inexpensive completely new Soviet forms of mushrooms and nuts, I baked them often. We must make up for lost time))))) Thanks for the recipe, my dear, I will definitely bake it.

Irishik, tell me, please, how did you clean the old oil from the mold? Our homemade uniform with squirrels is very old, so I want to wash it, but I did not dare to rub it.

Marfusha5, can I follow Ira while she sleeps?
Quote: Marfusha5
Can you please tell me how you washed the old oil off the mold?
Immediately under the recipe for nuts with squirrels under the spoiler, the whole process of washing forms is detailed, I plan to try it today, let's go together
Quote: nakapustina
Thanks for the recipe

Quote: Marfusha5
Thank you for the recipe, my dear, I will definitely bake it.
girls thank you very much! bake to your health! glad you liked!
Quote: V-tina
can I follow Ira while she sleeps?

Quote: nakapustina
Irisha, so that the stove does not get dirty, I specially cover the entire surface with foil, I buy a wide one.
EXACTLY! thank you dear!
Tumanchik, straight to childhood you brought me back! I baked in childhood with my mother and grandmother, I helped to start. Only for some reason I tried to crawl out of the walnut condensed milk and I licked it for accuracy. But it's beautiful. As a result of being caught behind the design of such a wonderful assistant poured out of the kitchen excommunicated
Separately, thanks for the cleaning bonus. My grandmother cooked from soda-soap and silicate glue. By the way, tea towels were boiled in the same way.
Quote: Scarlett
As a result, such a wonderful assistant, caught behind the design, was poured out of the kitchen and excommunicated.
they didn’t understand anything in life Tanyusha! I'm sure they did it themselves. they were just shy about you or envied ...
Quote: Scarlett
Separately, thanks for the cleaning bonus. My grandmother cooked from soda-soap and silicate glue. By the way, tea towels were boiled in the same way.
Quote: Tumanchik
they did not understand anything of life Tanyusha! I'm sure they did it themselves. just shy about you or envied ...
Quite possibly
Tumanchik, Irishik, thanks for the recipe from childhood, straight nostalgia!
I used to bake nuts too, but I can’t bear to roll the dough on them, so at least I will admire yours!
Oh, what cookies! Now I will look for forms ...
And I also wash everything in my mother's way - in a jar I mix baking soda with grated household soap, dilute it with hot water and spread it on dirty, leave it for several hours. And then what is possible I boil, what is not - I just wash off. When there is no ready-made mixture and I am too lazy to mess around, I generally lather it well and fill it with soda on top. It usually helps a lot.
Quote: Trishka
I used to bake nuts too, but I can't stand the dough to roll on them, so at least I will love yours
well! if anything, then I'm mulberry
Quote: An4utka
Oh, what cookies! Now I will look for forms ...
Thank you for your attention and cleaning method! will know
Cookies from Soviet childhood. Each family had such different pans. How delicious it was!
Quote: Tumanchik
I dug the Internet and tortured everyone on HP.
Tortured the wrong person Still the Soviet way. But instead of soda, lye was put, instead of powder, washing soap and silicate glue were added for some reason, ordinary, transparent. They boiled the pans, if someone had them covered with a black bloom of burning (it is better not to bring it to this from the first day), a couple of hours and left to cool. Black soot flew off with a bang.
Tumanchik, I want too!!!! Now I know what to order my mother to bring from Russia! Scarlet flowers an old frying pan! Thank you for making us happy with such recipes
Quote: ang-kay

Cookies from Soviet childhood. Each family had such different pans. How delicious it was! Tortured the wrong person Still the Soviet way. But instead of soda, lye was put, instead of powder, washing soap and silicate glue were added for some reason, ordinary, transparent. They boiled the pans, if someone had them covered with a black bloom of burning (it is better not to bring it to this from the first day), a couple of hours and left to cool. Black soot flew off with a bang.
exactly Angela! as long as I can remember, as many of these pans
I knew this method, but I don't have it on the farm. and salt, soda and powder like shoe polish
Quote: prona

Tumanchik, I want too!!!! Now I know what to order my mother to bring from Russia! Scarlet flowers an old frying pan! Thank you for making us happy with such recipes
oh Natasha, I can imagine what a surprise there will be for everyone who lives next to you. I suppose they have forgotten theirs already, and many have not tried this at all! be sure to cook!
Tumanchik, silicate glue (aka - liquid glass) is sold in all hardware stores, it costs a big bottle of a penny. Stationery in stationery is more expensive and now it has become not quite "that"
Quote: Scarlett

Tumanchik, silicate glue (aka - liquid glass) is sold in all hardware stores, it costs a big bottle of a penny. Stationery in stationery is more expensive and now it has become not quite "that"
Well, why should I add construction silicate glue (which is also liquid glass?), for which I have to reach for a construction special store, if I have powder in my shelf?
No, I'm so, for example. The most nadot skivirodki put in order ..... send them, stoll, to Belarus
Quote: Scarlett
send them, stoll, to Belarus
come on, come on ... you will buy a Zepter set for the cost of shipping yourself
Tumanchik, Irina!
Since childhood, I do not just love, but very much I love all kinds of squirrels and nuts!
We must try yours too ...
I took the recipe to the "bins"!

But first, I will tidy up the molds according to your recipe ... really, there is no baby powder ... will a simple one fit?

Quote: Borisyonok
Since childhood, I do not just love, but very much I love all kinds of squirrels and nuts!
We must try yours too ...
act Lenusya!

Quote: Borisyonok
really, there is no baby powder ... a simple one?

Quote: Tumanchik
come on, come on ... you will buy a Zepter set for the cost of shipping yourself
Rzhot she And I have a "septor" and not nat for nothing - I'm sho, what a potbelly stove

Quote: Borisyonok
But first, I'll tidy up the forms according to your recipe ...
Some are lucky! And my ex-husband used to buy metal. I caught myself late. And now they are selling g ... on a stick
Quote: Scarlett
And my ex-husband used to buy metal
Yes, now I myself sometimes tear the last hairs on myself! so much I threw away in my youth ... only now I understand - what masterpieces I had in my hands !!!
Quote: Scarlett
And my ex-husband used to buy metal
Quote: Borisyonok
so much I threw away in my youth ...
Yes, I know ... I know ... it's now I'm bringing all the whispers to the house ... but before ...
how young we were....
Oh, Iruskin !!! Directly reminded of childhood !!!
Irishka, wonderful purchase of hazelnuts and recipe 🔗
I also have a Soviet hazelnut, but I have an electric ceramic stove. Once, in my youth, I prepared all kinds of nuts, squirrels and cookies for my cousin in the village for a wedding in a huge box of 20 kg butter.
Quote: inka_kot
Oh, Iruskin !!! Directly reminded of childhood!

Quote: Albina
Once, in my youth, I prepared all kinds of nuts, squirrels and cookies for my cousin in the village for a wedding in a huge box of 20 kg butter.
that's what I understand!
Irina, then nuts and squirrels were generally a wonder. These nuts can now be bought in the store. I also sometimes think about where to bake these nostalgic treats.
Quote: Borisyonok
really, there is no baby powder
I boiled mine in the summer in a mixture of soda ash and laundry soap = similar
Irina, as it is good that she reminded them, lie on the mezzanine and a hazelnut and a waffle iron, you will need to find and please the granddaughters.
Irishik, I've been baking nuts with condensed milk for 20 years for the New Year (we have such a tradition, you know). My recipe is really different. And I cut off the uneven edges with ordinary scissors, it's very convenient for me, maybe it will come in handy too
Quote: Rusalca

Irishik, I've been baking nuts with condensed milk for 20 years for the New Year (we have such a tradition, you know). My recipe is really different. And I cut off the uneven edges with ordinary scissors, it's very convenient for me, maybe it will come in handy too
Thank you Anechka! You can cut it as conveniently as possible, the main thing is to send the cuttings to the filling. After all, in this recipe they are crispy! Do not get wet!
Quote: Tumanchik
You can cut it as conveniently as possible, the main thing is to send the cuttings to the filling.
I do it even more cunningly. Since I bake a lot of nuts, there are also a lot of scraps. I put them in a separate cup and hide it. And after the New Year, when absolutely FSE is eaten and I already want something else tasty, I take out the cherished cup, if necessary, a little bit of trimming, mix them with a small amount of boiled condensed milk, make balls, roll them in crushed walnuts or in coconut and voila - the yummy is ready!
Can you lay out a separate recipe: balls of scraps from nuts?
I’m just looking for a hazelnut, can you advise me if there is such a tirpa a multi-maker that there would be 3 in one with a hazelnut?
Quote: Rusalca

I do it even more cunningly. Since I bake a lot of nuts, there are also a lot of scraps. I put them in a separate cup and hide it. And after the New Year, when absolutely FSE is eaten and I already want something else tasty, I take out the cherished cup, if necessary, a little bit of trimming, mix them with a small amount of boiled condensed milk, make balls, roll them in crushed walnuts or in coconut and voila - the yummy is ready!
Can you lay out a separate recipe: balls of scraps from nuts?
Stunned! That's where the specialist is! Well done! Take a note! But the recipe itself, please. I would put my own up - accumulated for a good year. Describe only sesst. And time, as always, is short.So go for it! and STILL WANT YOUR PIE WITH A MIRACLE FORM TO COOK. I always remember about him!
NAR, I think so to you here!
there girls know everything. I'm sure - they will prompt!
Nuts, squirrels, mushrooms from crispy dough with boiled condensed milk, oatmeal crisps and nuts
tana33why fell apart? Fat hit in the head? Still .. so much beauty without us ..
Bona fide
Ira, How glad I am for your sweets! Enchantress! In an instant, she returned to her wonderful childhood - then we had a whole ritual with a "division of labor", and there were bears instead of squirrels ... Twelve years ago she threw out my mother's hazelnut as unnecessary. Now I regretted it ... I'll look at the grannies, because thanks to you, now there will be no problems with laundering to a decent state. I am taking it to your bookmarks and will definitely use it!

we will revive family traditions

Thank you, Irochka, for a wonderful recipe and pleasant memories!
When I see your avka, there is such joy in my heart !!!!
Quote: Bona fide
Twelve years ago I threw out my mother's hazelnut as unnecessary. Now I regretted it ... I'll look at the grannies, because thanks to you, now there will be no problems with laundering to a decent state.
Yes, you are not alone, do not worry!
Quote: Bona fide
Thank you, Irochka, for a wonderful recipe and pleasant memories!
Thank you my dear for all the kind words!

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