
Category: Dishes from cereals and flour products
Kitchen: Moldavian


sunflower oil 2/3 cup
water 1/3 cup
salt pinch
sauerkraut or salted cabbage

Cooking method

  • VarzarePut the cabbage in a pan and dry it. According to the main recipe, she is fried in oil, but for our family it turns out very fatty.
    VarzareWhile the cabbage is drying, mix the oil, water and salt.
    VarzareWe knead the dough. The dough should be very soft, if you overdo it with flour, then you won't be able to roll out thinly, the layers will tear strongly and when baking the dough will become hard, not tender, crunchy.
  • VarzareThe water from the cabbage was evaporated, it turned out so yellow, no longer crunches, but also not very soft.
    VarzareCut the dough into pieces. The dough lay down and exfoliated, so before we roll out each piece we wrinkle a little in our hands.
    VarzareThe dough rolls out very easily, thinly, without flour. We put the filling and fold.
    VarzareThese are the tubes obtained
    VarzareIt was my little helper who stole a piece of dough and a sausage.
    VarzareBake in the oven until golden brown. Now my oven is old, so they don't bake evenly.
    VarzareIt turns out very tender crunchy, such delicious "pies". Sweet coffee for breakfast is so delicious.


I brought this recipe to my family from the parental home. And these "pies" (I didn’t yet know what they were called correctly) my mother always cooked on the field for a snack when harvesting potatoes. To grow potatoes with my father's work, they allocated a field on which they cut plots for everyone, planted everything in one day, so the field was plowed with a tractor, and everything was dripped in one day, since the tractor then transported the crop to the dachas. And we always came the very last of all, quickly and shock everything dug up, put in bags and then sat on the grass and then my mother took out cocoa in a thermos, tomatoes, onions and these tubes. It seemed that nothing in life could be tastier. Everyone was working, and we were lying around, looking at the work done and the high blue sky, listening to the noise of birches and ate.
My husband really appreciated this dish, although now I sometimes add sausages to cabbage or processed cheese and we cook it very often. Here is such a small tradition of a weekend breakfast we have developed.
Bon Appetit everyone.

Olechka-Tulpasha, what a clever girl you are! Are you a participant ?! That's great! I expect surprises, stories and recipes from you! Well done!
For pies, mind you, I'm the first! With cocoa !!! Adore! Very beautiful and effective. History takes it for the soul - after all, we have always planted potatoes this way. Also with my father's work ... And on the field there is always bacon, boiled eggs, potatoes ... I want pies! Thank you.


Tumanchik, Irochka, thanks for the rating, it's so nice. True, it's very tasty, I hope you enjoy it. The eldest daughter used to only drag dough, and now she cracks with cabbage.
Quote: olgea
The eldest daughter used to only drag dough, and now she cracks with cabbage.
let the healthy mother's helpers grow!
Such interesting cigars turned out.
And yesterday I put the cabbage to ferment, according to Tumanchik. Just today I thought I wanted sauerkraut pies. And here, Olchik, you are with your beauty.
Quote: Tumanchik
let the healthy mother's helpers grow!
Ira, this is the most important thing, thank you.
Quote: Bridge
And here, Olchik, you are with your beauty.
Natasha, thank you. Try it, you should like it.
olgea, thanks for the interesting recipe and story! Ideal for a pizza maker Princess.
IpatiyaPlease, I'm very glad that I liked the recipe.
Olya, a very interesting recipe! I'll have to try.
And it's a pleasure to work with the dough. I love them
Quote: olgea
sunflower oil 2-3 glasses
? !! How much flour to take - and how many pies do you get? ..

Quote: TATbRHA
How much flour to take - and how many pies do you get? ..
Tan, thanks for the hint, instead of a line, an oblique hyphen stood up.
olgea, Olya, the name attracted me !! Very interesting!
A very interesting recipe. I love the sauerkraut filling. Thank you
olgeaand the photograph and most importantly, the title is impressive. They looked very much like Vietnamese pancakes (although I think there is a completely different dough made from rice miki). Monosem to bookmark before sauerkraut, or maybe try with fresh cabbage filling?
Girls, now I will rake with work and I will answer everyone. Thank you.
You can also enjoy such pies during fasting. Thanks for the recipe, bookmark it.
Hmm, I call them cabbage pies on lean dough
True, there is less oil. Baking in the Princess and in the oven. The oven is better.
In my topic, we have already discussed the name "Varzare"
Quote: Natalishka
In my topic, we have already discussed the name "Varzare"
And the search gave nothing, neither by ingredients, nor by name. Well, there are never too many pies.
Quote: Natalia Voronezh
Olya, a very interesting recipe!
Natalia, the recipe is not only interesting, but also very simple. Try it, I really hope you like it.

Quote: Natalek
And it's a pleasure to work with the dough.
Yes, the dough is a fairy tale. Soft, non-sticky, rolls out to any thickness. The beauty.

Quote: Masinen
olgea, Olya, the name attracted me !!
Yes, Mash, the name was unexpected and I recognized it well, maybe 5 years ago, when I began to more actively search for recipes on the Internet.

Quote: kirch
Thank you
Please, I'm very glad.
Quote: degteva
can try stuffed with fresh cabbage?
Natalya, I sometimes think to try this dough with a different filling, but my hands haven’t gotten around for so many years, so there is a certain taste that is combined with this dough, I can’t imagine another. Thank you for your interest.

Quote: Lёlik
You can also enjoy such pies during fasting. Thanks for the recipe, bookmark it.
Please, despite the simple ingredients, the dish turns out to be quite satisfying, the dough is so fatty and tasty.
Ol, cool tube pies!
olgea, Olga, bune ziua! And where is the parental home, if not a secret? Maybe next to my parents' house?
Quote: galchonok
cool tube pies!
Checkmark, thanks.

Quote: paramed1
And where is the parental home, if not a secret?
Veronica, parents live in the Kurgan region. Are yours near?
Olya, mine, unfortunately, is already there, upstairs ... But I am half Moldovan, lived in Bendery. I thought you were from there. Lean, stretched dough is very popular in Moldova. I love everything of this type very much, and twirl, and placinda, and saralie. Your recipe prompted me to cook. I will definitely do it, only a little later, now with time nothing.
Veronica, my mother is from western Ukraine, my grandfather is Pole on my mother's side, but my grandmother does not know exactly who, but the recipe itself is from my grandmother.
And the dough is delicious.
paramed1what intriguing names of dishes. Is it possible in more detail? olgea, sorry that in your topic I ask questions about other dishes
Quote: degteva
I'm sorry that in your topic I'm asking questions about other dishes
Natalya, I'm interested in myself.
Scops owl
Ol, I read your story and remember my childhood. Thanks for the pies (I took it to bookmarks) and for the memories
Iron respect. Everything is clear and elegantly described, with photos. It is difficult to convey the taste, but I can already imagine a meal! And the name is so unique!
Quote: Scops owl
Thank you for the pies (took it to your bookmarks) and for the memories
Larissa, please, very glad that you liked it.
Quote: Qwerty87
Iron respect.
And for your trust.
And at what temperature you need to bake such pies, I would not want to spoil the dish with the wrong baked goods.That is, at least approximately how many degrees it is.
Quote: brendabaker
And at what temperature you need to bake such pies, I would not want to spoil the dish with the wrong baked goods. That is, at least approximately how many degrees it is.
I have a very ordinary oven, with such a twist by degrees, and I definitely don't know if it's true as much as there is on a twist. But I put it at 200 degrees.
Got it, thank you, I have about the same. I love the taste of twirls, and with such a portioned molding it will be super!
olgeaThank you Olya. Once I was visiting Moldova, and I was treated to such pies. The taste is awesome. I took it to the bookmarks.
Sauerkraut is on the way.
Quote: olgea
can try with filling
There was also a filling with fried or stewed onions.
Quote: Fofochka
Olya thanks.
Please, yeah, this is delicious.
Baked in brine. Vegetable oil 125 g (another time, I think, it can be less), flour 325 g, brine 130 g. Knead in a bread machine, baked in the oven. It turned out 10 pieces. Very cool!! Fast, clean, tasty. A guest came, they and my husband (the first - with vodka, the second - with beer) flew away at once. olgea, Thank you.
TATbRHAThank you Tan for trying the recipe. I have never baked in brine, I will definitely try.
Even though I know Moldavian cuisine, I have never heard such a name or ate ... I was interested in the recipe, but I got my hands on it, only now ... TASTY !!!

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