Cookies "Drowned"

Category: Confectionery
Drowned Cookie


margarine 300 g
flour 400 g
yeast 40 g
milk 6 tbsp. l.
salt 1/2 tsp
filling (nuts, jam, poppy seeds)

Cooking method

  • Stumbled upon an old recipe notebook. My mother also collected them. I immediately remembered childhood and my mother's delicious pastries. I rummaged through the Internet and found out that the dough for this cookie is one of the variants of the French dough.
  • 1 Dissolve the yeast in warm milk. The original recipe contains fresh yeast. I replaced them with instant ones.
  • 2 Mix the softened margarine with flour, salt, milk.
  • 3 Roll the dough into a ball and immerse it in cold water for 2 hours. I held less than about an hour. The ball should float up. Drowned Cookie
  • 4 Dip the ball in flour. Roll out the dough.
  • Drowned Cookie
  • 5. Cut the dough into squares.
  • Drowned Cookie
  • Add filling and roll up.
  • Drowned Cookie
  • 6. Bake in a preheated oven for 20-25 minutes.
  • Drowned Cookie
  • 7. Sprinkle with powdered sugar.

The dish is designed for

20-25 pieces

Time for preparing:

2-2.5 hours


Any filling can be: jam, nuts, poppy seeds. I used lingonberry jam, pre-mixed with starch.

Thanks for the recipe reminder! Please tell me how much dry yeast is used in the recipe?
The further the more interesting. We bathed the rolls in boiling water, soak them for an hour in cold water. And what does it give?
In childhood, such a cake was often baked, sooo delicious.
How much dry yeast is used in a recipe?
Did the first time. I put 1 tbsp on the eye. spoon without a slide.
Quote: iris. ka
soak in cold water for an hour. And what does it give?
I was also interested in this question. Here's what I read. Water acts as a shell for the dough and prevents carbon dioxide from escaping. Due to this, the fermentation process is faster. During normal fermentation, some of the gases go into the air and the process is slower.
interesting - interesting) today I will try this recipe

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