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Fermented tea made from leaves of garden and wild plants (master class) (page 45)

Elena Kadiewa
Girls, my first country tea is drying! The smell is stunned, the mood has already risen! Today we have a downpour from 4 in the morning, with thunder and lightning, it still pours, water is everywhere, I have a child in anger, it's time to walk for a long time and more than once, but here there is water everywhere, well, he made me guilty, like I arranged it all, the pig barked. I had to dress in a waterproof suit, rubber boots and swim in puddles, I got wet anyway, but he came all dirty. So, the mood has risen after the beginning of drying, now you can put some bread, otherwise it’s not in the mood ... And Ivanushka is fermented, so the mood is secured for a long time, now I’ll put honey, I’ve boiled the flowers yesterday
Mary Poppins
lappl1, wow !! These are granules !! If anyone could try it in the industrial one, if such granules work out, then even if I'm not ready, I will tend to the industrial one.

Yes, of course, together we will come up with

elena kadiewado you still have flowers? everything has faded long ago. I tried to make fireweed honey, but I poured a lot of water. Evaporated, but still remained liquid. But delicious.

Elena Kadiewa
Ivan still has tea, but already the leaves are tough, and yesterday I found a young one, but he did not have one trunk, but several, collected one leaf at a time. And tell me about the currants, if without a freezer, then nothing at all? I would like to do mono.
Quote: elena kadiewa
my first country tea is being dried !!! The smell is stunned, the mood has already risen!
Elena, I am very happy for you!
Girls, I told you that our tea has a psychotherapeutic effect! Moreover, at any stage of its preparation and consumption!
Quote: elena kadiewa
Now I'll put the honey on the boil, yesterday the flowers boiled
Cool ! The fireweed is still blooming! How much more tea you can make! Lena, don't miss the opportunity ...
And we, too, have been raining in the morning - lazy, but you can't pick the leaves ... For the whole week, it seems, has charged ...
Quote: elena kadiewa
And tell me about currants, if without a freezer, then in general nothing? I would like to do mono.
Elena, unfortunately, no way ... Rather, you can make tea, but it will all crumble. Make currants with fireweed. Fireweed will not let her crumble. It should turn out well.
Quote: Mary Poppins
wow !! These are granules !!
Eh, we can't achieve such things yet ...
Quote: Mary Poppins
If anyone could try it on the industrial
If only come to the market with leaves and ask the meat sellers to test. But hardly anyone would agree. You can also try to do this in cafes and restaurants - if someone has such acquaintances in public catering ... I have not acquired such acquaintances yet. In Alma-Ata I could do it without any problems - many friends work in this area.
Mary Poppins
In the market, hardly anyone will agree. in Moscow, maybe I will, but I'm not sure. But there are no apple leaves - you need to test on it. There are leaves here, but no one with an industrial grinder. I will look.
But it seems to me that such granules will not work from an apple tree - it is now dry. Even though it is tough with Ivan Chai, it has a lot more juice.
It's good to test on Ivan tea, but it's gone.
Elena Kadiewa
Is it possible from a bowl from a farm. take a little fireweed and dry it, the smell is painfully pleasant, and leave the rest further, or is it better not to disturb?
Mary Poppins
so my over-fermented and overcooked fireweed
Fermented tea made from leaves of garden and wild plants (master class)
The taste is still not very good, I already know the taste of normal tea, it has definitely stopped.But let it stand, even if when all my tea is over, I'll drink this one too.

Apple tea with small red apples - Chinese, I suppose. I don't know for sure, this is from a neighboring abandoned site
Fermented tea made from leaves of garden and wild plants (master class)
I cut the apples and dried them. Dried leaves, without freezing, went through a Panasonic meat grinder well, better than an ordinary apple tree.
The taste is delicate, fruity. I liked the tea very much. On the right is the fortress - two teaspoons per glass of water. Used as a tea leaves separately with the addition of boiling water.

I apologize for the quality, I can only use the camera in two weeks, now only a tablet.
Elena Kadiewa
Quote: lappl1
And in what proportions?
Quote: elena kadiewa
bowls from the farm. take a little fireweed and dry it, the smell is painfully pleasant, and leave the rest further, or is it better not to disturb?
Elena, you won't disturb you, but you won't feel the taste and aroma of the tea. Without drying, it is still not tea.
Quote: elena kadiewa
And in what proportions?
You can 50:50
Quote: Mary Poppins
my over-fermented and overcooked fireweed
Quote: Mary Poppins
Apple tea with small red apples - Chinese
Mary Poppins, everything looks gorgeous! And with apples tea looks very soulful. Thank you for the photo - very beautiful! And how you designed it with leaves great!
Mary Poppins
lappl1, Thank you
These are not leaves, these are just dried apples)
If I have time, I will dry a little, I think they will decorate any tea. I also dried some blackberries, blueberries, fireweed flowers and leaves from a sunflower flower for tea. Sunflower leaves look great in tea!

Did you hear about the border of the photo? this is a program for photos downloaded, there is a lot of everything))
I was the first to share the tea on purpose - it looks like natural black tea. If it were not for the aftertaste of overstated, it would be completely indistinguishable from ordinary store-bought black tea)
Wow, I didn't think about sunflower. We urgently need to dry! Thank you, Mary Poppins, for the idea! And blackberries also need to be dried. And I talked about the leaves, which are on the frame. I guessed about the apples. I always dry apples, but I don't have such red ones. I need to walk around the village, maybe I will find such beauty ...
Mary Poppins
Yes please!! You have already shared so much that I did not expect to surprise you with something))
here with fireweed flowers and sunflower leaves.
Fermented tea made from leaves of garden and wild plants (master class)

I saw the idea in some purchased tea.
Mary Poppins, THE BEAUTY ! I have no words ! That's it, I went to the neighboring potato field to collect sunflower leaves. Itself this year did not plant a sunflower. Only the dryer is still busy with mushrooms ... Never mind, I'll dry it in the oven.
Quote: Mary Poppins
I saw the idea in some purchased tea.
The idea is great!
Yes, Lyudochka killed on the spot with Siberian granules. I am shocked at how they pressed them. Yes, everything in Siberia is so strong!
Mary Poppins
Quote: lappl1

Itself this year did not plant a sunflower. Only the dryer is still busy with mushrooms ... Never mind, I'll dry it in the oven. The idea is great!
My leaves dried perfectly in the attic. But in the oven it will be faster.
I'm glad that I liked the idea))
Quote: Loksa
Lyudochka killed on the spot with Siberian granules.
Oksana, I'm not all alone to suffer ... I decided to post a photo here too. In general, there is something to strive for ...
Mary Poppins, it was not possible to collect the petals yet - the rain is drizzling, without ceasing. The petals will stick together. Maybe tomorrow the rain will calm down a little. Although the prognosis is poor.
Mary Poppins, I went to a neighbor for permission to cut off the petals of a sunflower, on the way I picked some Jerusalem artichoke flowers and some other flower - I don't know the name. I put it in the oven to dry. Tomorrow I will cut off the sunflower.

Fermented tea made from leaves of garden and wild plants (master class)
Luda, this is Jerusalem artichoke and passionflower. They are from the same family, both very useful. I wrote that I made tea from the leaves, I was not impressed with bitterness, although the color of good black tea. Added to other teas for color. But the flowers-petals did not guess to dry. Well, okay, I'll come to the dacha, I'll cut it off ....
Quote: lappl1
Alla, it seems to me that if you dry tea in the oven, it turns out darker. After all, there is no 100 * in the dryer. And that "frying", which is obligatory in the production of traditional tea, cannot be obtained in the dryer. Have you noticed the difference between tea from the dryer and the oven?
Ludmila, I dried the first teas in the oven, for this I bought it. But I didn't like drying the grape leaves in the oven, they are very moist and the aroma is less, and the tea leaves look the same. But the last tea grapes (7 varieties) + apple, some kind of madness, left a bag on the window in the bedroom for a day, and here such a strong aroma. Probably it's from co-fermentation.
Lina, thanks, I'll know! Otherwise, the owner of the flower does not know its name. Today I looked at my annual multi-colored dahlias. You can also dry the petals. Linochka, Oksana and I are waiting for your cider and champagne recipe.
Quote: francevna
last tea grapes (7 varieties) + apple, some kind of madness, left a bag on the window in the bedroom for a day, and here such a strong aroma. Probably it's from co-fermentation.
AllaI also noticed that co-fermentation greatly enriches the taste and aroma of tea. So we are on the right track!
Ludmila, I wrote about the Siberian granulated Ivan-tea, the granules are dense, but not large, as in the picture. But I didn't like the tea at all.
Wild Rose
you have such a funky post, written with love, you are great, bravo

Question to those present: yesterday I made tea from wild cherry leaves for the first time and it seems to me that the tea smells like buckwheat, maybe I have something wrong with my nose. What is the flavor of your cherry tea?
Quote: lappl1
Linochka, Oksana and I are waiting for your cider and champagne recipe
Yes, there is already a whole crowd waiting! I’ll bottle it this week, take a photo and publish it.
Quote: francevna
I wrote about the Siberian granulated Ivan-tea, the granules are dense, but not large, as in the picture. But I didn't like the tea at all.
Allaso I remember. Then I immediately went to look for this Siberian in the internet! So he killed me on the spot with his beauty. And I remember how cool you spoke about him. But the granules impressed me!
Quote: Wild Rose
You have such an awesome post, written with love, you are well done, bravo Question to those present: yesterday I made tea from wild cherry leaves for the first time and it seems to me that the tea smells like buckwheat, maybe I have something wrong with my nose. What is the flavor of your cherry tea?
Wild RoseThank you very much for evaluating the recipe. I am very pleased !
I don't know what kind of tea comes from wild cherries. But from the usual garden it smells very tasty and strong, with cherry notes, but not buckwheat!
Check the smell of your wild cherries before withering. When the collected leaves are in a bag, stick your nose into this very bag. If the smell is pleasant, then the tea should be fragrant (for the most part).
Quote: Linadoc
I’ll bottle it this week, take a photo and publish it.
Linochka, great! We will wait !
Mary Poppins
lappl1, very beautiful flowers! I saw such somewhere, but did not know if they could be added to tea. Jerusalem artichoke with a dark center or yellow?
And I dry only pharmacy chamomile. I didn’t know that the other one can also be used.
Mary Poppins, but I also do not know if this passion flower can be used. We must look about him on the internet. Or Lina will enlighten us. Jerusalem artichoke is very useful (flowers with a light core). I picked a chamomile on the way - she was alone. I have already dried the pharmacy too, but it is small. And here is a larger leaf.
The central flower below the chamomile and diagonally from the chamomile in the upper right corner is rudbeckia.
Check mark, Thank you ! And it's edible, don't you know? I’ll even put the question in a different way - will you not poison her?
Lyudmila, as far as I know, this is an ornamental plant. It is not edible.
Today I suffered a fiasco with twisting the leaves of the chokeberry in a meat grinder I could not twist anything, she somehow grunted at me, crunched and I turned it off from sin. The leaves had to be rubbed with hands. Well, that was not much.
In general, here's what I found about rudbeckia:
The complex of biologically active substances that make up the extract of rudbeckia delifolia provide its immunotropic effect, which is not inferior to the tincture of Echinacea purpurea.
This means we will not be poisoned. You can still pick.
Quote: + Gala +
Today I suffered a fiasco with twisting the leaves of the chokeberry in a meat grinder I could not twist anything, she somehow grunted at me, crunched and I turned it off from sin.
Galina, yes, such a blackberry! I, too, now beware of twisting it in my meat grinder. I will make leaf tea through freezing. Or a joint tea with raspberries, for example ...
Quote: lappl1

I will make leaf tea through freezing.
Lyudmila, that is, freeze and grind by hand?
Yes, first freeze, then defrost, forcefully roll a pea of ​​leaves with a rolling pin, then twist the rolls, cut into washers, put in a container under the oppression for fermentation for 6 - 8 hours, dry ...
I like granulated tea more - both in taste and in aroma. But for the third year I have been mocking my meat grinder. Although it works fine, the cherry and black chokeberry are clogging it. After twisting, I barely tear off the adhering lumps. I think it won't last that long. So I'd better take care ...
Oh, but I twisted them, but didn't cut them into washers, and already put them on fermentation
Lyudmila, can this be done before the oven, or is it better to take it out and cut it again now?
Galya, you did everything right. Don't change anything. This time. And next time try to cut it before fermentation. This will ferment better, as the layer will be denser. This is Galina Iv. improved the process.
That is great!
Lyudochka, thanks for coming to the rescue quickly!
To your health, Checkmark! If I am at the computer, then I quickly answer ...
Luda, I brought wet willow tea (I collected it in the rain,) I know that it’s bad, etc. I couldn’t walk past.) The question is whether to leave it until morning or wrap it in a sheet. It has been lying for two hours already, almost dry.
About passionflower (longevity), we are all confused, for everyone it belongs to violets and generally looks different. And we call passionflower (longevity) what everyone calls heliopsis. Therefore, it is more correct to call it either longevity or heliopsis. We still have a subspecies of it - a golden ball. But in fact, everything that Luda has in the photo is sunflower. These include sunflower, ragweed, echinacea, heliopsis, rudbeckia, zinnia, helianthus (Jerusalem artichoke). All contain inulin, which is converted to fructose. Therefore, it is useful for diabetics.
Quote: Omela
I brought Ivan-tea wet (I picked it in the rain,) I know it's bad, etc.
Oksan, I would leave to dry until morning without a cloth. However, I did just that - after the rain I picked fireweed the day before yesterday. I collected it in the evening, twisted it in the morning.
Yeah, ATP, so I will.) I also brought a bag of rowan, early of course, but it’s too good .. I washed it, dry it, freeze it, then dry it. And I wanted to scroll the leaves, but they were all defective, I didn't like it.
Quote: Linadoc
But in fact, everything that Luda has in the photo is sunflower.
Linochka, thanks! I learn so much new from you! Well, all the sunflower seeds! Only without seeds!
I think that the number of petals that we will add to tea will not make much of the weather. The main thing here is beauty! Well, if they are also useful, then beauty is doubly ...
Quote: Omela
I also brought a bag of rowan,
Nothing! How did you collect it? She's small ...
And I haven’t picked rowan yet, and I haven’t tore the leaves - the neighbor hasn’t given the go-ahead to pick it up yet ...

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