
KnadezhdaM, why not according to the rules We bake homemade bread for our family too, so any options are good! Let there be such flat bread, if only you like it at home!

Bake to your health!
Admin, tell me please, you can bake this handsome man without a stone, I want to please my one with a delicious bread tomorrow, but it takes time to find a stone
Quote: villoy79

Admin, tell me please, you can bake this handsome man without a stone, I want to please my one with a delicious bread tomorrow, but it takes time to find a stone

It is possible without a stone, but the stone helps the bread to keep the temperature on the hearth, due to which it becomes such a good shape.

Take a large skillet instead of a stone, and heat it the same way as a stone.
Thank you very much, I'll try it tomorrow. and thanks to you, I learned how to control the bun in the bakery, otherwise, according to the recipes of the site, breads in the bread maker did not always work, thanks again
Admin, thanks again for the recipe! Now I bake white bread with a minimum of yeast. It turns out that this is possible. Here, I just got your Palyanichka out of the oven. Here it is, hot, hot, with only 2-2.5 g of compressed yeast. A little higher, I already wrote about how I made a palyanichka, but there I added more ripe dough, and here - only 2-2.5 g of presses. yeast. And she also put in liquids: 160 ml of milk and 120 ml of whey.
Milk cake on the hearth (oven)
I kneaded the dough into Pizza for 20-24 minutes, then added everything else and - on the French Dough mode. After kneading, I took out the dough, a spatula. The dough was returned back to HP. Until the end of the batch. And the mode there is 3:30 in time, quite a long time. Then she took out (and went up to 2/3 of the bucket), kneaded, and - in a round basket for proofing. I let it stand for more than an hour (about 1 hour 20 minutes) in a yogurt maker at a temperature of 26-27 degrees. At this time, she warmed up the oven with a stone. Then she laid out the dough, covering the basket with parchment, on the board. I cut it with a blade and smeared it with a mixture of yolk and milk. I laid it on the stone with parchment. About two minutes later, she popped out of the spray bottle. Temperature - 185-190 degrees. The temperature did not change. Baked for 35 minutes. I checked the readiness with a wooden skewer.
So if anyone is afraid of yeast, try baking it that way, with a minimum of it.

Oh, Tanyushawhat a handsome man! And how nice it is to look at your bread and be happy for you!

Bake to your health!
Admin, thanks for the recipe! The bread is delicious and so tender, white. I didn't have time to take a picture, they dared for a minute.

Well, okay, even without a photo, the main thing is that it's delicious and ate! Bake to your health!
I always baked palyanitsa only in the oven. Children ate on "Hurray!" But now, I decided to do it in a bread maker on a timer. The result is such a huge airy loaf:
Milk cake on the hearth (oven)

Loya, and the bread maker turned out beautiful bread, BRAVO! And may you be happy with bread in the oven and in the x / oven
This cake is half apple juice. Very tasty.Milk cake on the hearth (oven)

Nadia, what bread! Like Easter cakes, smooth, tidy, super bread! And they broke very beautifully, I love it when the crust cracks so beautifully and then crunches! It is very good to put bread on apple juice!

Nadyusha, BRAVO!
This is your gratitude for your kind words and the correct recipe - it is periodically repeated.
Admin! Thanks for the recipe! the bread turned out great
Quote: Deer

Admin! Thanks for the recipe! the bread turned out great

Bake to your health! Homemade bread is always tastier, your own!
Admin, once again made a cake in a bread maker. This time - on country milk (without adding water), instead of butter - country cream. Instead of sugar - honey.Admin, this bread is just a dump of your head (forgive me my French) !!! Half of the booze was done without question !!! Whoever has fresh milk and cream lying in the refrigerator accidentally - urgently in bread, you will not regret it!
Quote: Loya

Admin, once again made a cake in a bread maker. This time - on country milk (without adding water), instead of butter - country cream. Instead of sugar - honey. Admin, this bread is just a dump of your head (forgive me my French) !!! Half of the booze was done without question !!! Whoever has fresh milk and cream lying in the refrigerator accidentally - urgently in bread, you will not regret it!

It is said loudly - lying around! Here would be natural to find

Thank you for the tip, bake to your health - I'm always happy for you when the bread turns out and you like it to taste
Admin, this time the village ghee was "lying around". And, as always, with honey, milk and this very butter:

Milk cake on the hearth (oven)

I apologize wildly, but I do not observe the molding

Milk cake on the hearth (oven)

Milk cake on the hearth (oven)

Loya, the buns are gorgeous - both in appearance and in the context of Slyunka flowed onto fresh bread

THANKS, good performance, bake for more health!
Milk cake on the hearth (oven)
Milk cake on the hearth (oven)
Milk cake on the hearth (oven)
Life is such that I have time to bake, but not to report. Here are three at once: the top one with a recess for a salt shaker - it worked like bread and salt on a beautiful towel. And the rest are on the table at the weekend. The demand does not stop. Thank you, Tanyusha, the eternal recipe turned out to be.
KnadezhdaM, very beautiful loafs! And how did you do the notch to the ent?
Quote: Admin
buns are gorgeous - both in appearance and in section
Buns are buns. But we thought of them as molds ... Only because of the great greed, 2 loaves began to swirl ... And we got buns. On a visit now only with them - invite to "Hurray"! Here, I cooked up all sorts of different things on the weekend (my legs were already giving way) and - I rushed to visit:
Milk cake on the hearth (oven)
Quote: KnadezhdaM

Life is such that I have time to bake, but not to report. Here are three at once: the top one with a recess for a salt shaker - it worked like bread and salt on a beautiful towel. And the rest are on the table at the weekend. The demand does not stop. Thank you, Tanyusha, the eternal recipe turned out to be.

Nadyusha, you constantly make me happy with bread, especially according to my recipes.And it's nice to see that you not only repeat recipes, but also find your zest and perfect application for them
Be healthy, bake delicious homemade bread, you do it great!
Quote: Loya

Buns are buns. But they thought of them as molds ... Only because of the great greed 2 loaves began to swirl ... And buns turned out. On a visit now only with them - invite to "Hurray"! Here, I cooked up all sorts of different things on the weekend (my legs were already giving way) and - I rushed to visit:

Yes, I have already noticed your greed! Well, let it be - the main thing is that people like your pastries, and there is something with which to go on holidays and to visit
And the legs will pass, but what a joy!
Admin, agree. The legs will get used to the loads and we will make 2 times more (we will store hay for my cow (C)) cook up goodies!
The pleasure of this is indescribable when you cook something new, unusual and tasty! I would like to share my joy with everyone!
I put it on a proofer with a metal cup pressed into the center. Pre-greased it with oil and powdered with flour. So with him and began to bake. At the end of baking, I removed and greased the notch with an egg.
Tanyusha, thank you for your good wishes.
Quote: KnadezhdaM

I put it on a proofer with a metal cup pressed into the center. Pre-greased it with oil and powdered with flour. So with him and began to bake. At the end of baking, I removed and greased the notch with an egg.

No comment! Well done, good invention!
Admin, please tell me, if you bake the pancake completely in a bread maker, then how to proceed and which mode to choose?
Quote: Malorie

Admin, please tell me, if you bake the pancake completely in a bread maker, then how to proceed and which mode to choose?

Use the BASIC mode.But it should be borne in mind that the taste and appearance of bread in the oven and in the oven are different - it will be tasty, but the taste will be different.
Bake for health, choose your own taste of bread!
Thanks for the answer. Admin, did you like this cake more on milk or whey? In the photo, they both, of course, look delicious.

I don’t remember, I baked for a long time
Choose your taste! On milk the consistency can be "heavier" than on whey - as it seemed to me. Although all the options are worthy to taste
Baked in milk and water. Fine. However, there was no doubt about this: everything that I cooked according to your recipes invariably succeeds. Thanks, Admin.
Quote: Malorie

Baked in milk and water. Fine. However, there was no doubt about this: everything that I cooked according to your recipes invariably succeeds. Thanks, Admin.

To your health! It's nice to know that the bread turns out to be delicious!
Thanks for the kind words!
After reading the previous posts, I spoke to me: I baked a wedding loaf as a gift. It turned out both delicious and beautiful !!! Admin, thanks for such a versatile recipe!

Milk cake on the hearth (oven)

Milk cake on the hearth (oven)

Wow! And the pictures are so beautiful! And about the loaf just do not say anything, some exclamations HURA-SUPER !!!
Loya, a very beautiful loaf!
THANKS for the kind words, bake to your health! Let the bread only pleases with its performance and taste!
Yes, it was just a hit on friends' wedding anniversary! I will say in a whisper: with a certain amount of drunk, a rumor spread across the table that a certain ingredient was involved in the loaf, which perfectly "invigorates" a strong half of humanity. It was necessary to see how his (loaf) remnants were snapped up by drunken guests (regardless of gender!) !!! In general, only a salt shaker survived until the evening ... Empty ... like it also has this very ... ingredient ...
Admin, thank you very much for your bread! I got hooked on this site for a long time, baked and studied a lot, made and studied leavens, gained experience ... and now I bake only according to your recipes. Because I'm sure it will work out. I don’t want to offend anyone, but apparently I don’t have enough experience to take into account all the nuances and read between the lines in the recipes of other authors how to do the right thing to get exactly what the author received.
Your recipes are ALWAYS (I can write like this, because I have tried 25 of your recipes) are accurate and clearly described. I have never posted a photo, and I am writing for the first time on bread))), but the cake turned out to be so delicious !!! And beautiful!!! True, I molded it in the form of a loaf, because the bun was not soft and I did not add liquids, fearing to ruin it. And what a yummy !!! I bake for my husband, I'm on a diet (for myself, I am now mastering long-term fermentation bread with sourdough), and he loves wheat. And only this time he said that this bread is from a professional and that it is necessary! Yes, for the first time I myself received such a crust, thin, shiny, like a real loaf from my childhood. Thank you for sharing your experience and knowledge, thank you, thank you for a bunch of gorgeous recipes !!!

Milk cake on the hearth (oven)

Added Sunday 12 Feb 2017 09:17 PM

Milk cake on the hearth (oven)

I'm learning to insert a photo))) This is not a cut bar yet.

Natasha, thanks for the kind words, nice to hear
And it’s very nice that with her comments in recipes I helped to master bread

And the assessment of her husband - just do a lot, super!

And the photos are beautiful, the bread is well visible

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We advise you to read:

Selection and operation of bread makers