Sikorka, VIVO bottles can be stored in the freezer, I divided the VIVO powder by 2 times, poured half of it and made it into 0.5 liters of milk, and kept the other half in a bottle with a closed lid in the freezer further. There is little powder, it was difficult for me to pour half of it by eye. I poured all the powder onto a clean sheet of paper, and then visually divided the hill with the second piece of paper into 2 parts. I ferment one part, and the other back into the bottle. But if you succeed, then it's better to just pour it off, if it's not straight, it will be right. Because if you pour a bottle from the refrigerator in a warm room, and then back into a cold bottle, then condensation may appear on the powder, I'm not sure it's so good. I really did, everything is OK.
But do not put half the jars in the yogurt maker (if you do half a liter), put everything, only pour warm 36-37 degrees water into unused ones.
When the yogurt is done, I usually left 1/2 jar for re-fermentation (if I plan to re-ferment with 1 liter of milk. you can re-ferment it.
I have the first Vivo starter culture for 6-7 hours (but my temperature is probably lower than yours, because I bought a thermostat and I have the desired VIVO temperature of 36-37 degrees. Yours is probably higher, because almost all yogurt makers overheat. To check , after cooking, immediately measure the finished product in a jar with a thermometer. If the ferment is higher than the required ferment, then this is not good, because useful bacilli may not survive, but we need the benefit. Well, it ferments faster if it is higher.
When overseeding, I have it ready in 4 hours, that is, somewhere in one and a half times faster.
The taste of homemade yoghurt does not look like a store yogurt, it doesn’t look like it at all, not even VIVO. I put a couple of teaspoons of jam in the finished yogurt, it turned out to taste like a store one, even tastier.
At VIVO, I like Streptosan and Simbilakt the most (but Simbilakt is not taken for more than 2 months, this is a cool thing for normalizing the intestinal flora after antibiotic treatment, for example, but you can eat like that, but then alternate with something else. Yogurt I took Italian lactin - their Yoghurt, VIVO tastier, as it seemed to me, Genesis biorezhenka took, fermented with purchased baked milk Dobrynya. It turned out very tasty. milk still depends, choose to your taste.
It is impossible to keep Italian sourdoughs in the freezer, only in the main compartment (but where it is colder)
Thank you for such a detailed answer!
I didn't even know about the freezer. Why is symbilact not more than 2 months possible?

I need such a product to fix it. If you drink yogurt 2 times a day (in a small jar at a time) what is the effect?

P.S. So many nuances, my head is spinning
To tell the truth, I don't know what keeps it going. Yogurt is kind of neutral. Acidophilic milk seems to be weak. If this does not answer here, who knows, then just in Google in a search engine, type: what leavens fix the chair. Maybe there is something.
Yogurt can be drunk all the time, but all sorts of bifido, Symbilact - they have a healing effect, and if you drink for a long time without alternation, then the bacteria that are part of the composition can displace other beneficial bacteria from the intestines. After all, they are there fighting for a place to live among themselves, probably. I read about simbilact that it is a very useful thing, but take it for at least 2 weeks, and not more than 2 months, so that there is a beneficial effect for the body. As soon as I started to get acquainted with yoghurt making, I bought various VIVO starter cultures, there was free delivery from a certain amount. Well, they were in the freezer for 1.5 years until they ended. And those that the latter spent were fermented as well as new ones. So there seemed to be written 6 months shelf life, but in the freezer nothing happened to them even in 1.5 years. I make every sourdough for 3 weeks - about 1 month, I over-fermented it several times from one powder, I myself watch how the taste starts to get worse, sour, it means it's time to start a new sourdough from the powder, and then I take a different look. So Yogurt, Simbilakt, Streptosan alternated. Vitalakt was, but it was re-fermented fewer times, and if it is done for children (it is generally positioned as the first complementary food for babies), then it is better not to re-ferment a lot, it can only be done once, or in general, every time a new one does. Bifivit, and in general everything that begins on BI, and from other manufacturers: Bifilact, bifidum, and so on, is not over-fermented. Rather, it can be over-fermented, but bifidobacteria, which are the majority in them, usually do not over-ferment. If it has thickened during re-fermentation, it means that other bacteria, which are also in their composition, have fermented. But the most valuable - bifido is not there. It will taste different from the first. The first sourdough, in general, with any sourdough, is the most delicious.
You can drink 1-2 jars of yogurt per day, but any leavened products are undesirable, as I read, to drink on an empty stomach, otherwise acids in an empty stomach are released abundantly and destroy bacilli even before they benefit the body. But even immediately after eating it is not very good either. Ideally, this is 2 hours after a meal, for an afternoon snack, for example, or after dinner, two hours later. Sometimes I dined, and went to bed late, but I want something so light with a cookie.
Yes, about the freezer - about VIVO I know that it is possible, and even then, I bought them 2.5 years ago, maybe right now they have not such persistent bacilli. So you need to find out about each leaven, how to store it. The package must say.
Tanya, what a fine fellow you are! Have already tried everything, you can do everything!
As they say, I'm just learning, I'm not a wizard yet as members of the forum
I only tried yoghurts. And so every day I make myself homemade cottage cheese, but the body requires sour milk. On TV there was a program in which they said that yogurt and Mechnikovskaya yoghurt and yogurt are healthier, since there is just Bulgarian. sticks. And kefir is a fungus alien to our body, plus everything there is alcohol turns out. I really tolerate yogurt better.
I also want to try to make goat milk, I don't know if ultrapast is sold. goat milk and is there any use, but I miss the taste.
Which starter cultures do you like best?
I tried VIVO, Lactin and Genesis, I like VIVO symbilact, and yoghurts from Lactina. I tried Genesis for a long time, only about the biryazhenka I remember what I liked, and I don’t remember which yogurt anymore. By the way, Genesis is a Bulgarian company, so there is a Bulgarian stick in the composition, maybe in Italian it too, you need to read the composition on the starter sites.
Here is a site for VIVO starter cultures, here are answers to all questions, it is interesting to read
And here on the same site on the left there is a menu, also a lot of useful
Girls , but please advise which one to buy sourdough for making curd ?

There are so many of them now ...

I have never dealt with purchased leavens, I want to try ...

The problem is actually in choosing a manufacturer ...

For me a darker forest than these leavens except price generally differ from each other ...

What can you say about this one?

Yoghurt with bacterial starter cultures (narine, VIVO, etc.) (2)
Crochet, and the cottage cheese is for whom? for what age?
I really liked the consistency for children from 1 year old. Until a year, after all, Lactin's is better
I make my own (4 and 5 years old) curd on VIVO and Genesis.It turns out very tasty. Crack for a sweet soul.
Quote: Aygul
Crumble, but the curd is for whom? for what age?

Aygul, for me for adults ...

It's scary to eat in stores, low-fat (1.8%) tastes like it's mixed with fat sour cream, that's what they get in there ... I'm afraid to even think about the calorie content of the product ... instead of the declared 100 kcal, go all 400 ...

Tashenka, Natasha, thank you very much ...
Quote: Tashenka

I make my own (4 and 5 years old) curd on VIVO and Genesis. It turns out very tasty. Crack for a sweet soul.
Natasha, how do you make curd on VIVO? Is it from any VIVO sourdough or do they have VIVO cottage cheese right now? And then I still have more yoghurts, but I also want cottage cheese.
Tanya, they have the sourdough "Curd". It is written, like all Vivos, for 1 liter of milk. But I make from 2.5 liters. It ferments perfectly! I heat the milk, pour into the same saucepan (I add a little milk to the bottle and shake until all the powder dissolves) a bottle of yeast, close the saucepan with a lid, put it on the warm floor in the bathroom and cover it with a hoodie. The bunch turns out awesome! And then, as usual: I heat it up, cool it down, weigh it ...
Once it happened that there was not a single curd sourdough in the house, and the milk was already warmed up. So I don’t remember what yoghurt leaven I fermented. The cottage cheese turned out to be delicious! I understand that I am not right, but ...
Clearly, but the milk is ultra-pasteurized, as is usual for yoghurts or for cottage cheese, it is better to take pasteurized milk, and then the question is whether it is necessary to boil it? Or heat milk up to 36-37 degrees, as usual? And why do you put it on the floor and not in a yogurt maker?
In short, a bunch of questions.
Girls, and the shelf life of the finished sourdough curd, who will tell you?

May I ask for more advice?

What starter cultures would you recommend to buy for kefir, yogurt and fermented baked milk?

I don't know where to start, so as not to be disappointed right away ...
Quote: Krosh
What starter cultures do you recommend to buy for kefir, yogurt and fermented baked milk
CrochetBy trial and error, I realized that the best sourdough available in Russia is Lactina rf
Sasha, I appreciate it ...

So Lactin ...

Crochet, we really like both Lactoferm Eco and Lactin.
Moreover, yogurt and fermented baked milk are among the leaders for us from Lactoferms Eco, and kefir is more Laktinovsky
Mona1, Tanya, I'm buying draft milk. (Yes, and I make yoghurts on it, I was not impressed with the UHT). I must boil! Then I cool it to 36 degrees. The volume in the yogurt maker is too small, so you have to do it in a saucepan. And on a warm floor, oh, how well the leaven works!
Thank you Natasha! I don't have a warm floor, but there is a cartoon with the YOGURT program. We need to look at this leaven here.
Aygul, thank you very much !!!

I ordered both Lactin and Lactoferm ...

Lactoferm starter cultures, if I understood correctly, are stored in the freezer, right?

And Lactin in the fridge, sort of like ...

And I'm also very, very interested, really, how do these leavens handle the postage?

Is this how all these living cultures manage to survive during the journey ?!

I don't understand a word ...

Please tell me how many days yogurt, symbiotic or narine can be stored.
I'm not for kids, for adults with a sensitive gastrointestinal tract. The instructions say 2 days, and some forums say up to 5. And where is the truth?
Quote: Krosh

Lactoferm starter cultures, if I understood correctly, are stored in the freezer, right?

And Lactin in the fridge, sort of like ...

And I'm also very, very interested, really, how do these leavens handle the postage?

It is better to store lactoferm simply in the refrigerator - it ferments faster, and after the freezer the unpredictable result is 6-11 hours.
Lactin, as written by the manufacturer, is stored up to +25 degrees. But in order to avoid temperature extremes, I also store in the refrigerator.

The shipment is normally tolerated, manufacturers allow In the very heat, just do not need to order. It's better to prepare for the season in advance
Yesterday I tried to make Evitalia - I diluted it with 2 liters of milk. 1 liter in a multicooker, 1 in a thermos, the time is the same.It turned out to be the same in taste and similar to natural yogurt, only thicker than in the store. Is it possible to make the product less acidic, closer to sour cream?
Quote: Sikorka
The instructions say 2 days, and some forums say up to 5. And where is the truth?

I join the question, I also got a little lost ...

Aygulechka, three times grateful for the help !!!
Crochet, SikorkaThe less stored, the better, with storage the efficiency drops. Yogurt on Lactin can be stored for up to 5 days without visible losses, with bifidum bacteria the shelf life is shorter, about 2x-3 days.
Help, please, today kefir did not work out (it remained liquid like milk) ... What can you do with it or pour it out?
Lenochka, and what fermented with?

Perhaps it is worth holding more?

Your kefir might simply not have enough time for fermentation ...

It is not worth pouring out unambiguously, you can always attach it to baked goods or cook curd in a hot way ...

And yesterday I dug up a yogurt-vivo sourdough from a year ago in the refrigerator, and the normal yoghurt turned out to be a little thin, though, like yogurt, but tasty. Kept for 38 g for 6 hours directly in the steel bowl of Shteba
Girls and boys, well, I can't remember, is milk in soft bags with a short, five-day shelf life suitable for making sour milk?

It seems that somewhere, someone wrote that it does not ferment ...
Crochet, I have been doing on "Ivan Poddubny" lately - it turns out fine, but the last time I took apart the Vkusnoteevo jug, everything is OK too.
Natalia, thank you very much for your responsiveness !!!

I made it in milk from a soft bag (shelf life 5 days), fermented with Lactina, poured it into a thermos, after 6 hours it turned out to be thick yogurt, how it tasted, I don't know yet ...

By the way, how long does it take to keep the yogurt in the refrigerator before starting the tasting?
Yulia Antipova
Quote: Krosh
By the way, how long does it take to keep the yoghurt in the refrigerator before starting the tasting?

Hour - two, on different leavens it is written differently.
Crochet, I'm glad that happened ...
I drink yogurt after it cools down ...
Quote: Krosh

By the way, how long does it take to keep the yoghurt in the refrigerator before starting the tasting?
at least 2 hours, or even better night (or day).
Quote: Krosh
with a short, five-day shelf life is suitable for making sour milk?

This should not be done unless after boiling. Better to take ultra-pasteurized, I like the House in the country

Yoghurt with bacterial starter cultures (narine, VIVO, etc.) (2)

Boiled, of course ...

By the way, yoghurt exceeded all my expectations !!!
Crochet, UHT can no longer be boiled
Crochet, wonderful! and delicious
And I didn't like the yogurt on UHT. And then, the price ... Yes, and all products with a long shelf life lead me to certain thoughts ... (but this is just my opinion!). I buy an ordinary one with a short shelf life or draft. I ALWAYS boil, cool, and then follow the instructions. By the way, I once made yogurt from milk at room temperature in the Vivo yogurt maker (time was running out, so I forgot to heat it up, but the milk was boiled). The result is a gorgeous yogurt and in time if only a little longer.
I store ALL the starter cultures in the freezer (I'm calmer this way)
Guys if sour milk snotty stretches, we have what?

She stops drinking, doesn't she?

Or are there other reasons?
Inna, pulling is a normal property of some types of beneficial lactic acid bacteria. In leavens, where there are many of them, it stretches like this. Somehow this moment was bypassed if the leaven was dissolved in warmed milk (up to the maximum allowable for a particular leaven, no more). It seems that someone wrote that it lasted less (but, I suspect that these bacteria simply die in part, so it lasts less). But these are just assumptions, there is a temka here Ask an expert,
there they will answer more precisely. Or maybe there was already such a question, look at the Temko.

Quote: Krosh

Guys if sour milk snotty stretches, we have what?

She stops drinking, doesn't she?

Or are there other reasons?
as far as I know, stringiness is caused by acidophilus bacillus (is there such a stretching sour milk?)
it also happens when it did not have time to ripen, the fermentation process is not completed, being treated let it stand in the refrigerator, and next time look, maybe you get it early
Crochet, also stretches, you can try to stir the yogurt after it is cooked, then in the chill. For myself, I decided not to pay attention to snot
I want to make yogurt from narine powder, because there you can not immediately ferment a liter and one bag seems to go for 200 liters of milk.
Girls who make yoghurt in bags Narine or Evitalia, a question for you. According to the instructions, you must first make the leaven, and then yogurt from it. Can you drink this leaven? The only trick is to start the process so to speak and make a lot of yogurt?
What will happen if I drink the leaven and do not over-leaven it?
Sikorka, I made from Evitalia (only powder in a bottle of pelicillin). According to the instructions for 2 liters of milk, then 1.4 liters can be drunk, and leave 600 ml for further fermentation (take 150 ml each, that is, it turns out 4 times more 2 liters each). It seems to me that you can again take a part from the next product to ferment a new portion.
No, I probably wrote it incomprehensibly. Can I drink the sourdough itself? I don't want to re-ferment it. Just the first leaven itself?
Quote: Sikorka
According to the instructions, you must first make the leaven, and then yogurt from it. Can you drink this leaven? The only trick is to start the process so to speak and make a lot of yogurt?
What happens if I drink the leaven and do not over-leaven it?
The instructions to Evitalia say that you can drink the leaven! You can even drink without souring a tube ...
The first sourdough from a tube takes longer than the second time, etc.
For my taste, the second sourdough is tastier! I noticed such a thing.
DarthSidious, Thank you! So it should be like that with Narine too!
As a probiotic, I need it, the more I know for sure that I will not resist and eat
Sikorka, can. You can even one leaven as already answered ( DarthSidious)
The other day I made yogurt for the second time in my life.
For the first time in a thermos with "Rastishka", and for the second time in a yoghurt maker from UHT drinking milk of 6% fat content with "VIVO - yogurt".
Yoghurt with bacterial starter cultures (narine, VIVO, etc.) (2)

At the same time, while I was writing the post, I am simultaneously preparing yoghurt for the third time, but now I am already using part of the yogurt obtained the second time and baked milk of 3.5% fat as a starter.
Well, here's the yogurt and ready.
During the shooting, I did not immediately realize why the yogurt this time turned out to be not as thick as the previous time.
A minute later I realized that the milk was 3.5% fat! And last time 6% fat was used.
The yogurt turned out to be very tasty, reminiscent of fermented baked milk.
The total volume of the product is 1150 ml.
The yogurt maker holds 750 ml, the remaining 400 ml. poured into simple cups and put on a battery with t ° = 35.2 ° C for 7 hours.
As a result, there is no visual difference between them!

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