Egg bread made from flour "Zdravushka"

Category: Yeast bread
Egg bread made from flour Zdravushka


Wheat flour 500g
Medium eggs 2pcs, 110-120g
Powdered milk 2st. l.
Butter 2st. l. or 30g
Sugar 2st. l
Salt 2h l.
Dry yeast 2h l.
Water 230ml

Cooking method

  • Load everything into HP in the order recommended for your bread machine.
  • Mode - basic, size - medium, crust - optional (I have medium)
  • My changes:
  • Powdered milk - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Pressed yeast - 10g.
  • I did not melt the butter, I just added it in pieces, the yeast also in pieces.
  • Egg bread from flour Zdravushka Egg bread made from flour Zdravushka Egg bread from flour Zdravushka

The dish is designed for

about 900 grams

Time for preparing:

3.5 - 4 hours

Cooking program:

Basic or basic mode


This recipe is taken from the instructions for Panasonic and I would never have exhibited it if I had not accidentally met the flour "Zdravushka. I paid attention to it only because it was made in the city where I spent a significant part of my childhood. Out of curiosity I took the package on The test and was not mistaken. The bread from this flour turned out to be super supery. It is not for nothing that there are so many medals on the package. This flour contains phyto-additives - oatmeal, apple powder, chicory. The crumb color is yellowish.
My family doesn't like white bread, but I don't have time to bake this one. If you come across such flour - bake, I hope you will not regret it.

lega! Galyunya, with a start !!!
Beautiful bread, bright!
What bread! I will also buy myself a bread maker for my birthday.
lega , great bread !!!!! I have not seen such flour with us.

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We advise you to read:

Selection and operation of bread makers