Quote: matroskin_kot

I didn’t manage to do anything with dry narine either. With activity - toffee. And which pharmacy chain sells Evita? Tell me, plizz.
What didn't work out? I do not like activism either, pulling, snotty, although 90% of members of the forum, on the contrary, like activism. In principle, someone here said that milk is a vessel for cloning, what you put there will be. Earlier, when I was on the Protasov diet, I made low-fat yogurt on Narine and it turned out great. Then she abandoned it and decided to renew it from 3.5% milk. Did not work out. I could not understand what was the matter and decided to read the instructions, which I do very rarely. It turns out that only skim milk is needed for narine, i.e. the lower the fat content, the better the quality of the finished product. You also need to strictly adhere to the temperature. Up to 39 strictly, it is better to measure with a thermometer, and an electronic one. Where are you from? I don’t know Evita, but Evitalia is sold in almost all pharmacies, with rare exceptions. I try to buy both Narine and Evitalia only in large pharmacy chains, where there is a large turnover, good refrigeration equipment and to which the attitude of suppliers is reverent, since these are very valuable customers for them. Someone here did not recommend liquid narine, just like narine in tablets. Allegedly, nothing comes of it. True, I didn't get yogurt from baby milk from the dairy kitchen.
In our Sochi I saw narine and even then not in all pharmacies. I bought liquid narine-forte in a children's store. I fermented it straight into a liter bottle of milk, in a barbaric way, uncorked it and poured it so as not to boil, not to sterilize. The yoghurt maker, because she threw it so far, cannot be found. Wrapped it in a towel - and on the battery. Do not throw your slippers. I don't want to buy a new yogurt maker yet. we will look at the weekend in the soundtracks. I put it in the evening - in the morning there was something thermonuclear. But since I decided to firmly lose weight, so I drank almost all-alive, however. To the remains on the bottom, I added room milk again. pace. and again - for 6 hours on the battery, then - immediately into the refrigerator. The second batch was better. Today we were drinking the third, not bad at all, but not yogurt. Here's how the people on the forum, what has to be shaken out of the jar is not at all similar. Homogeneous, by the consistency of kefir - mass. And you want - thick yogurt. I found yogurt starter cultures on the Internet, but I'm afraid that the delivery will be lame and the result will not differ much from the narine. Maybe you really should try skim milk?
Quote: matroskin_kot

Maybe you really should try skim milk?
I also forgot to say that I noticed such a pattern. You can't shake at all. Of course, this does not apply to the battery, so for the future. I have it in the kitchen on a stationary bedside table. But there are drawers by the nightstand. So, I put a note: "open the boxes carefully!" If you close the box at least 1-2 times with a bang, as we usually love, everything will not work. Although the bedside table does not seem to shake, but apparently all the same this vibration is enough.
It also helped me to sterilize everything that somehow comes into contact with dishes and food. Someone on the forum said that at this moment you can't even talk or you need to wear a mask so that there is not a single excess bacteria.I take a large saucepan and put everything in there and pour boiling water for 2-3 minutes.
Well this is just my personal experience.
For a long time I haven’t entered this Temka. Where in Kiev you can buy Italian and Bulgarian yogurt and everything else?
You can buy from me. I am an official dealer of TM "Good Food" and sell Italian and Bulgarian starter cultures. 066-721-74-88 or 093-066-4-056 Snezhana. Call, I will be glad to help. I also forward to Ukraine
Biokefir specially designed for young children (from 1 to 3 years old), as well as for dietary nutrition. Once in the body, the bifido- and lacto-bacteria that make up Biokefir produce and secrete a number of vital amino acids, have a high vitamin-forming ability, synthesize up to 70% of vitamins in the body (B1, B12, C, E, P, nicotinic and folic acid, biotin, thiamine, riboflavin), lecithin is synthesized from milk fat, which protects the liver from excess fat, increases the absorption of calcium, iron and other microelements, normalizes the level of hemoglobin and the number of leukocytes in the blood, normalizes digestion processes, increases the body's resistance to infections, toxic agents , have a radioprotective and adaptogenic effect.
• has a wonderful fresh taste and liquid consistency, quickly quenches thirst and hunger;
• is one of the necessary fermented milk supplements for children from the first year of life and in dietary nutrition;
• regulates the processes of digestion and bowel function;
• promotes weight loss due to the regulation of digestion;
• improves metabolism;
• stimulates the immune defense of the intestines;
• helps to improve the synthesis in the body of a number of important amino acids, vitamins (B1, B12, C, E, P), helps to better assimilate calcium, iron and other microelements;
• reduces the risk of fatty degeneration of the liver (fatty hepatosis), and reduces the accumulation of fat in organs;
• helps to normalize the level of hemoglobin and the number of leukocytes in the blood.

Bioryazhanka - (cooked with baked milk) this taste is familiar to each of us from childhood. Bifidobacteria, which are enriched with Bioryazhanka TM Good Food, add even more useful properties to classic fermented baked milk. Bioryazhanka has a positive effect on the human intestinal microflora, is easily absorbed by the body, improves digestion and strengthens the immune system. This product is especially useful for those people who suffer from intestinal, allergic diseases, diathesis. Bioryazhanka has not only wonderful taste, but also medicinal properties: one glass of Bioryazhanka contains a quarter of the body's daily need for calcium and 20% of the daily need for phosphorus.
• has a wonderful fresh taste and dense texture, quickly quenches thirst and hunger;
• restores the balance of bifidobacteria in the intestine;
• due to a wide range of bifidobacteria, it helps to normalize metabolism and reduce blood cholesterol levels;
• regulates the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
• useful as a weight loss aid;
• helps to reduce allergic manifestations;
• easily absorbed by the body. One glass contains a quarter of the body's daily need for calcium and 20% of the daily need for phosphorus

Fermented milk products based on Bifidokomplex starter cultures have antibacterial activity against a wide range of pathogenic (causing human diseases) bacteria. This yogurt naturally colonizes the intestines with bifidobacteria. It is especially important to use the bifido complex for people suffering from metabolic disorders, as well as men and women who are overweight.

Bifidocomplex accelerates the digestion of food and its excretion from the body, thereby contributing to weight loss.

Bifidokompleks is the best option for starting milk feeding for babies, because of its composition and pleasant taste, which babies really like.
• has a wonderful fresh taste and dense texture, quickly quenches thirst and hunger;
• restores the balance of bifidobacteria in the intestine;
• is the best option for starting infant milk feeding, because of its composition and pleasant taste, which are very popular with babies;
• helps to normalize metabolism and lower blood cholesterol levels
• regulates the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
• useful as a weight loss aid;
• helps to improve the synthesis in the body of a number of important amino acids and vitamins (B1, B12, C, E, P). Helps to better assimilate calcium, iron and other microelements;
• prevents the development of intestinal infections;
• effective for the prevention of vaginal dysbiotic disorders, including during pregnancy and after childbirth: vaginosis, vaginitis, infectious and inflammatory diseases of the pelvis.

To accelerate the effect, Bifidokomplex should be consumed in its pure form, without fermentation. To do this, dissolve 1 sachet in 20 ml of warm boiled water and take it twice a day 20 minutes before meals for 2 weeks (for children under 3 years old - divide one sachet into two doses).

Immunalis - yogurt with the most saturated complex of probiotics. It contains bifidobacteria and lactobacilli necessary for the human body. In addition, Immunalis contains propionic acid bacteria, which are anti-mutagens (inhibit the growth of cancer cells) and help to strengthen the immune system.
The use of Immunalis is especially important during periods of intensive growth, pregnancy, breastfeeding, children and adolescents, people with reduced immunity. It will support immunity during periods of severe illness, after taking antibiotics or chemotherapy, during epidemics. Its regular use is mandatory for people with a high risk of developing tumors or already suffering from oncological diseases.
• has a wonderful fresh taste and dense texture, quickly quenches thirst and hunger;
• restores the natural balance of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli in the intestine;
• propionic acid bacteria inhibit the growth of cancer cells and help to strengthen the immune system;
• contributes to the formation of normal immunity in children, especially during periods of intensive growth;
• improves immunity and helps prevent infectious diseases during pregnancy and lactation, during diseases, epidemics and people with low immunity;

• stimulates the production of its own interferon, which is a determining factor in antiviral and anticancer fight;
• helps to slow down the rate of tumor growth and reduce the risk of their occurrence;
• activates the processes of cleansing the body. Neutralizes side effects of food and medicinal substances, antibiotics.
• prevents the development of intestinal infections (salmonellosis, dysentery, escherichiosis, etc.);
• helps to improve the synthesis in the body of a number of important amino acids, vitamins (B1, B12, C, E, P). Helps to better assimilate calcium, iron and other microelements.

To accelerate the effect, Immunalis must be consumed in its pure form, without fermentation. To do this, dissolve 1 sachet in 20 ml of warm boiled water and take it twice a day 20 minutes before meals for 2 weeks (for children under 3 years old - divide one sachet into two doses).

Yogurt - the most popular fermented milk product in Europe. The enzymes contained in yoghurt cleanse the body of harmful metabolic products and toxins. Help to quickly restore lost protein and fluid after sports and other physical activities;
Yogurt normalizes intestinal motility and helps to speed up the digestion of food, thereby contributing to weight loss, eliminating chronic fatigue syndrome, and has a rejuvenating effect. It is important to include it in the diet of adults: at least 3 times a week, and in the diet of children: at least 5 times a week.
Beneficial features

• has a wonderful fresh taste and dense texture, quickly quenches thirst and hunger;
• prevents the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria in the intestines;
• helps to quickly restore lost protein and fluid during sports and other significant physical activity;
• cleanses the body of harmful metabolic products, toxins;
• normalizes intestinal motility;
• helps to rejuvenate the body;
• promotes weight loss due to the regulation of digestion;
• adults are recommended to consume live yoghurts at least 5 times a week, especially those who go in for sports and lead an active lifestyle.

Fermented milk products based on starter cultures Narine , contain cultures of live lactic acid lactobacilli of the acidophilic group and have a complex anti-inflammatory effect, activate the body cleansing process, neutralize the side effects of food and medicinal substances, antibiotics, stimulate the production of its own interferon, which is a determining factor in antiviral and anticancer protection, restore the body's immune system. Effective in the early stages of atherosclerosis, significantly improves the activity of the nervous and cardiovascular systems (central, humoral and autonomic regulation). Regular use of Narine is indicated for pregnant and breastfeeding women.
• has a wonderful fresh taste and dense texture, quickly quenches thirst and hunger;
• provides a complex anti-inflammatory effect;
• activates the processes of cleansing the body;
• neutralizes the side effects of harmful food and medicinal substances, antibiotics, chemotherapy;
• effective in the early stages of atherosclerosis;
• significantly improves the activity of the nervous and cardiovascular systems (central, humoral and autonomic regulation;
• contributes to the normalization of metabolism;
• regulates the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
• restores the balance of lactobacilli in the intestine.

To accelerate the effect, Narine should be consumed in pure form, without the fermentation procedure. To do this, dissolve 1 sachet in 20 ml of warm boiled water and take it twice a day 20 minutes before meals for 2 weeks (for children under 3 years old - divide one sachet into two doses).

Symbiotic Is a new generation probiotic. Its active basis is a symbiosis of bifido-, lacto- and propionic acid bacteria, which form the basis of the microflora of a healthy person. By restoring the intestinal microflora, the Symbiotic naturally relieves as quickly as possible from acute and chronic diarrhea of ​​various origins in infants, children and adults, drug dysbacteriosis, flatulence, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines, normalizes intestinal motility, activates digestion.

The symbiotic is good for children under one year old. It contains bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, which are necessary for the body to function properly and adapt well to new products. And there are no other microorganisms in it that are not yet in the intestines of a child under the age of 1 year
• has a wonderful fresh taste and dense texture, quickly quenches thirst and hunger;
• restores the natural balance of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli in the intestine;
• treats intestinal dysbiosis in adults and children;
• prevents the occurrence and improves the treatment of constipation and diarrhea;
• well suited for fermented milk feeding in children from the first year of life;
• makes it easier for babies to adapt to new products;
• helps to reduce allergic manifestations;
• prevents the development of intestinal infections (salmonellosis, dysentery, escherichiosis, etc.);
• regulates the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
• helps to normalize metabolism. Useful as a weight loss aid;
• helps to improve the synthesis in the body of a number of important amino acids, vitamins (B1, B12, C, E, P), helps to better assimilate calcium, iron and other microelements

To accelerate the effect, Symbiotic should be consumed in pure form, without fermentation procedure. To do this, dissolve 1 sachet in 20 ml of warm boiled water and take it twice a day 20 minutes before meals for 2 weeks (for children under 3 years old - divide one sachet into two doses).

Cottage cheese - a product obtained by thermal coagulation of milk protein and its separation from whey. Protein is best absorbed in this form.Cottage cheese is introduced into the diet of young children to compensate for the arising protein deficiency during breastfeeding or adapted milk formulas.
Moreover, curd contains minerals such as calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. All this is necessary for children for the development of the skeleton, muscles, and other tissues, and for adults for the normal formation of bones, hair, nails and tooth enamel.
Quote: matroskin_kot

I didn’t manage to do anything with dry narine either. Mom, as a gig specialist. food from 30 years old. She explained that if the sour milk lasts, then there is an error in the preparation, she even called me a special term.
matroskin_kot , Mom is right in general, but not in particular. Sour milk with acidophilic bacteria ("Narine" can be attributed to this type) is always somewhat viscous and with a slight stretchiness. I remember from my Soviet childhood "Acidophilus milk" was sold, and it was just that.
Quote: UKA

I made low-fat yogurt on Narine and it turned out great. Then she abandoned it and decided to renew it from 3.5% milk. Did not work out. I could not understand what was the matter and decided to read the instructions. It turns out that only skimmed milk is needed for narine, that is, the lower the fat content, the better the quality of the finished product. ... I also forgot to say that I noticed such a pattern. You can't shake at all.
UKA, I have no instructions for making a fermented milk drink in the box with the bottles of "Narine", I took it from the Internet; but nowhere have I seen that it is necessary to cook on exclusively skim milk, as you write. This information was attached to the vials with leaven or is this information from another source (then what?). I just make it on really fatty milk, which I buy at the market from the same family. It turns out with a bang. The problem is only in one thing - the density, which I regulate by the amount of the added starter culture, but it is not possible to achieve a very liquid one.
I was shaking! Not much and not on purpose, of course. And not the yogurt maker itself. But she slammed the doors, opened and slid the drawers, as usual. And I turned on the 1000 W processor 70 cm away from the yogurt maker on the same tabletop for 10 minutes - the result was the same as when I was alone, in any case, I did not notice the difference.
But with "bifidumbacterin" I have not worked out yet: the sourdough, one might say, did not work out - but I met many complaints about its quality here, on the forum. Although a few years ago I made it in a thermos for some period and was very pleased.
Snezhana, and do you send starter cultures to Kazakhstan?
Well, yes, that's right, only the pulling is also different. I've already experienced it. I just wrote incorrectly, maman was indignant that I was a fool. With activity, the pulling was unpleasant, but now I'm making yogurt, or whoever it turns out, with liquid narine, it's generally okay. Sometimes it only peroxides. And I did it yesterday with a liquid bifish - the result by the evening was zero. Liquid milk, barely smelling of kefir, maybe that's how it should be? Two months ago, when I was in another land, all the time I was buying yogurt from a local dairy, so it is both fat and fat-free - equally thick and non-acidic. Moreover, from powdered milk. And it seems, without stabilizers. Well, it was impossible to pour a bottle with you for sourdough, and it would be enough for a short time ...
I checked the beef, I threw it on the table, I thought nothing would come of it, the chickens would drink. It stratified a little - it stood for a day, the structure was like thick yogurt, and I really liked the taste. Lightly sour. And does not stretch at all
But why did it take so long to ferment? The term on the bottle is the same as that of the narine.
Quote: mgla

matroskin_kot , Mom is right in general, but not in particular. Sour milk with acidophilic bacteria ("Narine" can be attributed to this type) is always somewhat viscous and with a slight stretchiness. I remember from my Soviet childhood "Acidophilus milk" was sold, and it was just that. UKA, I have no instructions for making a fermented milk drink in the box with the bottles of "Narine", I took it from the Internet; but nowhere have I seen that it is necessary to cook on exclusively skim milk, as you write. This information was attached to the vials with leaven or is this information from another source (then what?). I just make it on really fatty milk, which I buy at the market from the same family. It turns out with a bang. The problem is only in one thing - the density, which I regulate by the amount of the added starter culture, but it is not possible to achieve a very liquid one.
I was shaking! Not much and not on purpose, of course. And not the yogurt maker itself. But she slammed the doors, opened and slid the drawers, as usual. And I turned on the 1000 W processor 70 cm away from the yogurt maker on the same tabletop for 10 minutes - the result was the same as when I was alone, in any case, I did not notice the difference.
But with "bifidumbacterin" I have not worked out yet: the sourdough, one might say, did not work out - but I met many complaints about its quality here, on the forum. Although a few years ago I made it in a thermos for some period and was very pleased.
Snezhana, and do you send starter cultures to Kazakhstan?
It is written in the instructions, which are in a pack of 200 mg powder. I can't show it, but it says: milk, skim or low fat is better. This has been confirmed by my practice. It's the same with shaking and everything else as I wrote. I said: THIS IS MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE, I just shared my personal experience, nothing more, this is not advice and panacea. It's different for you, great! By the way, shaking has been discussed here many times, read the posts from the very beginning, I could be wrong, in my opinion Fugasca raised this topic!
I wrote recently that I decided to make yogurt for the child with milk from the dairy kitchen, it is 3.5%. It didn't work the first time. Again THIS IS MY EXPERIENCE that I fixed: I kicked everyone out of the kitchen so that no one was shaking anything over the leaven; more thoroughly stretched all the dishes; heated milk strictly to 39 and checked with an electronic thermometer; increased the quantity of narine by 1.5 times (instead of 1 per 150 ml, I took 2 bags of 200 ml); strictly not strictly forbade everyone to come close to the bedside table; before each pouring into jars, she stirred with a ladle for 1 minute, and before that she stirred all the leaven with a mixer for about 5 minutes. It worked!
Oh, I can't do such "dances with a tambourine". Only if you hide it in your bedroom on a wardrobe. In my "Italian" family in the morning there is such a mess! Even if you go after everyone with a sign, the granddaughter and the Labrador can't read, but they rush around the most. Would I like a friend to taste the leaven? No, no. It's good for Ukraine - these leavens are like shoe polish. And in our pharmacy they make a very surprised look - why, they say, the store is full of everything.
Quote: matroskin_kot

Oh, I can't do such "dances with a tambourine". Only if you hide it in your bedroom on a wardrobe. In my "Italian" family in the morning there is such a mess! Even if you go after everyone with a sign, the granddaughter and the Labrador can't read, but they rush around the most. Would I like a friend to taste the leaven? No, no. It's good for Ukraine - these leavens are like shoe polish. And in our pharmacy they make a very surprised look - why, they say, the store is full of everything.
:) Maybe just try again? People succeed and without all this is excellent, for some reason I do it just like that, I don't know why. And from just pharmacy prebiotics have you tried: yogulact, linex, etc.?
Thank you, UKA, I will try to make it on low-fat milk, the desired liquid (in the sense of "thickness") of the drink may turn out. It is not necessary to show the paper, it is important that the instructions came with the drug itself, as suggested by the manufacturer.
Although now I have again questions (not to you, UKA, but in general), I think, and other users of "Narine" too.
Which instruction is "more correct"? I took mine right here 🔗
In the instructions, the temperature and the desired fat content of milk are different, as well as the amount of milk per amount of the drug when creating a starter culture
Well, tell me too, please, how many Linex capsules do you need to pour per liter of milk?
Quote: mgla

Thank you, UKA, I will try to make it on low-fat milk, the desired liquid (in the sense of "thickness") of the drink may turn out. It is not necessary to show the paper, it is important that the instructions came with the drug itself, as suggested by the manufacturer.
Although now I have again questions (not to you, UKA, but in general), I think, and other users of "Narine" too.
Which instruction is "more correct"? I took mine right here 🔗
In the instructions, the temperature and the desired fat content of milk are different, as well as the amount of milk for the amount of the drug when creating a starter culture
And I didn’t find instructions on this site: nea: If this is a seller’s site, then it seems to me that my personal opinion is that you need to watch only official sources: the official site of the manufacturer (I don’t know if narine has it) and what lies packaged
Quote: UKA

But I didn’t find instructions on this site: nea: If this is the seller’s site, then it seems to me that my personal opinion is that you only need to watch official sources: the official site of the manufacturer (I don’t know if the narine has it) and what lies packaged
Someone here wrote that 2. But I haven't tried it.
Quote: [b] NATUSYA77 [/ b]

Well, tell me too, please, how many Linex capsules do you need to pour per liter of milk?
NATUSYA77, I usually add two, but the last time I fermented with another yogurt in capsules, for 4 hours there were no changes, so I had to pour one more. Over the night, it was fermented.
Thank you so much! Next time I'll try, yesterday I did it on the usual Zhivinka. I tried to add grated kiwi to one jar - it didn't work out at all (liquid and disgusting taste), but with an apple it is very tasty, and with a banana it works.
* kisena
julifera ... Thank you so much!
Everything worked out, really thick kefir.

I took milk 6% On health and it is almost like yogurt in density
Already 5 times disappointed in the dry sourdough from the Institute, therefore your experience came in handy in a very timely manner
And yesterday I ruined all the milk! Kvasila Bifivit. For 8 hours nifiga did not ferment. I put it back on heating and forgot to turn off the noodle. By morning, everything was curdled. And where do I go with this kaku now?
Quote: * kisena

julifera ... Thank you so much!
Everything worked out, really thick kefir.

I took milk 6% On health and it is almost like yogurt in density
Already 5 times disappointed in the dry sourdough from the Institute, therefore your experience came in handy in a very timely manner

* Kisyonochka - A huge health problem !!!
Quote: RybkA

And yesterday I ruined all the milk! Kvasila Bifivit. For 8 hours nifiga did not ferment. I put it back on the heating and forgot to turn off the noodle. By morning, everything was curdled. And where do I go with this kaku now?

For baking
So many delicious treats you can bake
Quote: RybkA

And yesterday I ruined all the milk! Kvasila Bifivit. For 8 hours nifiga did not ferment. I put it back on the heating and forgot to turn off the noodle. By morning, everything was curdled. And where do I go with this kaku now?
I also had this just a few days ago. well-wishers turned off the yoghurt maker, and I saw it only at 21-00, turned it on and there was nothing left - I went to sleep. in the morning there was a nightmare - curdled, but it was terribly not tasty. I poured it out, didn't even think about it. at what she did not from bifidum, but from leaven - offensive.

Quote: julifera

The Italian sourdough is resting, it's good that I only bought 1 pack of it, kefir sour from it and a little stringy, I had to lime it for meat and pastries.
I have a grief !!! Bulgarian leavens seem to have been banned in Ukraine, now only the institute and Italy remain. I didn't manage to try Italian biokefir (I ruined it and threw it out). I took "yogurt" and "bifidum complex" on Friday to try one packet at a time ... the taste of yoghurt is not bad, but I don't really like this stringy one. that is, I eat of course, the taste is pleasant, but there is no 100% satisfaction from the result. I will try another bifidum complex, if it is also stringy, then I will have to switch to institutes.
Is it from Italian starters that yoghurt turns out to be stringy?
Quote: rusja

Is it from Italian starters that yoghurt turns out to be stringy?
aha this week I will finish all the "yogurt". on the next I will try the "bifidum complex". I really hope that at least something will come out of him, if not, then I don't even know what to do. I don’t want to take institutes.

it tastes good, but I like it to be thicker. when I wanted a sticky one, I took a narine (acidophilus), but I myself determined which one I needed.
Quote: rusja

Is it from Italian starters that yoghurt turns out to be stringy?

They even have kefir - a toffee - is this normal for kefir ??

It's a shame with Bulgarian, I didn't even have time to try it, where I took Italian there weren't ...
Why don't you want college students? What's wrong
So far I only use them and everything was fine
I mean the yogutra leaven, I didn't like streptosan, and I can't catch up with cottage cheese, but yoghurt, both ordinary and with lactulose, is very good.
Quote: [b] julifera [/ b]

For baking
So many delicious treats you can bake
julifera, tell me what-thread, otherwise I am poorly friends with pastries, only if a biscuit on a cake.

SupercoW, aha rare muck! I tried the whey, not curd at all.

And what would I not "snotty" add milk powder. Significantly improves the result.
Quote: RybkA

julifera, tell me what-thread, otherwise I am poorly friends with pastries, only if a biscuit on a cake.

Here is a recipe just for us - for the wrong yoghurts - well, no stress at all, there you don't really need to be friends with anyone, everything will work out by itself

Only instead of milk and sour cream - we take our "controversial" product

In that topic, I posted a photo of what I got in silicone form - Answer # 13
I did it just on the remnants of Italian yogurt, my son almost bit his fingers, he liked it so much, a very airy and tender cake
If you want with chocolate, if you want with lemon - it's business, the kneading took more time than the baking itself
Quote: rusja

Why don't you want college students? What's wrong
So far I only use them and everything was fine
I mean the yogutra leaven, I didn't like streptosan, and I can't catch up with cottage cheese, but yoghurt, both ordinary and with lactulose, is very good.
I don't even know ... maybe it's the representatives of these leavens. the girls in the store at marina raskova were boorish all the time - neither advise, nor tell, nor explain.
I tried the institute a couple of times in total, everything seemed to be fine, but there not all ferments can be re-fermented from the primary. bifivit - not allowed. it turns out a little expensive.
practically all institute sourdough cultures can be done for children OVER one year old. which DOs are possible, and which are not allowed, I kept forgetting and getting confused.
so that as a whole there was some kind of negative attitude about them.

but apparently there is no choice, I will try to make friends with them.

Quote: RybkA

And what would I not "snotty" add milk powder. Significantly improves the result.
I heard about this method, but I want it so that there is not so much trouble.
I now have good quality milk and yoghurt is always good from it. here it is in the leaven and it is insulting.
I certainly hope that the point is in a specific product - maybe "yogurt" and should be snotty. maybe the "bifidum complex" will not be snotty, but I can check it only in a week, but for now I will only hope.
Quote: SupercoW

I don't even know ... maybe it's the representatives of these leavens. the girls in the store at marina raskova were boorish all the time - neither advise, nor tell, nor explain.
I tried the institute a couple of times in total, everything seemed to be fine, but there not all ferments can be re-fermented from the primary. bifivit - not allowed. it turns out a little expensive.
practically all institute sourdough cultures can be done for children OVER one year old. which DOs are possible, and which are not allowed, I kept forgetting and getting confused.
so that as a whole there was some kind of negative attitude about them.

but apparently there is no choice, I will try to make friends with them.
And for a long time I have been using Kiev sourdoughs - I am very satisfied.I like Simbilact most of all - it is not snotty in consistency))
Up to a year they used Bifivit.
But now I made an opening for myself - I use 1 liter of milk - half a jar of sourdough - everything works out great)) ... and cheaper))
Quote: Oolichka

And for a long time I have been using Kiev sourdoughs - I am very satisfied. I like Simbilact most of all - it is not snotty in consistency))
Up to a year they used Bifivit.
in simbilact it is not written what is possible for children up to a year !!! but I need exactly up to a year.
and bifivit cannot be over-fermented.

Quote: Oolichka

But now I made an opening for myself - I use 1 liter of milk - half a jar of sourdough - everything works out great)) ... and cheaper))
so you can't do that !!! After all, they write everywhere that it is impossible to divide the bottle, you need to use it all at once.

I just don't need a little yogurt, I need a lot. the fact that 1.7 liters is quietly obtained from one bottle is a fact. it's all about re-fermentation.
SupercoW , and you did not try to ferment with simple Lactovite? For 1 liter 2 capsules. It really takes a little longer to ferment, but it works fine. I used to ferment like that, only from dry ones in capsules, until we had special leavening materials in the city.
Quote: RybkA

SupercoW , and you did not try to ferment with simple Lactovite? For 1 liter 2 capsules. It really takes a little longer to ferment, but it works fine. I used to ferment like that, only from dry ones in capsules, until we had special leavening materials in the city.
I actually started making yoghurts with all kinds of pharmaceutical preparations. it worked very well from the bifidum. but then a couple of times there was a situation - from the packaging (10 bottles) jokes worked 4-5 in total. I understood that some kind of dead bacteria were being sold to us, then the milk was gone ... and then I found good milk and the sourdoughs just opened near me.
I look at pharmacies, but I just don't know what exactly to take. the girls wrote about some kind of evitalia, but it seems to be in Russia, we don't have that.

RybkA, I've only seen this -
Yogurt with bacterial starter cultures (narine, Vivo, etc.)
Yes, that is. I also fermented with Linex and simple Yogurt in capsules, not very expensive. The latter should always be kept in the refrigerator. Linex, Laktovit - no.
Quote: SupercoW

in simbilact it is not written what is possible for children up to a year !!! but I need exactly up to a year.
and bifivit cannot be over-fermented.
so you can't do that !!! After all, they write everywhere that it is impossible to divide the bottle, you need to use it all at once.

I just don't need a little yogurt, I need a lot. the fact that 1.7 liters is quietly obtained from one bottle is a fact. it's all about re-fermentation.

and I didn’t give simbilact until a year. I wrote that I gave Beefivit for up to a year. You can not overmature - and inappropriate
but what should the manufacturer write? divide into 3 parts? it is not profitable for them!
I make half a portion and everything ferments perfectly. I close the rest and in the refrigerator. But I never make yogurt from the last jar, only from the leaven.
* kisena
julifera, and for the next batch you need a new kefir or can you use the previous one, as with yogurt?
Quote: * kisena

julifera, and for the next batch you need a new kefir or can you use the previous one, as with yogurt?

I am sure that the previous one is possible, once so for sure.

But what about further along the chain, that is, always doing from the previous one - I don't know.
I don’t know exactly - how many beneficial bacteria there will be in subsequent batches and how they will breed there, there’s nothing to measure.

Perhaps, if you don't bother about the usefulness, then for fun you can do it from the previous one until there are dramatic changes in taste.

But I'm still worried about the usefulness
* kisena
julifera, thanks, I understood - I will buy a new one
About a week ago there was a topic in the program "about the most important thing" about the narin sourdough. Unfortunately, I didn’t look at first, but I realized that at first they made a sourdough from 1 bottle, and then made yogurt from this sourdough. If anyone looked, can you tell me how they did it?
Quote: maya2

About a week ago there was a topic in the program "about the most important thing" about the narin sourdough. Unfortunately, I didn’t look at first, but I realized that at first they made a sourdough from 1 bottle, and then made yogurt from this sourdough. If anyone looked, can you tell me how they did it?
Just like instructions and like everything, nothing new. On the contrary, much was said wrong. There was no question of quantity, etc. They did not say that the dishes should be sterilized or at least doused with boiling water, they also lied about something, I don't remember. After that, I was generally disillusioned with this program. In this we understand and saw that the information is distorted. And what we do not understand, there is also probably a pitchfork on the water. You can watch it in the archive of this show on the Internet on the ORTu channel
I watched an excerpt from this program, by the way they talked about the quantity, maybe you missed this moment. And about the jars to rinse them with boiling water, I think
everyone does it, why take up airtime, because the show was not about banks but about the product narine.
Kvasila yesterday kefir Simivit. I put it overnight with yogurt. Yogurt for 8 hours is almost normal, kefirchik ... I don't even know ...
first, thick as yogurt;
secondly, the serum has moved away.
What's wrong? How long did it take for kefir?
Why was it so thick? Poured a lot?
You overexposed the kefir, so the whey separated, and you probably fermented it in different containers? I had the same thing before when I did it in a thermos and put it on at night. Now I do it in the afternoon and in a yogurt maker, it's easier to observe. By the way, what is the taste with symbmvit?
maya2 , yes, she poured kefir and yogurt into different jars. This means less time is needed for kefir ... It means that you won't be able to kill two birds with one stone
The taste turned out to be sweet for some reason, I expected sourness, like yogurt initially. And yogurt sour from a capsule.
Quote: maya2

I watched an excerpt from this program, by the way they talked about the quantity, maybe you missed this moment. And about the jars to rinse them with boiling water, I think
everyone does it, why take up airtime, because the show was not about banks but about the product narine.
Well, maybe. He didn’t say the most important thing, because narine comes in different dosages, and he didn’t say that for sure.
No, he taught how to cook. And especially for "dummies": we take .... we pour ... we put ... we put it, etc. And about sterilization, I don’t know, for example, it would not have occurred to me when I did it for the first time, I read it well on this forum, and so ...
Of course, it is better to make from Bulgarian leavens (bifido bacteria), but there is nowhere to buy near the house, and there is no time to go after them, and there is no desire to drag across half of the city in such weather. I made a choice for myself - Activia-classical, while it suits me. Well, who adds what is a matter of taste. I tried it a couple of times with milk powder and stopped, it doesn't affect the taste, only the thickness. But if you make yogurt at home environmentally friendly, then there is no point in adding too much. It is not known what this milk powder is made of. I will not say that I am an ardent adherent of a healthy diet (where can you go without chemistry in products in our time), but the principle is this - if you buy a yogurt maker, I make my own product at home, then it makes sense to limit chemistry to a minimum. Although I understand that chemistry is also present in the same Activation. But what can you do ....? Therefore, I want to somehow get out for bifidobacteria, but for now, laziness overcomes desire ...
As far as I know, Bulgarian starter cultures will not be sold in Ukraine now, because the packaging for bacteria is not suitable for our weather conditions. They are thin or something, and due to the temperature difference, condensation may form under the lid. And the Bulgarians don't seem to want to change anything
I did it on the drugstore "Yogurt". Only took necessarily Canadian production. It worked well. for the uterine starter culture 5 capsules. There are 30 of them in a bottle. And the money was not very expensive. Cheaper than starter cultures.
Quote: anni4ka

I did it on the drugstore "Yogurt".Only took necessarily Canadian production. It worked well. for the uterine starter culture 5 capsules. There are 30 of them in a bottle. And the money was not very expensive. Cheaper than starter cultures.
I also share on such Yoghurt capsules. I don't make any uterine starter cultures. It's easier and more convenient for me to dilute 1 capsule into 0.5 liters of milk and go. These capsules help me out a lot, sometimes I already want yogurt, but I still have to get to the store. And so he took out the capsule, fell asleep and let it stand.
I never attached importance to what yogurt I buy, even now I don’t know which one I have. Always worked well.
anni4kaand why exactly Canadian? Why is he so good?
Girls - Canadian Yogurt Dr goodman in capsules - I came across a nasty one, the yogurt turns out to be smelly, the smell of some rottenness
Although the shelf life was quite normal.
Oh how. It turns out that the Canadian can be attacked. Maybe a fake was caught? That's why I took only Canadian to insure myself against spoiled product.

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