Allus, do you still use yeast in onion buns ??? And further. Do we just take the leaven immediately into the batch? Don't stand the dough? Something I'm dull ...
echeva, Evgeniya, welcome
This starter is not 100% hydrated, which assumes equal proportions of flour and water (1: 1). The "Simplest" starter has a water / flour ratio of 1: 2. But the ratio can be changed by the "just add water" method, and get the desired% of hydration.
For example, a recipe requires 200g of a starter culture of 100% hydration. In this you need to take 150g (50g water / 100g flour) of the activated "Simplest" and add another 50g of water. And we get the desired ratio: add another 50 g of water to 50 g of water / and 100 g of flour remains.

Generally speaking, then:
* The amount of starter culture required according to the recipe is divided by 100% hydration by 4. The result obtained is 1/4 of the total required amount of starter culture according to the recipe. (In the example above, 1/4 is 50g (200g: 4 = 50g)) Add so much water.
* a 3/4 (i.e. 150g) - this is the required amount of the active "Most Simple".

I have some bread. Yeast, but with the addition of sourdough for flavor.

C / z with seeds:
Sourdough The simplest
Wheat with raisins:
Sourdough The simplest
Sourdough The simplest
Sourdough The simplest
"Village", with the addition of c / z:
Sourdough The simplest
And pies on lean dough:
Sourdough The simplest
Sourdough The simplest
Sourdough The simplest

Quote: Tashenka
so yeast is still used in onion buns
Natasha, I'm sorry, I'm dumb. Inadvertently forgot to remove the yeast from the version with sourdough. Already fixed
Tasha, if the leaven is active, recently fed, then you can try it without the "dough". Maybe a little longer in time. Just let the whole mortgage stand in the bucket before the batch for at least half an hour. The leaven will soften a little, for convenience and uniformity of the batch.
I put the dough on pancakes on warm whey. I hope that by 20.00 it will be possible to bake. I will try it for the first time.
And in general, I love this leaven more and more. The most unblemished, it seems to me. It happened that I had not fed for a week. It was covered on top with a rather thick crust (although it lives under the bag and the lid), but it continued to work flawlessly. And once it happened that the remainder was the size of a small walnut. I thought that everything, a new one would have to "give birth". Nope. She, like a Phoenix, came to life from nothing after feeding, grew up.
Such a wonderful girl lives in my refrigerator, thanks to Allochka.
And such wonderful girls live next to me, thanks to the leaven and my favorite forum.
Natasha, thanks for the kind words. We are waiting for pancakes
At night I tried "Village" with a crispy crust (with the addition of sourdough):
Sourdough The simplest
Sourdough The simplest
And in the afternoon I tried "C / s with seeds". Only a general view, since the bread is "made by the feet":
Sourdough The simplest
To all
Marysya27, Allochka, thank you for your kind words.
With the advent of sourdough, my baking skills have advanced a lot, and this is noted by all the household. So Allochka, this is your big share of merit. Appreciated many times.
Now I have a question. Holidays are ahead, there will be many guests and it will be necessary to significantly increase the volume of baked goods.
Alla, how would you advise to increase the volume of the starter culture and activate it? How many days and what can be done better? Then, after the holidays, enter your normal routine and sharply reduce everything. This is not an easy task for me.

To increase the volume, you need to feed more generously.
Maximum increase: weigh all the leaven; add the same amount of flour and half of the weight of the leaven of water; in the refrigerator for 3 days. Repeat the maximum feeding if necessary. Or you slightly reduce the amount of feeding.
When you need to reduce the amount, you gradually reduce the amount of feeding. Or you immediately go to the minimum wage.But keep the minimum salary not for very long. That is, after 2-4 min. feeding, once or twice you need to feed a little more generously (but not much).
Delicious bread for everyone
Marysya27, Allochka, thank you.
This means you need several overclocking and 3 days in the refrigerator.
Upcoming holidays. Let everyone succeed!
Pancakes. Came to work on bugs.
Allus, I made a dough on serum. It turned out to be liquid, and in 6 hours it did not grow at all: there is sediment at the bottom, and muddy water on top. Well, do not waste the good? I decided to do the rest as I usually do for pancakes. Added about 3/4 tsp. from HP soda, an egg, a little sugar and flour to the usual thickness for me. I had it for 40 minutes while the boys were finishing the math. And then ... The pancakes turned out to be plump. Didn't drop at all after baking. On my usual test, they usually "blown away" a little. The boys ate with jam, it was sweet for them. And for myself I decided that the sand needs to be added more, because with sour cream it will be slightly bland.
Allochka, what could be wrong with the dough? I did everything strictly according to the recipe.

Alla, can you have a recipe for this kind of bread? I wanted something new.

Quote: Maryya27
whole-grain rye with sourdough:

Hello again!
Allochka, now I also want rye sourdough! You mentioned some in your recipes.
Tashenka, Natasha, my tireless toiler Thank you for your activity And I'm sorry that I did not immediately answer
I'll start from the end
Quote: Tashenka
Allochka, now I also want rye sourdough!
I welcome in every way I am glad that "appetites are growing"

Believe it or not, I was just thinking about what form to also hint about rye. I also have rye. Also simple. And almost unkillable It has its own charm. I even have a couple of photos, in my opinion, somewhere else have survived from the time of hatching.
There were thoughts to issue a separate recipe.
But I think that on the forum, most likely, this (or similar) should be. Didn't study the question. On the one hand, I would not like to repeat myself. On the other hand, the accompaniment may differ. I do not want to "bend my line" in not my own recipes. Therefore, for now (in the near future), with great pleasure, I will write in a personal, with details. And then we'll decide what to do. I will gradually share recipes too
(* Our interaction is obtained according to the scheme: "If you want the child to listen to you, invite him to do what he wants to do")
Just this week I baked according to the same recipe, but with different leavens. There are differences in appearance and taste.
* I will share the recipe with the title "Rustic". It turns out very fragrant. Sometimes I take it just to breathe in the aroma, to get the smell. It is richer in bread with rye sourdough.
On the "simplest":
Sourdough The simplest
Sourdough The simplest
Sourdough The simplest
On rye sourdough:
Sourdough The simplest
Cut from the top:
Sourdough The simplest
Sourdough The simplest
* Khlebushek was waiting for my return from work for 10 hours in hp, so the crust turned out to be thick

Quote: Tashenka

Pancakes .., I made a dough on whey. Somehow it turned out to be liquid for me and in 6 hours it did not grow at all: there is sediment at the bottom, and muddy water on top ... what could be wrong with the dough?
Natasha, this is a photo from "another opera", but the view is m. similar: below is a layer of flour sediment, and above - liquid
Sourdough The simplest
The point is this

Wild yeast in leaven is less strong (hardy) than commercial yeast. And even more they weaken in an acidic environment. In addition, a long stay of the starter culture in such an environment contributes to the destruction (weakening) of the flour gluten. Therefore, "ma € mo te, sho ma € mo"
Does this mean that you cannot prepare recipes using whey?
Of course it doesn't. And for rye bread, it is even preferable. Although in the composition of many others he plays "+"
What to do?
1) Making a dough on the water, and the required amount of whey is added at the stage of laying the ingredients, immediately before kneading.
2) You can not do the dough. And take a piece of ripe sourdough (starter). By weight, this is 1/4 of the amount of starter required for the recipe.
We feed in the usual way. T.That is, add another 1/4 part of water + 2/4 part of flour to the starter.
For example, according to the recipe, you need to take 200 g of the "Simplest" starter culture (we have 50% moisture content).
Take: 50g starter (mature sourdough). We feed (activate): 50 g of water + 100 g of flour. Stir, mix. We leave it under the film for 4-6 hours (or overnight), focusing on the thermal state of the environment (room temperature).
We carry out the recipe right away with the addition of activated sourdough. Calmly use the serum.
* If the mature sourdough is in a "dormant" state (not fed on time, slightly overstayed), then the activation of the starter can, and sometimes, it must be done twice)
And further
If the starter is freshly fed (like a couple of days), then I just take the amount needed for the recipe. For half an hour or an hour (under the film) I let you warm up at room temperature. And I immediately put it into action. No additional activation.

Oh, thank you, my sun! Waiting !!!
I rarely bake pure wheat bread. Therefore, I am interested in all sorts of different recipes with ZZ, rye, and so on. Flour. Well, I can't invent it myself! I need everything inside and out.
Now I decided to bake your "RYE WITH STEEL WITH RAISIN AND Cumin" (BAKING DEVICE TORTILLA CHEF PRINCESS 118000). True, I don't have a Tortilla. I want to bake in an old Princess. Separate 100 g of sourdough. Lies, comes to room temperature. I don’t know what will happen.
The starter culture feels very good in the refrigerator. Porous. Probably, we have mutual love with her.
Oh, Allus, I still want baguettes. As porous as in the store. It turns out on yeast, but I haven't tried it on sourdough yet. (I'm trying to get away from yeast as far as possible.)
Natun, the bread you want to bake is one of your favorites. Even those who do not like caraway like it. In the "Note" (at the bottom of the recipe) there is a calculation for the HP version (for 900g of bread).
We will try everything, and everything will work out Only gradually
* "The elephant should be eaten one piece every day"
I do not want to bake in HP already! Only in extreme cases. Although the oven is not very good. but the bread tastes better anyway.
I kneaded the dough. In HP it kneads, in it it also stands. It’s ugly. And the raisins are partially ground. Well nothing! Let's hope it turns out delicious (even if not very pretty).
Haste is good only in some moments ... Therefore, I am not in a hurry.
Tashenka, and what is ugly? For raisins, yes, it could be. Next time, you can throw it on a signal so that it is more intact.
Ugly in the bucket lies. Lumpy, smeared along the walls, like viscous clay. And it was kneaded with a silicone spatula. I dragged it to her from the walls to the mixer. Well, it will not work, so no luck!
Nashenka, everything is fate

So so. Rye dough, etc. b. like clay. The second point, I don't remember whether I mentioned this in the recipe. This dough does not need to be kneaded for a long time.
Third point. I never bake with stirrers. Therefore: using a spatula (moisten slightly with water) I take out the dough (it turns out more in pieces) onto the mat. I wet (dip into water) my hands (palms). They form something like a cylinder. Then on top, as if spreading movements, I smooth the surface of the workpiece. With my fingers soaked in water, I wipe (moisten) the pins from the stirrers (then they do not stick much into the bread). I lower the workpiece into the bucket. With the outer side of my hand I flatten the top of the workpiece. I adjust the sides with the edge of a silicone spatula.
Next, a bucket in hp, I cover it with a bag on top. I close the lid. And parting.
Therefore. Everything is ok with you. The fact that the raisins are ground is not scary. You don't have to remove the stirrers. Tamp the bread on top with a moistened palm (light moisture (trace) on the surface of the workpiece is not scary. If the top is humped, then now, with the help of a moistened spatula and palms, give (smooth) it a shape (nothing that has already stood). Set and bake.
After baking, let it stand in a bucket for minutes. 15-30. Then you can gently shake it out.
I then put the bread on a cloth glove for hot (I specially hold it for this) or a towel, folded several times.Cover with a curtain and let it cool.

Alla, you wrote that the batch is short. I did so. As I said, I kneaded a small portion, as you gave for Tortilka. After 30 minutes, according to your recommendations, you can already pull out and shape. I will not bake in KhP either.
Allus, can you bake it in the oven? If so, what is the baking algorithm?
Fuuh, Natasha, thanks for answering right away I'm already walking and thinking how to call you
Did you see? Did not see?

You can also in the oven. Just don't dry it out. Moreover, the size is small.
More or less like this.
Preheat the oven to 220 ° - 230 °.
Spray the preheated oven from a spray bottle (or put a saucer of water under the wire rack or in the corner of a baking sheet (stone). Quickly put a dish with bread (or put bread on a stone). Quickly close the oven. Reduce heat to 200 °. Bake until a "hollow, empty sound "(~ 30'-40"). You need to focus on the characteristics of your oven.
When the bread preparation is large or there are several; and if the oven is on a stone, then the t ° mode can be slightly increased.

Well-oo-oo ... I have a stone only in my dreams. Now I will put the blank on the lid from the rooster. Let it settle, put it on to bake. I put a baking sheet of water down. And I got used to it with a thermometer. 96 degrees inside is ready. And last night I baked baguettes with liquid yeast and did not immediately hear the signal. When I ran to the kitchen, the temperature inside the baguettes was 110.
I went to turn on the oven and mold the blank. Then I'll tell you what happened.
Quote: Tashenka
I only have a stone in my dreams.
Where is not important The main thing is that he is
I will wait for messages from the "baking line"
The "battlefield" is still calm. I remembered that I have a small rectangular Tefalev silicone mold. She has been living with me for many years, but has never been "dressed". I put the dough into it. It's worth it, but so far the dough is not in a hurry. Well, I have nowhere to rush.
Natasha, of course, let him part. You should not expect a very big rise. Times in 2. Rye less intensive growth gives
Bread in a new dress. We are waiting. And thanks for the reminder. I have something Tefalevskoe from the forms in the set, it seems, is also in the cache. I'll have to look
You should watch this! You know how the mood rises when you find something stuck! As if I bought a new toy.
I want to make potato gnocchi and freeze while the boys are out. I haven't done it for a long time. We need to find a recipe.
Allus, I’m not tired of my harassment yet?

Eh, where could I find 3 thousand ... I would buy a tortilla.

Quote: Tashenka
You know how the mood rises when you find something stuck!

Tasha, Everything is alright, do not worry
I'm with a report. The bread rose quite a bit. The form is 24x8 cm in size. The bread turned out to be 2.5 cm high on one side, and 4 cm on the other (not evenly laid out in the form). The bottom and side crusts are very tough. Even now, lying in a towel and in a bag did not become softer. The bread is dense. Salt is not enough for me. It actually turned out to be some kind of insipid. What's wrong?
Probably, I'll cut off the crusts and dry them on crackers. The boys are crushing.
Natasha, thanks for the report. Sorry, I'll answer later. Now I just can't
Oh, Allus, what are you sorry for ?! I am so grateful to you for everything! As time goes on, you will do a debriefing.

Allochka, honey, happy BIRTHDAY to you, my dear!
Let everything in your life be as you want! Health, happiness, love, good luck in all your endeavors!
Allochka, hello dear! Now I'm in line for help. Zolotko, help with the layout of bread dough for 600 grams on your sourdough. Your starter is ready. Wheat bread with the addition of c / z wheat flour. So I wanted my bread, I bake while I am in the cold store, I have a repair. When the kitchen is assembled, I hope to bake it in a new oven. Help for an old friendship, I haven't baked for a long time. Thank you in advance.
ninza, Ninochka, write a recipe according to which you want to bake bread. Or suggest your own recipe?

You can, for example, try this:
Water - 200g
Sourdough - 180g
Salt - 1+ 3 / 4h l.
Sugar - 3 / 4h. l. (or 1 teaspoon honey)
Rast. oil - 1 tbsp. l.
C / z flour - 120g
Wheat flour - 160g
* It is better not to fall asleep in flour at once. Focus on the bun. That is, first add ~ 120g of wheat, and then add if necessary.

Tashenka, I remember everything I will try to improve today or tomorrow
Allochka, I'm so glad you responded. Thank you dear! Do you have wheat bread with less c / z flour? And remind me how to cook, temper and bake it. Maybe I already wrote about it somewhere.

Allochka, and salt, sugar, h. L. from x / ki or usual?
Ninochka, just subtract to the desired amount of c / z and increase the wheat by the same amount. (* You can replace some part of the c / z with rye).
If the starter is fresh and does not require activation, then put everything in the right order in a bucket. Kneading, steeping (to double it) and baking
Allochka, it means to lay everything down. Then program the yeast dough, leave the dough for 1 hour, closing with a bag. Further short kneading, remove the dough, remove the mixer. Return the dough and wait for the rise, and then for baking. So?
If there is time, then as you wrote. If, over time, not quite, then you can use an abbreviated program. After kneading with "Yeast dough" (without interrupting the program), take out the bucket, remove the stirrer, and form a loaf. Then return the bucket to hp, let the dough come up until the end of the program. And under the package. When the workpiece is enlarged, then on "Baking" ~ 45'-50 '
Thank you so much, my dear!
Hello everyone
I'm a little lost, I'll try to slowly return
Quote: Tashenka

I'm with a report. The bread rose quite a bit. The form is 24x8 cm in size. The bread turned out to be 2.5 cm high on one side, and 4 cm on the other (not evenly laid out in the form). The bottom and side crusts are very hard. Even now, lying in a towel and in a bag did not become softer. The bread is dense. Salt is not enough for me. In general, it turned out to be some kind of insipid. What's wrong?
Probably, I'll cut off the crusts and dry them on crackers. The boys are crushing.
Tasha, the bread did not rise high, because pure rye does not give much growth. Here's an illustration, just from a different recipe:
Quote: komatoz

Recently I purchased a bread maker, mastered wheat bread and rye-wheat bread.
This is my first experience in baking rye bread ...
Z, N. Well, for comparison with white, which I cooked the day before
Sourdough The simplest
On prescription:
Sourdough The simplestBread only on rye flour (Westphalian type) (Author Kosh)
(Elena Bo)

The bottom and side crusts are simply dry. Probably, I overexposed a little and there was not enough moisture. A small portion of the dough also contributed to overdrying. In Tortilla, under the lid, bread loses almost no moisture during baking.
Should not be insipid, it should have a hint of raisins with caraway seeds. Maybe a little salt and add, since it was not enough. I will try to cook this bread to refresh the impression on fresh tracks
Tasha, here is another recipe, in it √4 cake is prepared according to the recipe for the bread that you baked. You can see what the same bread looks like from the oven:
Sourdough The simplestBread cakes (for elegant gourmets and not only)

Here are more rye recipes

Sourdough The simplestRye-wheat bread "Light" (master class) (oven)
Sourdough The simplestRye-wheat bread "Westphalian Passion"
Sourdough The simplestBread only on rye flour (Westphalian type) (Author Kosh)
(Elena Bo)
Sourdough The simplestRye bread 100% from peeled and seeded flour in HP.

At "The Simplest" this morning I baked ciabatkas (1/3 consisting of: c / w flour + flour from sprouted wheat):
Sourdough The simplest
Sourdough The simplest
Sourdough The simplest
I baked and ran to work. Therefore, while without a cutter
Prescription ciabatta:
Sourdough The simplestCiabatta fermented with 50% moisture

A few more breads with sourdough, although there were much more of them
Quote: Marysya27

"Village" on "The simplest" leaven:
Sourdough The simplest
Sourdough The simplest
Whole grain with apples, yeast with the addition of the "simplest" sourdough:
Sourdough The simplest
Sourdough The simplest
Whole wheat wheat on the "Most Simple" sourdough:
Sourdough The simplest
Quote: Marysya27

Wheat with the addition of sourdough:
Sourdough The simplest
Sourdough The simplest
Sourdough The simplest
A new interesting starter culture has appeared. I have already prepared it and I recommend joining the tests
Sourdough The simplest"Eternal" sourdough on potatoes (no flour)
(Yuri K)

To all
Yuri K
Quote: Marysya27
A new interesting starter culture has appeared. I have already prepared it and I recommend joining the tests
"Eternal" sourdough on potatoes (no flour)
(Yuri K)
I looked from some topic on the link and here!
He will correct his own flaws, I just cannot edit the initial text, but in the topic it has already become clear that this is not quite a leaven in its direct sense. This is a self-grown yeast culture, the starter of everything and everyone!
Hello everyone!
I found a recipe. Maybe someone else will do it:
Sourdough The simplestButter dough with sourdough or liquid yeast

In my opinion, very sensible And not only for making buns, but also for the general scheme of using sourdough / yeast. The author herself writes that:
Quote: kuznez84
The main thing in this recipe is the principle of dough preparation.
And I also have bread (40% c / w flour + 40% 1c + 20% w / c) on our sourdough
Sourdough The simplest
Sourdough The simplest
Sourdough The simplest
did not understand how this "leaven" differs from sour dough, but it’s just a "long-fermented" dough in essence
Marysya27, now the time has appeared, I decided to return to the leaven. I remembered that according to your recipe everything worked out easily. And then I re-read the topic, saw a tip on ciabatta. Thank you very much, everything turned out as well as possible.
Quote: Newbie
I didn't understand how this "leaven" differs from sour dough, ..
Newbie, I will write long, so I will hide

This starter culture comes from the first stages of gaining experience in baking bread. And the first steps were associated with remembering. On the one hand, how grandmother and aunt baked bread, using a piece of sour dough, and with minimal opportunities somewhere to read something about it in order to build into a system what I saw with how and for what it was done, on the other
We gradually managed to pick up some bread recipes. But these were recipes for yeast bread.
I tried to find a place for a piece of dough that had to be pinched off (like a grandmother), in the performance of a recipe for yeast bread. Keeping in mind that my grandmother did not have yeast
Where can I get this initial lump? And yeast-free bread recipes?
Samples were like this))
I took a 3-5 day piece of dough for dumplings, cooked bread according to the recipe, but without yeast ...
Or the same option, only with yeast. So the bread was already +/- turned out. But my grandmother didn't have yeast
Further. I left a piece of yeast dough. He was in the refrigerator. I started making dough. Instead of yeast added this piece. But the recipe could not be fulfilled. Even with 2 hours of raising the dough, after baking, a cake was obtained.Nothing changed even after experiments related to changing the number of days of keeping the dough in cool and dark ...
Therefore, she mainly continued to improve the baking of yeast bread. On dough and without.
Then I read somewhere that in the old days sourdough bread stood for a long time.
This moved the process of working with a piece of dough off the ground. The experiments continued.
But ... Yeast bread recipes were different: with the addition of butter and / or milk; or with acidification; or with sugar; or without it; or with additives; or with rye flour ...
That is, the pieces from different breads were different, how much and how they should be aged, I also did not know. There was no stable result. And again, my experiments brought me back to yeast bread.
After some time, we managed to find out that a piece of d. B. from dough, which includes flour, water, salt, yeast. And that's all. Something began to improve. At first I was happy with the first successes. But then I realized that in order to have this piece of dough, I was doomed to bake bread according to only one recipe ...
The understanding came that I still don't know and don't know how to do something important ...
After some time, the missing puzzle was found, the thread got in touch. I read the article by Richard Bertine: "Inheritance in a straight line: sour dough (leaven)". From which I learned that a piece of dough does not have to be pinched off every time after kneading. He can live his own life, thanks to feeding. And in this case, our piece of dough becomes the basis for the so-called sourdough. With which you can bake whatever you want bread
A little later I got to know different leavens and methods of feeding them. I grew up more than one. But the very first, long-awaited, lived, lives and will always live with me.
True, the original scheme of maintaining the life of the "piece" has changed somewhat over time, has found more optimal ways of feeding for itself. Both in time and in composition.
What a magic piece of dough my grandmother had, I will never know. But I think I can bake bread that looks like her
Newbie, so for me sour dough is a piece of dough that lives up to kneading dough for the next loaf. And if there is feeding and independent existence, it is leaven. This distinction was first taught by Richard Bertine, and then by other authors.
Therefore, the "Simplest" leaven
Perhaps there are other approaches to defining and distinguishing these terms.

shoko11, Elvira, that's gloriously Delicious bread
Quote: Newbie
We wait, the main question is - does it sour?
This is a recipe:
Newbie, duplicate
Quote: Marysya27

Newbie, to refresh the memory, has already activated the starter. I put the dough stage 2
Sourdough The simplest

Sourdough The simplest
100g starter culture + 50g water + 50g flour:
Sourdough The simplest
Sourdough The simplest

Sourdough The simplest
Sourdough The simplest

It took me a little more time for 1 part of the recipe. We must focus on the maturity of the dough.
Added: 150 ml of water and 150 g of flour. After 12 hours:
Sourdough The simplest
I decided to use half of the dough (230g), halving the volume of the ingredients in the recipe.
As a result of the test, it turned out 682g (without raisins).
The color is much lighter than last year's, because this copy is made without sugar, with stevia powder.
Does not acidify.
If you need a sweeter cake, then you can take more sugar than in the recipe.

More ciabattki
Sourdough The simplest
Quote: Marysya27

Newbie, I will write long, so I will hide

thanks, understood
Marysya27, Alla, here. One and a half kg higher / first s. She baked in a cast-iron cauldron of 4 liters, but the distant dough reached the brim, so she covered it with a deep frying pan. 5.5-6 liters of bread came out. The crust is thin and crispy.

Sourdough The simplest

And the cut, well, the remainder of the cut ...

Sourdough The simplest

The taste is wonderful, without acid, the aroma is bready, very pleasant. They dragged the cat away, tried to gnaw straight hot, ate a piece of the crumb with pleasure.
Tyetyort, Lenochka, the uniform handsome turned out !!! Above all praise - both ruddy and fluffy
If you feed the leaven on time and within normal limits, then it will not sour in the bread.
If suddenly the leaven is acidic, then it can be "leveled". Feed a couple of times in time with medium doses.
From time to time, you can feed it one-time with flour or add a little other fresh sourdough. Once a year, I prepare a specially small dose of another wheat sourdough to enrich the composition. So to speak, "birthday cake"
And what, the cat respects bread? !!!
And I baked our cakes with leaven
Sourdough The simplest

Sourdough The simplest
Sourdough The simplest
Sourdough The simplest
Sourdough The simplest
Sourdough The simplest
Sourdough The simplest

Alla, handsome men!
And ruddy, since there is enough salt. Lack of salt - pale crust.
Hello everyone
Kulich cooked according to the recipe djemma, only instead of Levito Madre, our sourdough

Quote: djemma
The recipe for today's baking is as follows:
150 gr warm milk
180 g Levito Madre
150 gr flour
All dough
2 eggs
150 g sugar
80 gr butter
350 gr flour
1 tbsp. l. cognac
Zest of 1 lemon
Kneading in a bread maker.
The dough was prepared +/- according to the same scheme as the buns.
Quote: Marysya27

Since I am busy at work now, I cook either in the morning or in the evening, when I show up at home. Therefore, my description can be “limping”, i.e.because, perhaps, something was ready before. But I couldn't see it
How I cooked.
In the evening, after feeding the starter culture, I took 200 g of leftovers + 100 g of water + 50 g of flour (to allow the top layer of the shell to soak (soften). Covered with a foil.
* If I took a piece from the middle, and not the outer shell, I would do everything according to the recipe.
In the morning:
Sourdough The simplest
Put the dough:
150 gr warm milk
180 g of evening mixture of water, flour and levito madre (the rest was used for ciabattok)
150 gr flour
In the evening I started the dough.
all dough
2 eggs
150 g sugar
80 gr butter
350 gr flour + a couple more full-size st. spoons
20g vanilla sugar
1 tbsp. l. cognac
Zest of 1 lemon
HP program "Yeast dough". After the end of the program, the dough looked like something to which it would not hurt to add a little more flour. Crumpled. Covered with foil. In the refrigerator (4 ° -8 ° C).
The next evening. I took a bucket of dough from the refrigerator. It (in appearance) has stabilized. And it looked like a little more torment was given
Sourdough The simplest
1 hour warmed up at room temperature. Lightly smeared the rast. oil mat and hands.
Sourdough The simplest
Added 130g raisins
Then you have already seen in the previous message :) I formed buns (20 pieces in a baking sheet of Gemlukschki, and two in a manunka. At 21.00 I put it on a proofer under a towel. At midnight I greased the yolk + 2 h. L. Of water. After 10 'I put it in an already preheated oven and baked at a temp. 180 g. ~ 20'-25 '

Today I made cakes, only in the form of ciabatkas:
Sourdough The simplest
Sourdough The simplest
Sourdough The simplest
On prescription:

I tried to imitate the "Asian" sourdough based on ours (while the native is being restored). I fed them with broth, onions, flour and yogurt.
"Native" this

Here again I put it on the basis of "The Simplest"

This is the starting one:
Sourdough The simplest
This is through "12h +":
Sourdough The simplest

I came to show "total"
Sourdough The simplest

Ready-made starter culture:
Sourdough The simplest
(* The start was about 150 - 200g "The Simplest" + 100g broth + 100g flour + 1 onion + 1 tbsp. L. Yogurt)
Matching dough:
Sourdough The simplest
Ciabatta cakes:
Sourdough The simplest
Sourdough The simplest
Sourdough The simplest
Sourdough The simplest

Very tasty, but with the native leaven the taste is richer, richer. Based on "The Simplest" it is more tint
I have bread from Panasik
Sourdough The simplest
Sourdough The simplest
Sourdough The simplest
On prescription:
Only with leaven; vegetable oil, not butter; and no cheese.
And buns "Imperial":
Sourdough The simplest
Also in sourdough, according to the recipe:

All recipes

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We advise you to read:

Selection and operation of bread makers