Nyurochka_29, what a beauty!!! Glad you liked.

Chuchundrus, so I just is this

Quote: Chuchundrus
super lazy humanity!
Glad you liked.
| Alexandra |
Mistletochka, and at what level are such cookies better?
SashaIt all depends on the oven. I bake everything at an average level.
| Alexandra |
I also put it on the middle one, though I don't have a rug, I greased the baking sheet with oil, but they couldn't move away from each other. I put your baking powder in a beautiful jar, because - live and learn ...
| Alexandra |
I really didn't understand - why is there flour in it? And what - is it better than the purchased one, since you preferred it?
Mei does not have a purchased baking powder, otherwise I would read the composition to you. Flour is needed to maintain proportions.
Olga VB
Purchased baking powder is different - it happens with flour, and sometimes with starch.
In baking, I did not notice the difference between them.
| Alexandra |
And the one that is 2007. - he even became dirty pink. He is ashamed for me that I did not use it ...
Elena Tim
Quote: | Alexandra |
I put your baking powder in a beautiful jar, after all - live and learn ...
What kind of baking powder? Tell me the same!
Baking powder:
Citric acid (grind into dust) 30 g
Soda 50 g
Wheat flour 120 g

Mix and use as directed in the recipe.
| Alexandra |
But - we will not tell!
| Alexandra |
Mistletochka, this rarely happens - my life partner, leaving the kitchen coquettishly said: "You can still bake these ..." I look at the table - and there are two things left. So one more thanks to you, from the Petersburg hunter.
Sasha, uraaaa !!!

Quote: | Alexandra |
from the St. Petersburg hunter.
My already cleaned up ... 18 opening.
| Alexandra |
We don't go to the bird, we are so cool. He was now forced to take an exam in Smolny, thank God, he didn’t pass the exam for the head of some kind of hunting, he answered 34 out of 40 questions, but it was necessary - 35. This was the first time such exams were started (they apparently have nothing to do in this committee).
| Alexandra |
And there are 600 questions in total ...
Quote: | Alexandra |
We don't go to the bird
Oh, ring then!
Thank you !!!! A little gag: flour c / grain and 2nd grade, and the yoghurt is not thick (there was no sour milk), and instead of sugar, sahzam. The result is delicious !! We love cottage cheese baked goods, but my husband is diabetic, so I don't use flour in the tower.
Nina, I am very glad that you have found your option!
It was scary to read - I was going for several months, I bought cottage cheese three times specially for this business, but I was honored only now. Having thoroughly penetrated and grasped the essence (as I think to myself), I nevertheless took a chance. It turned out to be easier than a steamed turnip. )) True, the Radical does not show me a picture, so there is nothing to compare the process with, so I cannot say exactly which jambs I stuck, but it turned out very tasty, I will certainly repeat it.

The cottage cheese is rather wet, instead of sour cream, instead of lemon juice and zest, there are ground lemons with sugar from the refrigerator. She conscientiously introduced sugar with dry foods, grinding flour with soda, salt, butter and sugar.

She trampled the torn soft dough with a wet palm on baking paper, placing a thick round cardboard about the size of a Princess under the bottom. I cut the cake, but in vain - too soft, everything immediately collapsed again, and it wouldn't work to take it apart at all.

I planned to bake from cold, but the Princess had to arrange pyrolysis so that the spicy smells of the previous dish were gone. Therefore, I put it already hot, but turned off, turned it on after five minutes, after the appearance of a delicious aroma of the finished dish, turned it off and let it stand. She was cutting ready-made.

I don’t understand, you need more flour, or less soda? ... Although there is no desire to improve the taste - it turned out great, gently soft.

Omela, thank you great!
Lena, I'm glad that everything worked out in the end and I liked it. Just did not understand why it was scary ??
For some reason, it was a very scary recipe for me.
Well, sooo many ingredients, subtleties of preparation, mixing and all that ... It was difficult to decide and start.

And in the end, it all boiled down to two main points - butter-sugar-flour-salt-soda are mixed and rubbed with hands in one spacious bowl, cottage cheese-sour cream-yolk-lemon-or_something_more_for inspiration - with a fork in another bowl. Then pour the liquid into the dry one, mix with a spoon, then by hand, then onto a sheet of paper and everything is ready to be pushed into the Princess! Moreover, my heart feels that there is no need for greater accuracy - we throw what and how God will put on our souls and it will still be delicious.
Quote: Bijou
Moreover, my heart feels that there is no need for greater accuracy - we throw what and how God will put on our souls and it will still be delicious.
that's it. Absolutely nothing complicated !!
Omela, it turned out deliciously, changed the recipe for myself a little (there was no lemon), and they went up not much, but I think that the homemade baking powder let down (it seemed suspicious to me in the jar
Quote: Sweetheart
I think that home baking powder failed
And then there is acid from cottage cheese, you can not put any baking powder, but just mix a pinch of soda with flour.
Sweetheart, Tanya, I didn't use lemon either. The main thing. what we liked!

Quote: Bijou
And then there is acid from cottage cheese,
Lena, theoretically yes. But practically, I still prefer to extinguish soda. In extreme cases, boiling water. The result is better.
No, I don't believe in such superstitions. From the soda, which reacted outside the dough, there is no sense, alas. "Bubbles" are also obtained outside the test. Over there, the person above baking powder reacted in advance in the bank, so what?)

However, I will not argue, cooking is the place where myths are extremely tenacious. So everyone has their own, for sure I also have some habits that are illogical for outsiders.
Quote: Bijou
However, I will not argue,
we do not argue, but share our experience. I agree that in most cases there is enough soda, but there have been cases when the use of soda in a dough with sour cream, for example, did not give a loosening effect .. apparently due to the chemical composition of sour cream. And now we have cottage cheese, which is not exactly cottage cheese.
Quote: Omela
And now we have cottage cheese, which is not exactly cottage cheese.
Oh, are you there too?
The other day I bought something so beautiful, large-grained. And it almost smelled like burnt plastic, like cheesecakes put in a pan. And they all spread, and went to the trash, and froze in all sorts of limp and perverted poses ...
The hands of that "curd" were as if smeared with wax - they were very badly washed. And what else I noticed - when kneading such, if I may say so, cottage cheese, it very quickly changes its structure - just now there seemed to be "grains", and already plasticine, as if I rubbed it through a fine sieve.
Yes, we live in such a time. Even when buying in the same place, like the same manufacturer, they are not immune from counterfeiting ... My body immediately reacts with allergies. By the way, I’ll go to throw away the whey, I cooked the cottage cheese in the head.)
Elena Tim
Quote: Omela
By the way, I’ll go to throw away the whey, cook the cottage cheese in the shtab.
Ksyu, what temperature do you set, and for how long?
Omela, and what did you mix in? I do not have that
I want to do, everything is at home.
Quote: Elena Tim

Ksyu, what temperature do you set, and for how long?
Len, I can't find the place where I showed pictures of cottage cheese. I do it on heating for 4 hours 70C, as it is packed. 1 liter of kefir + 1 liter of milk in soft bags. Sometimes after the end of the program I also leave to cool down in the bowl for a couple of hours. But it depends on the products, of course, it is curled in different ways.Yesterday, by the way, the cottage cheese did not work, that is, I could not drain the whey. had to bake pancakes today.

Quote: Lerele

Omela, and what did you mix in? I do not have that
I want to do, everything is at home.
Lerele, Knead with knives in a combine.
Elena Tim
I love homemade cottage cheese with homemade sour cream - food of the gods!
But I make cottage cheese from already prepared kefir, so it takes me less time and always curls well. I set the temperature to the same, and the time - 1 hour.
And I, frankly, did not know that you can just put milk mixed with kefir in a cartoon. You will not recognize the faq tok if you have sex with you.
Quote: Elena Tim
But I make cottage cheese from already cooked kefir,
And what else is kefir ?? Or do you mean sour?

Cottage cheese (pressure cooker Steba DD1 Eco) (Masinen)

Curd scones
Elena Tim
Quote: Omela
Or do you mean sour?
I mean, first I cook kefir, and then from Java - cottage cheese! And I don’t make, like some, a chatterbox of milk and kefir!
Byaka zakalyaka
Flax, and kefir you just leave unpasteurized milk to sour or ferment with leaven?
Elena Tim
Marish, I add kefir or yogurt to milk, at the rate of 100 ml of yogurt per liter of warm milk, and leave it at room temperature overnight or a little longer, until it ferments properly - I like large flakes - it curdles faster.
Byaka zakalyaka
Thanks, I will do this
k @ wka
And I make cottage cheese all the time in the Polaris multicooker. I pour the bag of kefir into the multicooker bowl and onto the "multi-cook" program for 1 hour at a temperature of 90 degrees, and then leave it on heating for another 1 hour. Total 2 hours in total. I turn it off, open the lid of the multicooker, let it cool down a bit and put it on cheesecloth. Very tasty and soft curd is obtained and not sour at all, which I especially like.
This is so, I share my experience, maybe someone will come in handy.
My question is about the test. I got it loose. The yogurt was rather thick, and Mistletoe had whey. Maybe that's why. Maybe you should have poured more yogurt then?
Girls, what should be the consistency of the dough?
Galina, the dough is loose, but gathers into a lump with your hands. You could literally 1-2 tsp. add liquid.

Quote: k @ wka
for 1 hour at a temperature of 90 degrees,
I once cooked on the stove at this temperature ... kefir + milk, in the end it just turned out to be harsh. It is necessary to try according to your version. Kefir you pour normal, not sour?
k @ wka
I pour kefir directly from the bag, directly from the store or from the refrigerator. Sometimes it happens that kefir will lie in the refrigerator for several days, there is not always time. But I do not leave it warm, but immediately pour it into the bowl and turn on the multicooker.
In the recipe book that came with my multicooker, it is suggested to cook cottage cheese on the "milk porridge" mode for 30 minutes. I tried it and I didn't like it. The cottage cheese turned out to be very dry and tough, like overcooked, or something. And at 90 degrees it turns out very gentle, and a lot comes out pretty.
I liked the curd scones, thanks for the recipe, I will cook more. But just add a little more curdled milk or whey with a little more.
Galina, thanks, I'll try your option. I'll go for kefir right away. Do you do it from soft bags or not in principle?
k @ wka
It doesn't matter. Most often from soft, but there may be a tetrapak and a plastic bottle. But the fat content of kefir still affects the taste and acidity of the cottage cheese. The higher the fat percentage, the tastier. Our most popular is 3.7-3.8.
And, since the most important thing in cottage cheese is calcium, and calcium cannot be absorbed without fat, then I take kefir fatter.
I put it on soft kefir 3.2%.
Cottage cheese did not work out. Made on Multipovar 90C for 1 hour. Overcooked, flakes turned out. there will be paneer. And the output is only 100g.

Curd scones

Ksyusha! I keep forgetting to say thank you for the recipe!
Stunning scones are obtained, especially when using homemade cottage cheese and with good butter. I, of course, smeared them with yolk and cream and sprinkled them with sugar, mmm crust ...Softish inside, sugar crust on top. But I have been doing all the cookies for a long time. I added tangerine zest and nuts, well, you yourself understand what is at hand, and just made according to the recipe. In short, we must immediately make a double portion, for our family there is not enough for the evening. I highly recommend the recipe! Highly!
Has baked already five times. But I really love scones.

Curd scones

I found that in this recipe, the taste depends on the quality of the oil.
Yes, I still sometimes mix sugar with flour, then it turns out friable!
Olya, no, well, you generally have a conscience ??? It's impossible to watch !!! I want to eat!!!! I'll do it tomorrow!
Quote: Omela
I'll do it tomorrow!
You will laugh, but even my husband learned to make them! Aha! My waist is now under constant pressure!

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