Flax, Finnish will be too small for you.
Elena Tim
Nuuu ... I would have found out about this much later - after the purchase.
So it's good that I didn't get it.
Olga VB
Lenk, I have not seen this topic! Otherwise, you have something here for a long time harmful good wrote
If I understood correctly on the diagonal, then there are electrical such things?
Now, if the induction cooker, on it the same as yours, will not work? Or how?
otherwise I have already licked the whole monitor from your pictures, but the satisfaction has not come. But the Wishlist woke up

No, you are still a rare infection!

My breakage has stopped, I ordered Hanhi today. Elena Tim, thanks dear for the advice!
Elena Tim
Catwoman, Lenusechka, to your health!
I hope you enjoy it, and you will still tease us with different sweets.
Quote: Olga VB
If I understood correctly on the diagonal, then there are electrical such things?
Quote: Olga VB
Now, if the induction cooker, on it the same as yours, will not work? Or how?
Olk, you have been asking me such questions lately, but I have no brain whatsoever.
Honestly, neither about this nor about the other I have neither sleep nor spirit. There was once a conversation here that glass ceramics and induction heaters may not be suitable for my smokehouse, but this was all at a hypothetical level. I understand these stoves like a pig in oranges, because I have gas.
In any case, if you lather and take a smokehouse, try the seller on this subject until he cries and swears, you can.
Asya Klyachina
Quote: kirch
Flax, Finnish will be too small for you.
Why not? Can you hang a whole chicken there and several fish at once? Girls, boys, who have this Suomi (aka Hanhi) Finnish in the form of a long high saucepan, inject. Is it a convenient thing and how much can you stuff into it?
Quote: Asya Klyachina

Why not? It seems like a whole chicken can be hung there and several fish at once? Girls, boys, who have this Suomi (aka Hanhi) Finnish in the form of a long high saucepan, prick. Is it a convenient thing and how much can you stuff into it?
Enough for two of us. You can hang fish 4 pieces. The chicken, of course, can be hung, but I don't know how to do it. There are 4 hooks and I don't know how to hang a chicken.
Elena Tim
Quote: Asya Klyachina
It seems like a whole chicken can be hung there.
Pralna. And in mine - READ YOURS !!!
Quote: Elena Tim
And in mine - READ YOURS !!!
Baby, won't you burst ??? !!! READYRIES
Ha, she has such gophers there, and also a Rogue comes to visit! That there are four more hens, only poor Lena Timovna remains to smell
Elena Tim
And what is there?
One is eaten immediately, and three go to the freezer. At any moment he took it out, thawed it, warmed it up and it is as good as new. But he immediately shot, smoked, taxied, washed the smokehouse and walk, Vasya.
True, I did not smoke whole chickens (I do not like the breast), but I always smoke a lot of individual spare parts, the Schaub was enough for a long time.
Frankly, and it rarely reaches the freezer ... You think where I need 12 legs, I need to treat these, and these ...
Then you are left with one shriveled chicken ass and you think, somehow ... I haven't finished eating yet, but it's gone somewhere ...
We must blow into the store again.
Quote: Elena Tim
Then you're left with one shriveled chicken ass
Lenchik, I love you!!! My you are good !!!
Elena Tim
Thank you, my golden! It's good when you eat someone who is hungry to feel sorry for you.
Gayane Atabekova
Helen, after your colorful description, wrote out the same smokehouse.Through trial and error, I finally made a delicious sausage and ham. And so - for the ham, the meat of a young hog, which under the ribs, seems to be called a loin. I make pickle. 1 liter. water 85g rock salt, bay leaf 3-4pcs. black and allspice peas. 1 kg. meat 2 gr. nitrite salt. I have a high concentration from Amazon. If pitch salt is 15-20 gr. I dip the meat into the brine and start injecting it there, so that the brine soaked the meat. I keep it in brine for 3 days, periodically turning it over and once more with a syringe. I take it out of the brine onto the wire rack, so that the meat dries and warms up for 2-3 hours. Drying with paper towels. I wrap it in a baking bag and put it in warm water, gradually heating. The water should not boil. I constantly pour hot water and add cold water. An hour later I take it out of hot water and in a bag under a cold shower. Then I take it out of the bag and dry it again with a towel. Then I smoke in a smokehouse for 10 minutes over high heat, 20 minutes. on the weak. turn off the gas. After 40 minutes, I open the smokehouse and put the ham on the wire rack until it cools completely. I store it in a film in the refrigerator. The meat was 2kg. 800gr. ham turned out 2kg. 400gr. Girls don't be afraid of nitrite salt. We have eaten a ton of it already. The ham turned out to be awesome.
Elena Tim
Gayane, to your health! I am very glad that you have made friends with your smoker.
Gayane Atabekova
Thank you very much, Helen. This is all thanks to your advice. I ordered the smoking lamp from Moscow from the tourist world. I begged the guys to be sent to Tbilisi. The expulsion was almost like a smokehouse, but I'm very happy. Here the girls asked for the sausage recipe, so after three not very successful experiments 4 times, it finally turned out very tasty. I ground pork on a large wire rack with 6 holes, finely chopped lard on a small one, absolutely fat-free beef. 100-150gr. added 3 cloves of garlic, crushed black and allspice, a little ground cordamom and hot red pepper. Now comes the most important thing. For 1 kg of minced meat 18 gr. common salt and 2 grams of my concentrated nitrite salt. I mix everything well with a spatula in Kesh. Then I stuff the pork belly and hang it in the refrigerator on the shelf of the door for a day. The sausage thickens under its own weight. Then I warm it up at room temperature for two hours. Then in the oven on a wire rack for 2 hours for a min. temperature. I have at least 150, so I insert the flap and open the door. After 2 hours I take out the sausage and take a cold shower. Then back into the refrigerator. I smoke for 2 days. 10 m strong fire 20 minutes weak.

Added Saturday 11 Jun 2016 10:29 AM

then after the smokehouse has cooled down, I scent again. The longer both sausage and ham are stored, the tastier it becomes. Maybe someone can use my poor experience.
Gayane Atabekova, About sausage it would be nice to lay out a separate recipe. I want to smoke, but I'm afraid to start
Gayane Atabekova
Do not be afraid . Everything will work out. Just try not to back out of the process. I am going to make a sausage, but here I have a big trouble, the inner glass of the oven shattered to smithereens. Managed to bang a heavy frying pan on her. Now wait a whole month. So I think to hold it in hot water for 1 hour and then smoke it. I hope it works. Then I'll post the recipe in the sausage theme.
Quote: Gayane Atabekova
Then I'll post the recipe in the sausage theme.
thanks, I'll wait
Asya Klyachina
Quote: Gayane Atabekova
... And so - for the ham, the meat of a young hog,
For gluttons like me, it sounds like a song ...
virgins, hello everyone! Lenchik, my dear to you, special!))))
I am not yet destined to buy a home smokehouse, but your smoked meats have been haunting me for many years. Therefore, seeing in Ashan a metal box with two mesh shelves under the proud name "smokehouse" and the price of 350 rubles, I could not pass by and not buy it. Now I am sitting in the country, outside the window is pouring rain, and in the basement there is a salted red fish straight from Kamchatka, which is eager for me to smoke it. The only question is how ?!
In general, I ask for the help of the collective mind, since I do not understand at all what I should do with this miracle box.There are wood chips, a barbecue, too, the stove is only electric - glass ceramics, apparently not worth it.
Liz, we put such a smoker on the grill right on the grill. Kindle boldly with any wood. On a flame, bring the smokehouse to smoke, and then keep a small fire under the smokehouse. Fish cooks faster than meat. You leave a small amount of coals to go out on your own, here's a quiet "smoker" for you. It will cool down right on the street then just open it
Do not forget to make a small saucer into chips, otherwise the bitterness will be utter

Added Sunday, Jun 12, 2016 7:10 PM

Just keep in mind that it will be unrealistic to wash such a box. Noble soot! We keep one smokehouse specially for the barbecue
Elena Tim
Feel free to do as Lyudka grit, she will not advise bad.
Eight tutochki I smoked fish, take a look, see how:
Lucy, Len, thank you, I'll try to figure it out now. That is, I put wet chips inside the box, and then I put it on the grill and bring smoke? And what about chips for 1-1.5 kg of fish?
Wet chips in a box to the bottom, then necessarily the tray is needed to collect the flowing juices, then the grates with food. You put the finished structure on the grill. Handful of chips are enough
Elena Tim
Scarlett, I have a dish drying over the sink - there is something that hooks on with a hook
Catwoman, I can tell my impressions of the thermometer. I installed a thermometer in my smokehouse, tried to navigate by it - I was not used to it. In the end, by eye, everything turns out fine. If you decide to put a thermometer, put the thermometer longer so that the measuring element reaches at least the middle of the smokehouse. I put it short - as a result, very non-objective temperature readings are obtained. As a result, it sticks out for my beauty - I smoke it based on the experience gained
Hello everyone! My Finnish smoker came here to me! I was so happy! For two days she lay in my car (she was afraid they would not be allowed home). But there is nothing to do: I had to confess. The box is huge. I won't get it. Meanwhile, the ribs with the thighs are already marinated in the refrigerator. A solemn moment is coming! We open the box. It's packed like that! I thought there was only one piece of paper. But no! We got a wonderful casserole! Wow! Pretty lady! Let me wash the small parts, my husband dragged the casserole itself into the bathtub to bathe. And the meat is already weathering on the table, on paper towels ... And then the trouble came ... I began to wipe my big miracle, and there a tiny hole at the bottom glows along the seam .. That's it! I won't have smoked thighs with ribs. How I cried! How she cried with resentment! My husband called the firm yesterday. But it was already late in the evening. They said to call tomorrow. Now I will seek justice.

Added on Friday 17 Jun 2016 09:39 AM

I got through. They said they needed to take a picture of this hole and send them a photo along with a written claim. What if the hole is not visible in the photo? But one way or another, everything is postponed until the evening. I'm at work, and the pot is at home.
Elena Tim
What a horror! Ol, I have no words, it's a shame how.
Elena Tim, Well. I photographed the hole. It turned out not bad at all. I sent it along with the claim. Today the answer came that they would change my saucepan. So I'm waiting for a miracle again
Olga, great that we went forward
They will check the new one for you
Wow, lope then some tasty treats are waiting for someone!
Elena Tim
Quote: Chionodoxa

Elena Tim, Well. I photographed the hole. It turned out not bad at all. I sent it along with the claim. Today the answer came that they would change my saucepan. So I'm waiting for a miracle again
Fuy, well, thank God!
Olenka, well, I wish you good luck in getting a good, and now high-quality assistant!
Rarerka, Elena Tim, Thank you. Already a new one and I myself will sniff everything in addition to checking them
Hello everyone! My husband in the DR was presented with such a smokehouse the day before yesterday. Let's learn to smoke!
Damn, I went and looked, but our smokehouse doesn't have a tube
Elena Tim, Lenok, your advice is urgently needed! Salted three pikes yesterday, how to smoke them! They brought Khankhi's smokehouse. An urgent need to experience. And how long to smoke?
Elena Tim
Lenus, you put everything as it should be in your smokehouse. You close, turn on a strong fire, so that the chips smoke. It takes 10 minutes for my smokehouse to heat up well. Then you turn down the heat to below average or even slightly less and timed the time for 25 minutes. Then you turn it off and leave it to cool for at least 30 minutes right in the smokehouse. Do not open the lid or peep!
Yes, and do not forget to pre-soak the chips, otherwise it will burn, but it will not give off smoke. Take 1 large handful of wood chips.
Elena Tim, I'll take you right for detailed instructions. Do you think smoked pike is delicious? Otherwise, out of greed, I took them all from my brother when he came from fishing ...
Elena Tim
Delicious, Lenus. The truth is bony. Once upon a time, a neighbor, a fisherman, treated him to hot smoked pike - I liked it very much, if it weren't for bones.
Yesterday it didn't work out with smoking, there was no electricity until nightfall. Now I set it down to smoke. Lenusik, my mother, so that I will not be disappointed in the smokehouse.
Elena Tim
Hospadya, but if I had gone to HP earlier, of course I would have used the material, but I just stuck it in. Was busy all day.
I am lazy, I even want to ask bayus ... Well, what is there for? You are silent somehow suspiciously ... You will be Drazza, right?
Home smokehouse with water seal
Home smokehouse with water seal

It's finished! I have successfully changed my smokehouse And here is my first creation! TASTY !!!! In the morning today, the first thought in my head: Why would this still smoke?
(only for some reason one inverted photo was inserted)
Smoking parts and fish
Quote: Elena Tim

Hospadya, but if I had gone to HP earlier, of course I would have used the material, but I just stuck it in. Was busy all day.
I am lazy, I even want to ask the bayus ... Well, what is it about there? You are silent somehow suspiciously ... You will be Drazza, right?

Lenus, I will not fight. Yesterday I was already a bitch. I'll show you today, just let me get back from work. I also took 1 to work, though I haven't tried it yet,
Rarerka, there are chicken parts on the platter (thighs). Now I want wings. And of course stock up on fish.
Elena Tim
Quote: Catwoman
I'll show you today, just let me get back from work
Sat down to wait ...

Quote: Chionodoxa
It's finished! I have successfully changed my smokehouse And here is my first creation! TASTY !!!!
Ol, it turned out very appetizing!
Congratulations on your initiative!
Nuuuu, now it's all gone.
Elena Tim, Thank you!
Quote: Elena Tim
Nuuuu, now it's all gone.
Olga, of course, good quality, but I liked the guard even more! : girl_haha: Eyes are so attentive! Did you at least treat him?
Scarlett, Tatyana, our guard is already hefty fastidious. While everything was pickled and still raw, I wrote circles around. How it was prepared and it was still warm, did not show much interest. Today I'll try to give it cold. Eats only from the hand. Spoiled
Asya Klyachina
Chionodox, feldipersovo!
Elena Tim, something I have no luck with the smokehouse. It is written that it is stainless steel. And I washed it in the dishwasher and the bottom of it rusted. How can this be?
Home smokehouse with water seal
And what should I do now, I don't know either

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