I'll have to try pilaf

Added on Monday 30 Jan 2017 10:44 PM

And what does it mean that you don't have to think about water? Can you pour as much as you want?

Added on Tuesday 31 Jan 2017 03:43 PM

Virgo, in what mode is it best to cook buckwheat? And in what proportions? The husband loves buckwheat from the oven and does not eat the usual boiled one. It needs to be well boiled, but not porridge.
Girls, take the replenishment, I waited for a discount in Eldorado and today I took Filka from the store
washed and set the lemon compote to cook, it is so sympathetic, of course not miniature, but not huge, as I was afraid
Multicooker Philips HD4726 / 03
Svetlanka, congratulations on your new assistant ...
Let it please with goodies ...
sveta-Lana.Light with a new family member
Galina, and you still cook with her?
Svetlan while Marta is on duty ...
marlanca, Sedne, thanks girls!
I want to put on dark milk now, I usually torment it in a small Filka 3060, today I will try a large

Added Sunday 05 Feb 2017 06:44 PM

3 hours have passed, the flight is normal
looked in, the milk is already beige, the smell of the whole apartment
Svetlana, congratulations on the new cartoon, let it only please!

marlanca, Galink, I just thought maybe your network voltage is jumping. Here in the topic about 10 Panasonic, the girl wrote that the porridge suddenly began to run away. They began to cook through a voltage transformer, everything was fine, nothing runs anymore
Oh, and me, and me, and me too,Svetochka, Heartiest congratulations!
Let Philip serve for a long time and do not know wear and tear.
Quote: marlanca
Svetlan while Marta is on duty ...

Galyun, and I bought Martha too. * JOKINGLY * Snot here on the sly, talking to myself.

Irina, thank you! already happy!
the milk is ready, the foam has already licked off it has not boiled away
Multicooker Philips HD4726 / 03
Oh, girls, and I'm still playing with Bork. I wanted to buy a Marta, which I really like, but changed my mind. True, I also want an ordinary induction multicooker, but so far the toad is choking
Rita, Thank you! I hope that he will meet my expectations and will work long and fruitfully
I am very glad that I bought it, even though at the last moment I had doubts ... I bought it, but so far no one knows about it, I only shared with you
Quote: sveta-Lana
bought, but so far no one knows about it shared only with you
Pralna, who else is it? Don't worry, we won't tell anyone
Quote: vernisag

Don't worry, we won't tell anyone

Amused ....
Quote: vernisag
we won't tell anyone
No doubt
girls, has anyone tried to bake a manna from a recipe book? is there everything in order with the proportions?
or not to risk it?
for a long time no one was here
okay, maybe someone will appear
today I cooked beans with meat, there was a trial version, but in the end it turned out delicious.
in general, first I fried onions, carrots and meat on the Fry for about 7 minutes, then I poured the beans (I had it soaked in the evening), spread a spoonful of tomato paste in hot water, poured everything and turned on Stewing for 1 hour
40 minutes later I looked in, I think the beans will not be cooked, I turned off and set the Multi-Cook for 40 minutes 100 *,
cartoon squeaked, I look the beans are still hard
peeled 1 potato, cut it, added it there and during the banquet put it for another 30 minutes
it turned out very tasty, the potatoes gave the gravy, I don't know how to put it exactly, starchiness or something and softness
no photo, the portion was small and I ate it right away
I don't know what the name of this dish is, I really liked it, I will repeat it, I think if you cook on Stew, then set 2.5 -3 hours
but on Multipovar, probably two hours will be enough, in general, I'll try and unsubscribe if anyone is interested
and for dinner I cooked millet porridge, 25 minutes and you're done
I continue quietly with myself
today it was necessary to boil milk, not to simmer
at first I wanted to use manual mode, but I was afraid of running away and put 10 minutes on Kasha
periodically dropped in, just in case
the result is a foam like baked milk,
probably should have been set for 5 minutes ... although I don't remember if it is possible
Multicooker Philips HD4726 / 03

Added Saturday 11 Feb 2017 04:33 PM

I checked in the table on Kasha, you can set the time from 5 minutes to 2 hours, so next time I'll try it.
Nice cartoon, I like it very much
Today I tested the Plov program.
I had boiled boletus in the freezer, so I decided to stir up mushroom pilaf.
on Fry, sautéed onions, carrots, added chopped sun-dried tomatoes, dried ground bell pepper from their blanks, salt, black pepper, added defrosted mushrooms, stewed everything for about 12 minutes
poured rice, poured water, one finger above rice (200 ml of rice and 240 ml of water)
turned on the Plov program, the default time is 35 minutes
after the launch, the snake ran just these 35 minutes, then 15 minutes were displayed and the countdown began
at the end of the program, all the water evaporated, there was a small fry from below
the top layer of rice did not cook a little, it turned out a little al dente, so I kept it on heating for another 15 minutes, the rice came
it turned out sooo tasty
I'll add a little more water next time.
So what kind of cartoon do you cook in, fillet or polares?
Fillet of porridge turns out to be less boiled than in red.
Quote: vernisag
So what kind of cartoon do you cook in, fillet or polares?
I cook in Phillips
, it's just that no one has appeared here for a long time, there is no one to ask, so I wrote in the Polaris topic, he also has sensor programs

Added on Tuesday 14 Feb 2017 15:52

here is a photo of my mushroom pilaf
Multicooker Philips HD4726 / 03
Quote: sveta-Lana
no one has appeared here for a long time

And I still read)))
Out of curiosity)
I also read. Since not so long ago they bought)
Quote: RepeShock
And I still read)))
Out of curiosity)
Quote: Lolikka
I also read. Since not so long ago they bought)
understandably, partisans in the bushes
So, today Filka baked me a honey cake according to this recipe
now it's getting cold
Multicooker Philips HD4726 / 03
Quote: sveta-Lana
understandably, partisans in the bushes
And where is Ritushka? Have you already sold your beauty?
Not at all,Larochka, I'm here. I sit, read and sigh ... Filkina's own bowl has turned back completely. Where to buy a new one. In general, there is nowhere on sale, so all Filkin's advantages were blown away before the lack of a bowl
Thank you, cat, for the cup. I never tire of thanking. I have adapted to fry the chops in it. : nyam: Very good at it. Thank you, dear!
sveta-Lana,Svetlana, the biscuit is gorgeous !!! Just wow !!! The beauty! Such a big one!
Rita, and how did the cup completely come to a head? Can you show the photo?
Svetlan, yes, her coating starts to break off a little bit. From under the gold something white is visible. You can continue to try to cook, but with each next wash, the amount of peeling only slightly increases.

Rita, like, you bought it not so long ago? Can you pass it under warranty?
The cup should not peel off so quickly, marriage, for sure.
Rita, I did not expect this from Phillips. I have 2 multicooker of them, and there are as many as 2 bowls for the baby and 3 pieces for 3197, and everything is like new, well, one really has a scratch, but it's my fault. I always liked their bowls very much.

Added Friday 17 Feb 2017 5:59 pm

Irina, you are right, or ask that the bowl be replaced.
Irish, but the cup does not seem to be covered by the guarantee.
Mlyn, and I sold a 4-liter bowl out of great mind. And all would be fine if these bowls were on sale.
Svetlan, yes, there was also news. First, the dots appeared, and now there is a little white look. Yah...
Can I continue to use it, but suddenly it is harmful?

Posted on Friday 17 Feb 2017 6:02 pm

Ask Ozon to replace the bowl? ... But won't they send me somewhere, huh? The bowl is not a multicooker.
Rita, and if you order at a service center? I ordered to the baby there, although they were not sold anywhere.
Quote: Rituslya
and the bowl does not seem to be covered by the guarantee.

Yes? exactly? Read the guarantee. I do not know.
After all, it is impossible to use a multicooker without a bowl.
IrishI don't know, to be honest. What I subtract here is what I think. I read that devuli wrote in some topic that the guarantee does not apply to the cup. This is a type of accessory for household appliances. So I don’t know.
Svetul, and where to address more precisely? I do not know. Is there a website, or a phone number, or their address?
Svetlana, did you wait for your bowls for a long time after ordering?
Quote: Rituslya
Svetlana, did you wait for your bowls for a long time after ordering?
I ordered 2 bowls, 1 bowl with handles for 3197 waited a month and waited for the baby for only a week.
I'll take a look at the service center now.
Quote: Rituslya
sveta-Lana, Svetlana, the biscuit is gorgeous !!! Just wow !!! The beauty! Such a big one!
Rita, the recipe is a win-win, I bake this in little Filka too,
tomorrow the guests are scheduled, I experienced a big Filka on baking, the fellow lives up to expectations

Posted on Friday 17 Feb 2017 06:31 PM

Rita, like I read in the Philips 3060 topic, Oksana brendabaker had problems with the first Filka, some spots appeared on the bowl and she sort of solved this issue and changed her bowl, if I'm not mistaken of course
write to her ask if she can tell me something
Rituslya, Address: 1st Varshavsky pr., 1A, p. 3, 2nd entrance, Moscow 115201 Russia
Phone: +7 (495) 988-2103 My husband said he went here. Call find out.
sveta-Lana, Svetlanochka, thank you! I will definitely contact you. Now I will know who to contact for advice. Thank you, Rodnul!
Sedne, Svetul, and my husband ordered on the spot, right?
Thanks, sunshine!
Quote: Rituslya
Sedne, Svetul, and my husband ordered on the spot, right?
Well, he called first, then the order arrived, made and paid, then SMS came and he went to receive
Svetul, Thank you. I have to do everything myself. My husband looks at my hobbies
Well, okay. Let's do it, it's not the first time for us!
Svetul, how much did the cup to 3060 Filka cost you?
Quote: Rituslya
Filkina's own bowl has turned up completely
Abaldet Rituel I thought these bowls were unkillable at the filka I have the same, only for 3 liters, for a long time, nothing is done to her.
It seems to me that this is a marriage of the manufacturer, they should serve at least a year. Demand that they change.
Quote: sveta-Lana

here is a photo of my mushroom pilaf
Multicooker Philips HD4726 / 03
We must also cook mushroom pilaf. Something I did not think of before him even once. Svetlana, probably delicious with mushrooms?
Quote: Rituslya
Svetul, how much did the cup to 3060 Filka cost you?
I honestly don't remember, 1500-1600 somewhere like that. But I sent my husband not for the bowl, but for the repair of the multicooker, our latch flew off, and the bowl so for the company.
vernisag, Irishik, but I'm so sorry ... Multyakhin was just wonderful as long as the bowl was normal. Now I was blown away by both interest and desire, and indeed everything.
I bought it not for the stock, for the full price, but such a jamb. Too lazy to study. I do not like.
Eh ... Well, someone should be lucky in this matter. Let me be the main lucky guy.
Svetulchik, Thank you. Got it.
Quote: Lagri
Svetlana, probably delicious with mushrooms?
Maria, I also added sun-dried tomatoes to the wrong word, it turned out such an interesting taste
Svetlana, I read how you cooked pilaf and tomorrow I will cook one too. I just have frozen porcini mushrooms somewhere in the freezer, so I'll cook with them. I don't have sun-dried tomatoes. What to replace?
Quote: Lagri
I don't have sun-dried tomatoes. What to replace?
I don’t even know,: girl-th: maybe something tomato?
I think the spices gave the pilaf an unusual taste, when I dried the tomatoes, I sprinkled them with salt, black pepper and Provencal herbs, and then filled them with vegetable oil with cloves of garlic,
now he can take all these spices and spice them with tomato paste, I think something like this should work out,
although when a piece of tomato comes across on a tooth mmmm ...
Svetlana, I'll try, thanks. Do you often add sun-dried tomatoes to some dishes? You can cook them in the airfryer.
Mashul, do not spoil porcini mushrooms with tomatoes, add a little garlic when you will fry them and that's it. No need to clog the aroma of such good mushrooms with spices and tomatoes ...

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