Lard twisted with dill and garlic

Category: Meat dishes
Lard twisted with dill and garlic


fat option
dill option
garlic option
salt option
dare peppers option
hot red pepper option

Cooking method

  • I continue to disassemble the boxes in the freezer, like in Greece, you can find everything))) I found a piece of bacon. It is with layers of meat and chews badly, although the bacon is tasty, so we don't eat it. I began to think what to do with it and decided to spin it in a meat grinder so that it was edible. I was in a nearby town in a Ukrainian restaurant and there as a compliment they brought just such a lard with black bread (my husband said that it was called Zdor, I honestly looked for the name, but did not find it). In short, I will describe how I cooked it. I didn't specifically write the exact proportions, because everyone does it to their liking.
  • I scrolled the fat through a meat grinder with dill (we take the dill TOGETHER with the stalks, it’s tastier), garlic. I added a little salt (since it seemed to me that it was a little lacking, a mixture of five peppers and mixed well. I shaped the sausages, spread cling film on the table, sprinkled a little red hot pepper on it and rolled the sausage over this pepper so that it I covered the whole sausage made of bacon. Then I wrapped it in the same film like candy and put it in the freezer. When it freezes, cut it with a very thin sharp knife and into black bread. It turns out very tasty. I can't have a lot of it, then it's better for me in the freezer)))
  • Lard twisted with dill and garlic
  • Bon Appetit!


SHPIK - subcutaneous pork fat, salted in pieces with or without skin. According to the method of preparation, there is smoked bacon - lightly salted, lightly grated with garlic and evenly smoked bacon; Hungarian bacon - salted lard, abundantly flavored with red ground pepper; Belarusian lard - lightly salted, flavored with garlic, black pepper, coriander, caraway seeds or dill, bay leaf; homemade bacon - salted bacon with garlic, black pepper and bay leaves.

Fat is eaten raw, and also used for frying, stewing meat and vegetable dishes, dressing first courses (borscht, cabbage soup, soups), stuffing. For children and people of the elderly and old age, the use of fat should be limited, as it belongs to hard-to-digest animal fats. Fat can be stored at temperatures from 0 ° to 8 ° C for 30 (smoked and Hungarian), 60 (Belarusian lard and homemade bacon) days.

Fat can be prepared at home. To do this, the lard removed from the pork carcass must be cut into pieces weighing about 2 kg, cleaned with a knife from contamination. Carefully rub the prepared pieces with salt (at the rate of 1 kg of salt per 15 kg of lard) and place them tightly in rows in a clean wooden container (box, tub), pouring salt on the bottom and sprinkling salt on each row (more on top). Then zilch is recommended to be placed in a dark, dry and cool room. After 2-3 weeks the zilch is ready for use.

Quote: Mila1
husband said it was called Zdor
this is exactly what this wonderful dish is called in our area (in the village), and in the store it is even simpler, it lies there under the name "Spik"
V-tina, Tinochka, thank you very much! So my husband was right. I'll go in the title.
Ludmila, in general, health is interior lard, but here in our area, as long as I remember myself, this twisted fat is called health
V-tina, Now I will confidently call him Zdor, otherwise I will call him for a long time "fat rolled through a meat grinder"
Ludmila, well, yes, it's more convenient
Ludmila, very appetizing lard! I will definitely use the recipe! Thank you!
oh, what a cool recipe! such lard can be added to borscht, it is very convenient to get it out of the freezer ready-made
Rusalca, kavmins, girls, thanks
But I will use the idea of ​​adding to borsch
Mila1, oh, I remembered and I was like ala pâté from bacon)))) we once did this a very long time ago, only Maggi's cube was added to all this)
cool thing, especially when you need to figure out a boutique from something)
Thank you for refreshing your memory and giving a great idea) you need to make yourself such a Ukrainian delicacy)))
Innushka, Innochka, I agree to all 100, fast, tasty and satisfying But still better not Maggi, who knows what they add there Our dill with garlic and pepper is much better
Lyudochka, it is very tasty and beautiful. We have such a product. : girl-yes: But this is the first time I hear the name. Thank you for broadening your horizons)
Quote: Mila1
in the freezer, like in Greece, you can find everything))) I found a piece of bacon.

Ludmila, lard is there too. I have not come across such a dish, I will have to try to make it. 🔗
ang-kay, Albina, girls. thanks. I think for a snack so you don't starve to death, a good thing. But also looks great on the table on sandwiches
Ludmila, it can be offered as a sausage. It will be even better
Albina, Albinochka. if instead of the store, then 1000 times better
Mila1, Lyudmila, This is great (pork fat, not to be confused with lard), And this is your fat rolled in a meat grinder, it turns out very tasty. My husband often turns salted bacon.
Mila1 Lyudochka,thanks for the recipe, the clever girl who put it, bookmarked it and will definitely do it
Shyrshunchik, Tanechka, we have already discussed this issue with the title above. I honestly wrote that I don't know what the name of this fat is, but my husband said that his friend from Ukraine called such fat healthy and V-tina, Tinochka said that in her area this bacon is called in everyday life. And it doesn't matter what the name is, the main thing. to make it tasty
Oktyabrinka, Tanechka, at your request
I read Lyudmila, it's just that no one eats like that, it is drowned and it turns out lard, and such twisted bacon is also called "lard". It's just that I have been present at the butchering of pigs more than once and saw this very healthy and somehow I feel uneasy at once. The name is not very correct.
Yes, then the drowned out health (lard) is spread on bread and eaten. Something like this. Sorry if you offended. And the recipe is delicious, that's for sure.
Quote: Shyrshunchik
This is healthy (pork fat, not to be confused with lard), And this is your fat rolled in a meat grinder, it turns out very tasty.
Tanyush, you know, even in our little Republic of Belarus, some dishes are called differently, so this is the very fat we have, since childhood, moreover, I remember they call it health
Straight poisoned: I went and took out a piece and cut the bacon for dinner
Quote: Shyrshunchik
I saw this very healthy
Tatyana, do not spoil people's appetite, I also saw it, and wrote that although in our everyday life this dish is called healthy, in stores it is called fat. I suspect that many people call him a spy at home

Added Wednesday 08 Jun 2016 5:07 PM

Quote: Albina
and cut the bacon for dinner
but for a meat grinder, yes with garlic I was too lazy
I will not spoil it.
Delicious. In our restaurant "Taras Bulba" it is called "Verchenoye or Spun bacon"
Quote: Shyrshunchik
I'm sorry if offended
Tanya, what are you ... in no case, I wrote in the recipe itself that I don't know the exact name
Quote: Shyrshunchik
and such a twisted fat is also called "lard
And under the name "lard" in the store we sell lard in a whole piece, just sprinkled with red pepper
Here it is ... in each area under the same name there are different types of bacon
Girls, let's not quarrel over this The main thing is delicious Peace ... friendship ... chewing gum
Quote: V-tina
but for a meat grinder, yes with garlic I was too lazy
I was afraid that everyone would eat it right away. And I need to save before the arrival of the middle son
So I still had hot cabbage pie and another second course
Quote: Albina
that everyone will eat at once.

I would hide it in the freezer, very tasty with thin plates from the freezer
Quote: Albina
there was a hot cabbage pie and another second course
die-do not get up, I thought only mine eat so much
Mila1, thanks for the recipe, I have the same kusman lard, I have to melt it!
Why changed the name, it was cool ... ..
Olga R
Mila1, Lyudmila, what a yummy and, in addition, pretty))) I took it to the bookmarks) I will definitely cook
Quote: Mila1
And under the name "lard" in the store we sell lard in a whole piece, just sprinkled with red pepper

Fat (sometimes fat; from it. Speck - lard) - dense subcutaneous lard, cooked in the form of a salty or salty-smoked product.

And here in the Trans-Urals they like to grind salted bacon with garlic and pepper and bread, for the joy of the uncles, they just call ground salts, but wrapping in the form of a sausage is not accepted here, but it's beautiful

such a simple food, but the names are different - they make patamushno everywhere and always delicious !!!
Fat is the main component of bacon. Its content in the product reaches 90%. And despite the fact that this product is of animal origin, it contains no more than 1.5% protein. But this protein is of the highest quality - elastin and collagen in their pure form. These substances contribute to skin rejuvenation, active regenerative processes.
In addition, bacon contains many useful organic acids. Moreover, their composition is close to the composition of acids contained in plant food. Fatty acids, which together make up vitamin F, have the most positive effect on the state of the cardiovascular system, strengthening the walls of blood vessels, preventing the formation of blood clots, vascular plaques and other defects. Eating small amounts of fat on an empty stomach allows you to remove excess bile.
In the cold season, fat helps the body to resist colds, increases blood pressure in hypotensive patients. People who regularly consume bacon are cheerful, always in good shape and ready for action.

Here's what a healthy lard. Taken from the poedim site. So eat more. And there are very few contraindications, who have a sick stomach just not to make spicy fat and that's it.
Quote: V-tina

I would hide it in the freezer, very tasty with thin plates from the freezer: nyam: die, don't get up, I thought only mine eat so much
And the bacon is already in the freezer.
And what to take if I have FOUR men in the house (but so far three are one student in St. Petersburg)
Mila1, Oh, what a useful Thing, especially when the FAT is not "chewed" ... stretches a lot ... The husband buys bacon, freezes it in the freezer and .. always slices it (cuts) into very small pieces and spreads it out in plastic jars. Then they got it ... ate it - conveniently. Straight almost frozen and eat. Yes, however, many people do ... But your recipe, Lyudochka, for me a PLEASANT discovery !!! Somehow we didn't think of this! Thank you! I will definitely do it! Is it possible in a chopper from a blender, on knives ... interesting? ..
How long have I made such bacon, although before it was always in the freezer. True, I did it only with garlic and roll it in hot red pepper. I never did it with dill. Thank you for reminding.
Quote: Shyrshunchik
promote skin rejuvenation,
So I will go to rejuvenate Now I will get it out of the freezer, scroll it with garlic and dill, eat gorge myself and die young
Mila1, Thank you!
Oh, how delicious! I love this twisted bacon with garlic and black bread, and borscht ... saliva is already coming out. We have a very common dish among the people, especially in winter, when the frost breaks out for -40-45! Saloooo is beauty! Thank you, Ludmilathat she brought out in such a sausage form. We just spread it on bread like butter. It's night outside, and I sala khachu-khachu
Well, if it also contributes to rejuvenation, then I will definitely do it, we eat myself and feed my husband ... Thanks for the recipe!
What a whimper! I twisted it with salt and garlic, but rolled it into a sausage and roll it in pepper. Yummy was shown here Also tomorrow I’ll wind it up. I also have "Greece" in the freezer
Thank you for the dill in bacon and kolbasyatinskaya molding

It's delicious and very convenient!
We have such "sausages" a local manufacturer makes.
There is always a couple of Cs in the freezer, priceless for a snack
Girls, while babysitting with her granddaughter, and drying tea, you've already poured so much here. I didn't even imagine. that this simple recipe will give so much pleasure Thank you !!!!
V-tina, Tinochka, thanks !!
Albina, here I am. as I read about lard. I dive into the refrigerator right away
Quote: V-tina
I thought only mine eat so much
So when I look at how much my husband puts on (and that and that) I lie in a semi-faint And then I say to myself, the main thing is that health allows ... let him eat
Quote: montanaw

Delicious. In our restaurant "Taras Bulba" it is called "Verchenoye or Spun bacon"
So I decided to do it when I tried it in a Ukrainian restaurant (my son came to visit and took me to Ulyanovsk), they brought it to us as a compliment from the restaurant, I tried it and decided that there was nothing to do here, I would do better, I added dill on my own , blinded a sausage, rolled in pepper and frozen. It turned out better than in a restaurant
Quote: Albina
I was afraid that everyone would eat at once
Albinochka. and rightly so I was afraid I already had practically nothing left of three sausages And for so long before that it lay
Quote: Albina
I was afraid that everyone would eat at once
Quote: V-tina
would hide in the freezer
Tinochka, I didn't even save the freezer from being eaten, only accelerated the process Yesterday morning I got up, my husband had already left for work, went to the kitchen, stuck into the freezer (something needs to be cooked), but the door was not completely closed and the freezer was defrosted and the icicles hang, apparently my husband dived there at night, imperceptibly from me. In short, all day I was busy putting in order the freezer
Quote: Trishka

Mila1, thanks for the recipe, I have the same kusman lard, I have to melt it!
Why changed the name, it was cool ... ..
Ksyushenka do it And changed the name so that there would be no unnecessary disputes Although the husband says return the name of the lard !!!
Olga R, Olga, be sure to try Not difficult, but tasty
Quote: Irsha
and here in the Trans-Urals they like to grind salted bacon with garlic and pepper and for bread, for the joy of uncles
Irishka, in short, they eat it everywhere, I have never done it alone like tundra
Shyrshunchik, Tanechka. thanks for the useful information about lard
Quote: mamusi
The husband buys bacon, freezes it in the freezer and .. always scrapes it (cuts it) into very small pieces and puts it in plastic jars. Then they got it ... ate it - conveniently.
Ritochka, that's how she always kept bacon And it just didn't bite, and chewed like chewing gum So I decided to process it I don't know in a blender
Quote: Wildebeest

How long have I made such bacon, although before it was always in the freezer. True, I did it only with garlic and roll it in hot red pepper. I never did it with dill. Thank you for reminding.
Svetochka, dill is right here "as the doctor ordered" and always with stalks, they are more aromatic, but they are not felt at all on the teeth
Melalenka, Lenochka, please, Let's make bacon and rejuvenate, and then you look and your girlfriends tighten up
Quote: Ilmirushka
I love this twisted bacon with garlic and black bread, and borscht ... saliva is already coming out
Ilmirochka, she described everything so deliciously And I have bacon, black bread and even borscht in the refrigerator to go chtoli to eat all the enemies out of spite
Quote: Natalia525

Well, if it also contributes to rejuvenation, then I will definitely do it, we eat myself and feed my husband ... Thanks for the recipe!
Natasha, it's right if you rejuvenate, then alone with your husband, but then what then live with the old man

Added Wednesday 08 Jun 2016 21:59

Quote: Rarerka
I also have a "Greece" in the freezer
Lyudochka, it looks like we all have here on the forum "greece" and not only in the freezer
Quote: RepeShock
We have such "sausages" a local manufacturer makes.
Irishka, and this is an idea, too, to do business, I will sell to my husband
Such lard was often made by my mother, but I did not particularly like it, I was stupid and fastidious in food, and fat in any form did not tempt me then.
Then came the difficult 90s and I myself often began to make such a spread, my husband ate with pleasure. Only in our country, then, many made such a spread from thin, the cheapest bacon and grinded together with the skin. Together with the skin I remember and my mother did.
I also tried to grind with the skin for the first time, but my husband protested against the skin. For him, the skin in lard is still a great harm ... it's useless to argue.
For me, the recipe itself is nothing new, but I really liked the sausage method. Nivzhist would not have thought of such a presentation method. Yes, and I really wanted such a salsa, I haven't done it for a hundred years! I need to buy fresh bacon and wind it up)))
Quote: Mila1
Irishka, and this is an idea, too, to do business, I will sell to my husband

Yes, yes, do it!
nila, Nelechka, but nobody did it for me and I never tried it until last month
RepeShock, only he won't buy money for anything, it's all the same with me
Quote: Mila1
in short, they eat it everywhere, I have never done it alone like the tundra
but she exhibited the recipe, and we were all excited - who remembered their youth, who boasted of their present

Added on Wednesday 08 Jun 2016 10:29 pm

Quote: Mila1
I still have money
take in kind
: lol: out of spite to go and eat all the enemiesLudmila, ahhh! was - was not! I went to the freezer too, there is no twisted - so I'll cut off a piece
Quote: Irsha
take in kind
Oh, Irish, there would be a younger nature, still here and there, and so I'd better give fat free of charge, just not to bother
Quote: Ilmirushka
so I'll cut off a piece
This is our opinion. My husband always tells everyone ... my wife does not eat after 6, no, no ... she eats strictly after 23-00 Only if you also consider that I go to bed not earlier than 2, but more often at 3-4 in the morning, then can you stand here
Quote: Mila1
and more often at 3-4 in the morning,
Lyudmila, the same song! Therefore, I want to eat - we are awake!
Lyudmila, delicious bacon! I also really wanted something straight ... But nouuu Well, okay, we will lose weight and come out with saliva. Thanks for the sausage

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