Wheat bread with rye sourdough with flaxseed, bran

Category: Sourdough bread
Wheat bread with rye sourdough with flaxseed, bran


rye sourdough * 85 g (3 tbsp. L.)
warm water 250 ml
sugar 1 tbsp. l.
bran 2 tbsp. l.
flax-seed 2 tbsp. l.
salt 1 tsp without slide
unrefined sunflower oil 25 ml (3 tbsp. L.)
wheat flour 400 g

Cooking method

  • This is a recipe for a simple, fairly quick bread to prepare.
  • For lovers of wheat bread on high-quality flour, however, supplemented with the most useful flaxseed, bran - an additional source of fiber, as well as prepared with sourdough, which naturally enriches the bread with microelements during fermentation, as a result of the vital activity of lactic acid bacteria.
  • Wheat bread with rye sourdough with flaxseed, branWheat bread with rye sourdough with flaxseed, branWheat bread with rye sourdough with flaxseed, branWheat bread with rye sourdough with flaxseed, branWheat bread with rye sourdough with flaxseed, bran
  • 1)* my recipe for sourdough can be viewed here:
  • Rye sourdough - see point 3
  • 2)Dough:
  • I diluted 85 g of the leaven from the refrigerator with warm water, stirred well, added sugar, flax, bran, left to stand, warm for about 1 hour
  • 3) Then I added the rest of the ingredients .. Pour the flour gradually, until the dough peels off the walls of the bowl and (or) from the hands. I covered the dough and left it to "rest" for 30 minutes to form gluten.
  • 4)After resting, I kneaded the dough for 15 minutes, stretching and folding ... And put it in a greased and slightly floured form.
  • Wheat bread with rye sourdough with flaxseed, branWheat bread with rye sourdough with flaxseed, branWheat bread with rye sourdough with flaxseed, bran
  • 5)I covered the mold with a film and left it to stand in the heat for 4.5 hours (the time can be different from 2 to 8 hours, depending on the sourdough and temperature) (I usually stand in the oven with a minimum temperature of ~ 40 degrees).
  • Wheat bread with rye sourdough with flaxseed, branWheat bread with rye sourdough with flaxseed, bran
  • 6)I baked in an oven with steam (I poured water into a cast-iron pan and put it on the bottom of the oven when I turned it on) for 15 minutes at 230 degrees, then pulled out the pan and reduced the temperature to 180 degrees and baked for another 40 minutes, then turned off the oven and left it for another 10 minutes. Somewhere in the middle of cooking, I covered the crust with foil so that it would not burn.


The benefits of this bread are in the following components:
Wheat In folk and official medicine, wheat grains are recognized as the best source of vitamin E. With its help, the excellent condition of the muscles of the skeleton and heart is maintained.
“The pectins and fiber contained in wheat flour improve intestinal function, neutralizing decay processes and helping the healing of mucous membranes. Magnesium salts have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and take part in bone regeneration, potassium stimulates the heart. In 100 gr. wheat flour vitamins (as a percentage of the daily value): B1 - 28%; B3 - 18%; B6 - 30%; E - 23%; PP - 40%. "
However, with regard to mineral elements, it can be noted that calcium is the most scarce in bakery products, especially from wheat flour 1, of the highest grade.
Also, there are absolutely no vamines A, C and D in grain and bread. Vitamin B12 is also almost absent in plant foods, including bread.
The vitamins that are found in the grain and pass into flour and bread are unevenly distributed in the grain. Their lowest content is in the central part of the grain and is much higher in the embryo and shells. This is why whole grain flour is so useful, as well as bran, and various additional grain additives and fillers for "white" bread. It should be noted that additional vitamins and microelements will be added to the sourdough bread, as their quantity increases due to the vital activity of yeast organisms.
Bread and bread products play an important role in meeting the needs of an adult for vitamins such as E, B1, PP, B6 and B9.
And the missing minerals and vitamins, which I wrote about above, will give the bread flaxseed and bran.
Bran are an excellent food supplement. They contain a large amount of dietary fiber, fiber, vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, E and trace elements. Among the latter, potassium, magnesium, zinc, chromium, selenium, copper, etc. Bran helps to cleanse the intestines, remove toxins, toxins from the body and reduce the amount of sugar in the blood, which helps to eliminate constipation, hair and skin acquire a healthier and more beautiful appearance ... They are useful for diabetics and overweight people.
Linen - translated from Latin as "most useful".
The conclusion of the research of scientists from our and foreign countries was the recognition of this unique plant as TRICEUTIC - a product that heals the entire human body!
Flax seeds contain a large amount of proteins, healthy fats, fiber, is a source of vitamins, macro- and microelements.
Flax contains an ideal ratio of all 8 essential acids. Indeed, flax contains 21-33% protein, it contains all 8 essential amino acids, as well as nonessential and conditionally nonessential, as well as polyunsaturated fatty acids: Omega-3, Omega-6, Omega-9.
Flax also includes "plant hormones" - antioxidants that have antibacterial, antiviral properties, prevent the development of breast and prostate cancer. Their highest content of lignans is in the seed coat.
Flax seeds are a source of vitamins A, E, F, C, group B, macro- and microelements (calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc).
Flax seeds are also an important source of selenium, which prevents the development of tumors, helps to detoxify the body of heavy metals, and improves vision and brain activity.
Flax seeds are a powerful sorbent, and their properties are not inferior to activated carbon, and, unlike artificial sorbents, does not affect the destruction of body cells.
Flaxseed has a calming effect, which is important in stressful situations.
Flaxseed is a powerful antiparasitic product. It has a destructive effect on all types of helminths, except for roundworms. It also does not leave fungi, hepatitis viruses alive.
One handful of seeds will provide you with a complete fortified nutrition and the best way to prevent any disease.
Leaven by fermenting grains, it helps the body better absorb them.
Sourdough bread is also rich in valuable micro and macroelements, essential vitamins and minerals.
In addition, sourdough has another unique property: sourdough bread is practically not affected by mold fungi. The acidic environment of the starter culture kills the pathogenic microflora without affecting beneficial cultures. Therefore, sourdough bread, even during long-term storage, does not become moldy, but simply stale.

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