Manty Uyghur (master class on modeling with a pigtail)

Category: Culinary recipes
Kitchen: Uygui
Manty Uyghur (master class on modeling with a pigtail)


Flour 500 g
Water 200 ml
Salt 1 tsp
Meat (beef, lamb) 700 g
Onion 300 g
Sheep fat or omentum of mutton 100 g
Zira, cumin, salt taste
Water 100 ml
Oil (any odorless) 50 g

Cooking method

  • Dough
  • Prepare an elastic dough and leave for proofing for 30-40 minutes.
  • Filling
  • Cut the meat, onions, fat tail fat or gland into small cubes, add ground spices and salt, be sure to add water (approximately 100 ml). Mix everything well and leave for 10-15 minutes.
  • Manty Uyghur (master class on modeling with a pigtail)
  • Roll out the dough and cut out the circles (I rolled out the 2 out of 6 mode with a noodle cutter, cut out the circles with the diameter of a faceted glass). Ideally the dough is cut into walnut chunks and each is rolled out individually.
  • 1 tablespoon of filling per dough circle, there should be a lot of it so that the Manty does not turn out empty and the shape is beautiful with well-fed barrels
  • Manty Uyghur (master class on modeling with a pigtail)
  • Making the first pinch
  • Manty Uyghur (master class on modeling with a pigtail)
  • Slightly pulling the right and then the left sides of the circle, we take turns pinching to the center.
  • Manty Uyghur (master class on modeling with a pigtail)
  • Manty Uyghur (master class on modeling with a pigtail)
  • It is more convenient to do this by weight by placing the dough like this. It is better to immediately learn to sculpt Manty in the palm of your hand, the performance is higher)))) and the pigtail is smoother. Use your thumb to keep the filling from touching the edges of the dough.
  • Manty Uyghur (master class on modeling with a pigtail)
  • For comparison
  • Manty molded on the board
  • Manty Uyghur (master class on modeling with a pigtail)
  • Manty molded on the palm
  • Manty Uyghur (master class on modeling with a pigtail)
  • Dip the bottom of each Mantyshinka in oil and put not too much dough on a sheet of a mantyvarka (double boiler), they increase during cooking
  • Manty Uyghur (master class on modeling with a pigtail)
  • Steam for 30 minutes.
  • Manty Uyghur (master class on modeling with a pigtail)
  • And with sour cream and black pepper
  • Manty Uyghur (master class on modeling with a pigtail)
  • Bon Appetit!!!

The dish is designed for

50-55 pcs

Time for preparing:

1,5 hour

Cooking program:

Double boiler


They also add Pumpkin to real Uyghur Manty. I didn't have a pumpkin and hmmm, I made Manty as I love, with a Tasheknt variation.
And they serve it with katyk (like yogurt), and the Uighurs with a special sauce called Zhusay. But even here she deviated from the rules, served with sour cream, which is more acceptable for the Russian climate, here

Different peoples have manty, Koreans call it 만두 (Mantu), the Uighurs give it, everything in Central Asia, it turns out, is in the Dagestan cuisine of Kurze, which are molded in the same way. In general, thanks to the Chinese, I think it was they who came up with Manty. Another kind of Buuza (Pose) ...

In general, a very tasty dish

Elena Tim
Oh my God! You can't figure it out here without half a liter, Malikush! Do you pull up one fold first and then the other? So what? Alternating: left-right, left-right, pralna? Schaub the tree turned out.
Yes, in fact, sculpting was easier than I thought.

I found a video here, I think it will be clearer. The author and I think the performer is also Andrey Azarov, website

somewhere from the 2nd minute it is shown how to sculpt

Only the pintucks need to be made not high, so the pigtail will be more beautiful
Elena Tim
Cool kaaak! Well, in general, I, it turns out, understood everything correctly from your photos. Thank you very much, Malikushechka, for responding to my request and not being too lazy to make these mantis! I have already muddied the swimmer here today, but as soon as we eat it, I will train in artistic modeling of Uyghur manti! I have long wanted to learn how to weave this tree!
Helen, you are always welcome. I myself have long wanted to learn how to sculpt real manti. And thank you, thanks to you I was not too lazy and learned.
Malika, thanks for the recipe and video! Everything is very clear and understandable! And tell me, is it fundamentally fine to chop the meat or you can use a meat grinder, and what kind of sauce for manta rays is in your video?
Marina, in my opinion, minced meat is tastier, although it's a matter of taste. The sauce in the video is a traditional Uyghur sauce (butter + minced garlic and finely chopped hot peppers).
Malika, thank you very much for the recipe and for encouraging me to finally cook these wonderful mantis. Indeed, with minced meat, they are much tastier.
Annaplease, sculpt in this way more beautifully and faster (how to fill your hand)
Malika, I always mold dumplings and pies like that. My grandmother taught me that.
Anna, thanks to the beautiful granny, I didn't learn at one time, but now I've made up. Tk in the Uzbek (Central Asian) cuisine there are no dumplings and pies, and samsa is molded differently, I still did not know how to mold it.
MalikaS Thank you, I also wanted to learn how to weave a pigtail for a long time, it remains to put it into practice.
Malika, class! And I didn’t know that these were Uyghur manti. My kelinka is not a Uyghur, but in their family they only mold that way. And I watched, envied and was sure that I would never succeed. You instilled hope - thanks to the forum, I can also sculpt this way!

Have yours burst yet? My muSh forbids cooking a lot of flour, so I will admire it.
Vasilica, I'm glad that the master class went in favor, in fact, sculpting was not at all difficult, you just need to adapt. Practice without filling, just with dough (dough instead of filling too)

you can cook a lot of flour and train the willpower of households inclined to be overweight
Malika, thanks for the Uyghur manti in the Tashkent interpretation! Is it plaited in a pigtail in Tashkent or in China?
Thanks for MK, great! Will learn !!
Irina, you are welcome . I think everyone learned to make manti from the Chinese. The Tashkent version is without pumpkin and the size is larger

I had to add a new item in the drop-down menu for choosing national cuisine

Kitchen: Uygui

Chef, Thank you so much!!!
I was too lazy to add tomorrow.
Quote: MalikaS
wanted to add tomorrow
I'm not talking about theme, but about the choice of cuisine when creating a recipe
Chef, yeah, and I mean the same. I checked it when I was writing the recipe, there was no Uyghur cuisine. I thought to "create" a fad on my own. But for this it was necessary to read the instructions ...
Quote: MalikaS
But for this you had to read the instructions
Not. Read - do not re-read, it still will not work
Thanks for the master class !! A very good recipe - I'll try it. !!! : flowers: I will report!
husband loves manti
at first it turns out unusual and crooked, but you can get the hang of
Malika, I have such a huge thank you .. for the manti ..
how I liked sculpting them ..

Manty Uyghur (master class on modeling with a pigtail)

Manty Uyghur (master class on modeling with a pigtail)

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