Carp baked with dill

Category: Fish dishes
Carp baked with dill


Dried dill (stems)
Salt pepper

Cooking method

  • The recipe is outrageously simple and suitable for any river fish. The main secret is dried dill, or rather the stems, which are usually not used in salads. I cut them, dry them, store them and use them as needed.
  • Peel the fish, cut into portions, season with salt, pepper, sprinkle abundantly with dill, wrap in several layers of foil. Leave for 1 hour-6 hours. marinate.
  • Bake in an oven preheated to 200C until tender. The time depends on the size of the fish from 20 to 40 minutes.
  • Today the carp was lucky - it was baked on coals.

Ksyusha, delicious sazanchik !!! Is this husband's catch or from the store? Mine, too, is going to become a fisherman, but things get in the way ...
Delicious recipe! There is no carp, but I will probably buy the carp tomorrow and bake it! Thank you!
Melanyushka, MariS, Thank you!
A carp shot by her husband on spearfishing in Astrakhan !!! This one is 5kg, and in the freezer it is 17kg.
Quote: Omela

and in the freezer 17kg.
Wow! I have not seen such live.
Duc, I'm the same !!! 1.5m ..
Quote: Omela

Melanyushka, MariS, Thank you!
A carp, shot by her husband on spearfishing in Astrakhan !!! This one is 5kg, and in the freezer it is 17kg.
Tell me, how does your husband deliver fish? Sorry that is not the topic
Quote: Vafelka

Tell me, how does your husband deliver fish?
Vafelka, In fact, they stop at the base, they have to freeze there .. even they take a lot of money for this. But this time they cheated with freezing, the fish was simply chilled, packed in special refrigerator bags. Big fish - gutted. Travel time 16 hours. It's good that there was no heat. We can say that he drove almost without loss.
Thank you very much for your reply! It's just that the question arose about fish at home, and I say that it is impossible to bring without freezing.

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