Quote: Wildebeest
And I also have no smoke

Svetul, without liquid smoke is also very tasty, I'm a little higher wrote about it , mine liked the fish cooked without it, but) ...

If I didn't "smoke" the fish with liquid smoke from the first time, they would have remembered about it, but since the first time I always cooked this fish with a railway, the last time, my eaters did not enough ...

I'm not discouraging in any way, I just share his humble experience ...
Crochet, Inusya, let me kiss you! So I just need to go fishing at the store.
glad, like a pretty fish you have, straight and I wanted to. But be sure to make mackerel, it is very tasty, much tastier than herring

Added Friday 11 Mar 2016 8:58 PM

Quote: Wildebeest

So I just need to go fishing at the store.

We are waiting for fishermen from successful fishing
Olya, next time there will be mackerel !!!
Olima, Olya, I just made a bug from mackerel, we didn't even try it. So I'll go fishing by the end of next week.
And I want to try catfish to do that. I will report on the results.
Irina, I will look forward to your impressions of the fish
Made a catfish. With husks without liquid smoke. I liked it very much. The catfish melts in the pan, and then there were 2 steaks and I tried it. Fatty and tasty fish. I will definitely do it! I will definitely make it with mackerel, and next time I will take a piece, not steaks.
Ira, thanks for the tip. Tell me, did I understand correctly that the catfish practically did not lose weight when smoking? That is, is it great for this cooking method?
Olya, she certainly lost weight, but it's delicious. You should try not the steaks, but the whole piece.
Ira, have you reduced the time?
Tomorrow I will look at the market for a catfish, as I had not paid attention to it before.
Time did not reduce, it is necessary to the bottom of the tray. Still, a lot of juice flowed out. I really liked the method itself. I think any fatty fish will do. The salmon will probably be very tasty, but the price bites.
Thank you. I bring +, very tasty. you need to try only after an hour, but could not resist. made cod, though salt is too much for me, but it's just super!
And I made pink salmon, which is cheaper than mackerel 199 rubles per kg. Tail, head and ridge for soup, and the rest according to the recipe, very much. I also bought mackerel, I will do it.
Svetlana-Knopka_, and you need to eat the fish after it has cooled well in the refrigerator, and even better after three days. I don’t know about cod, but the longer the mackerel lies, the denser it becomes. That's just problematic to save her so many days from food.

Added Wednesday 04 May 2016 7:01 PM

Irina, I have not tried pink salmon. We have it dear, if I buy it, I salt it under the salmon (I have such a recipe in the storehouse)
Olya, so crazy the fish in your photo looks that it did not reach the store. decided to cook from what was. Tomorrow I will make a skumbrievich
py. sy. I put it in parchment paper with silicone on both sides. I think this is not critical?
Sveta, if you really liked the cod according to this recipe, then the mackerel will all the more like it, I have no doubt about it

Added Wednesday 04 May 2016 07:18 PM

Quote: Knopka_
py. sy. I put it in parchment paper with silicone on both sides. I think this is not critical?

I don't know what kind of siliconized paper it is, so I won't say anything about this
Olya, it is correctly called Baking paper siliconized on both sides.Silidor whate. I use it to dry pastilles in a dryer. nothing sticks!
Thanks for the recipe! Did it. To say that it is delicious is to say nothing! Awesome delicious! I really love mountain mackerel. smoked. But I rarely come across it (usually cold smoked) and not always successful, and now I can do it myself whenever I want! Just a fairy tale!
No pictures. They skimmed right away (my daughter didn’t believe it was not a shop one!), And she was alone. (There was no more in Ashan!) Now I’ll buy several and make more! UNIVERSAL!
Guzel62, I gladly accept your gratitude
And I don't do less than three, it flies away instantly

Quote: Guzel62
Now I will buy several and make more! UNIVERSAL!
Girls who do not want to use liquid smoke can look in tea shops - there are such teas with a smoked smell. Once I read that when this tea is made, the tea leaves are dried over the smoke. Greenfield has one such smoked tea, and I once bought a tea called Hunter's, it also smells like smoke, but I don't remember the company.
Of course, there will not be such an obvious strong smell as from liquid smoke, but the shade of haze will still be there, I think it will be present.
I also wanted to ask. Only a tabletop oven can give me 100 degrees, but it does not have convection. Will it fit? And how much time to do then and should it be turned over in the process?
Tanya, thanks for the tea advice. I never even heard of such a thing.

Quote: Mona1

I also wanted to ask. Only a tabletop oven can give me 100 degrees, but it does not have convection. Will it fit? And how much time to do then and should it be turned over in the process?

It will work in such an oven, and you also need to turn it over. Set the time for herring and mackerel for 1 hour, if the fish is smaller, then 45 minutes, I think it will be enough. Do it once, and then you will understand how much you need for different fish.
Olima, Olga, Thank you!
Tanya, please. I hope the fish does not disappoint you
Olya, I'm sure of that. But I will do it in a month, on my DR, while I look after the recipes, I want not herring or something inexpensive, but mackerel, but here it is expensive, so it often does not work out, except for the festive table.
Quote: Mona1
Greenfield has one such smoked tea

Yeah, Lapsang Souchong called:

Hot smoked mackerel in a microwave or convection oven

I have been using it for a long time instead of liquid smoke ...
I came running with a report and a huge thank you! Very tasty fish turned out!
Soaked on the kitchen table for five hours, cooked without liquid smoke. She baked in a Philips air fryer on both sides for 40 + 20 minutes at 100 C, cooked two medium-sized fish at once! Delicious!

Hot smoked mackerel in a microwave or convection oven
Rada-dms, excellent fish turned out
I liked this fish very much. only pictures will not be. Doesn't live to see the photo session.
And how can you find out if the fish is ready after an hour? I just turned over to the other side, but I don't see any changes.
Irina, what kind of fish do you have? If mackerel, then in an hour it is definitely ready.
Yeah, mackerel. Wrapped it up in paper, waiting for exposure.
Quote: iris. ka

Yeah, mackerel. Wrapped it up in paper, waiting for exposure.
And this is the most difficult thing in this recipe.
Comrades, but this is very tasty! Straightly indecently tasty! But the fish should not be frozen. I apparently had one and as a result, the meat fell apart under the knife. Sometimes we buy such smoked, of course, but here I am confident in the preparation. And salt was not enough for me. Today I rushed to our shops in search of good fish. In vain. Everything is not beautiful. It is necessary to look in the city.
I am very glad that I was pleased with the recipe. And now you will regulate the salt yourself, I’m even getting a little salty, I put it without a top.
And with good fish there is always an ambush, we, too, have rarely come across a good one lately
Olima, Olga, I want to make a fish - I read and read, the girls are all about the cooking phase in the oven. And I am interested in the question of being in brine - I just made it, poured 3 fish - and into the refrigerator.It turns out that until tomorrow she will lie there for 16-18 hours - won't it get too salty? Or is it better to take it out of the brine at night? How to be?
anavi, if you put salt with a slide, then get the fish out of the brine. If without a slide, then you can leave in brine in the refrigerator until morning.
Olima, thanks for the answer! Without a slide, like ... OK, I'll get up early and take it out ...
Olya, good luck. I hope the fish does not disappoint you
Olya, I have already made "smoked" mackerel several times according to this recipe:
Hot smoked mackerel in a microwave or convection ovenCold smoked mackerel at home

And then I came across your recipe.
As a result, I combined them, salted them according to your and Lyusya's proportions, but without liquid smoke, but on smoked tea.
I left two fish like that, and put one in the oven. It turned out to be VERY tasty, really hot smoked fish!
A little salty - I kept it in the brine longer than it should be, but I actually like salty, it was just right for me.
Thank you,Olenka, I will now have such a fish on my table!
Quote: SvetaI
Thank you, Olenka, I will now have such a fish on my table!

Hot smoked mackerel in a microwave or convection oven
Olima, Olga, and I am grateful - I didn’t think it was so yummy !!! I didn't even bother with liquid smoke - I made it with a bag of ordinary tea and husks, and then in the convection oven strictly according to the recipe! Well, just lick your fingers! Eaters - just me and my husband, now they finished eating - tomorrow I think where to go again for mackerel! Thank you just huge !!!
Quote: anavi
I didn't think it was so yummy !!!
anavi, I am so glad!!!
Quote: anavi
tomorrow I think where to go again for mackerel!
Our regiment has arrived!
Beautiful girls, we need a collective mind !!!

What do you think, is it possible to "smoke" large river bass according to this recipe?

Olyushka-recipe hostess, I have already read your opinion, thank you, my golden one !!!
And today I will go for fish ...
I ran for a fish ... keep a report ... I salted three pieces, and also, I left one salty, and baked two in the oven ... I put the salt without a slide ... liquid smoke, there was no ... smoked tea too. .. put Art. a spoonful of smoked paprika ... a good ambassador !!! Thank you!!! I will repeat !!!
Hot smoked mackerel in a microwave or convection ovenHot smoked mackerel in a microwave or convection ovenHot smoked mackerel in a microwave or convection oven
exactly, I have it, it was not cut ... like others ...
and this is cold ...
Hot smoked mackerel in a microwave or convection oven
Olima, what do you think, is it really possible to do this in an electric dryer, though it has the highest temperament of 70 g?
OlgaKot, I cannot answer your question, because I have not tried to cook such fish in this way.
Quote: Olima
I have not tried pink salmon. We have it dear, if I buy it, I salt it under the salmon (I have such a recipe in the storehouse)
Olima, Olga, I can't stop thanking for the mackerel! Now I cool the brine again and defrost the fish! I want to ask you about the recipe in the store! It’s very interesting - it’s probably delicious again! Can you share it?
Nobody smoked something for a long time)))) made it strictly according to the recipe, only added 50 ml of liquid smoke, as in the original source. What can I say: Bravo to the author and many thanks to you for bringing the recipe to us! And the fish, well, just perfect! The next in line are sea okushki.
Hot smoked mackerel in a microwave or convection oven

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