I bake bread from such spelled flour! Therefore, I was interested in the question. I didn't want to clog the topic for you!
Well, for example! The information seems convincing to me. I have previously read from other sources as well.
By virtue of my past activities, I am accustomed to the accuracy of information, although I can also be wrong. But I'm sure here! Info interesting, I advise you to read!
Spelled and Spelled
Spelled or spelled (Russian source / articles / testy-i-obzory-tovarov / polba_spelta)
Today we will try to figure out: what spelled is and what spelled is, what are the similarities and differences between them, where to buy spelled flour and pasta, how these plants are useful.
I'll start the conversation with the general, with the classification. The scientific classification tells us the following: there is a genus of plants - Wheat. The genus has species. Some closely related species are sometimes grouped together. Now we will impose specifics on this basis.Spelled (correct synonyms - wheat-two-grain, wheat-emmer) - today has a scientific name - Wheat-two-grain and the correct Latin spelling is Triticum dicoccum (Triticum Dikokum). This is the view.
Spelled - has the scientific name Wheat-Spelta, Latin spelling Triticum spelta (Triticum Spelta). And this is also a separate independent species.
Conclusion - Dvuzernyanka (aka Polba) and Spelled are different types of plants. To say that they are one and the same is analogous to the fact that common pine and cedar pine (cedar) are one plant! Therefore, the article on Wikipedia has gross errors and is completely incompetent (and now very, very many refer to Wikipedia).
Further. The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (popularly - TSB) says that spelled is a group of plants from the wheat genus. But we can already agree with this. On the basis of this, let us single out separately the Dvusernyanka and Spelled (both are included in the Spelled group, as well as a number of other plants). It is just a different approach to the classification of Wheat.
Therefore. Spelled - either a group of plants, which includes Spelled and Dvuzernyanka, or Spelled = Dvuzernyanka. In any classification, it is obvious that Polba and Spelta are different concepts. Personally, I adhere to the fact that Polba is the same as Dvuzernyanka (Triticum Dikokum).
Further. We mastered the scientific classification and began to know more. I explained on my fingers what was what. But I will reveal a secret - in science the genus of Wheat is divided into groups and species very ambiguously, and there is no consensus. One scientist gives his classification, the other writes in his own way. Therefore, all boundaries are very conditional. Therefore, now I cannot say what is right and what is wrong. And the division of wheat in science is very complicated than I explained, but I will not go into details. I will say one thing - Dvuzernyanka (aka Polba further in the text) and Spelta - they have a different set of chromosomes, these plants are not pollinated. That is, it is obvious that these are completely different plants!
Next thought. We came to the conclusion that Spelled and Spelta are different types of plants from the genus Wheat and are somewhat similar to each other. In fact, these plants are close relatives. Spelled is a younger plant, and spelled is more ancient. Their structure is very similar. Why are spelled and spelled confused (and not only on Wikipedia)? This confusion started from the depths, but everything is in order.
Differences between spelled and spelled. Spelled is a plant that is adapted for Russia. Our ancestors raised him (there is an example on the Internet about Pushkin, that in his fairy tale there is a mention of spelled). It was grown in Russia. Spelled contains a lot of protein, so all products made from it could replace meat in terms of protein content. This is the main feature of spelled (vegetable protein is relevant for raw foodists, vegans and sane people). Our ancestors grew an unpretentious plant, sown in the field, did not fertilize. In Soviet times, the field was plowed up, spelled was planted and sprinkled with fertilizer. As a result, spelled does not tolerate fertilizers and reduces the yield from them, the yield is average. Therefore, they took the spelled and threw it from the fields! On this the spelled died!
Now about spelled - this is a younger (in the paleontological aspect) plant. It is growing (attention!) - in Europe! Spelled is a southern plant! Here it does not mature well and is not adapted to the climate! And our ancestors never raised it.
And now about the confusion in the names ... Spelled was brought to Russia. It looked very much like a spelled ... and this plant was also called spelled! Comrades Ozhegov and Dal - they were not botanists, and they confirmed a mistake in their dictionaries! From them everything went and went. In science, these plants were distinguished by Latin names (dikokum and spelled), but in the unscientific, everything was called spelled. Only sometimes spelled in literature was called the real Polboy, and the Russian spelled was simply Polboy (in Europe it was called the Russian Spelled, to distinguish it from its local spelled).
This is the story that happened to the spelled!
Spelled - she's from Europe. German pasta - they are all spelled (although there is spelled on the labels again, but we will not judge the translators).Today spelled is grown in Tatarstan (Polba-Agro) and in the south - in the Krasnodar Territory (farmers grow it). Spelled today has one for sale - Runo (based on old varieties from a scientific institute). In Moscow, spelled ripens perfectly and does not require maintenance. And in general, spelled is an unkillable plant (it does not require any care in the sun and rain!).
I have already said about the benefits of spelled - it contains a lot of protein. The plant is ancient, there are many vitamins, calcium, magnesium - I will not bore you with details.
In cooking, everything is simple - porridge is made from spelled, bread and pies are made from flour.
I also want to say about the features of spelled. When peeling, spelled leaves a film on the grain. To clean the grain from the film, you have to grind it into cereals. Therefore, they sell spelled in the form of grains (but what to do with them is unclear, it will not work to eat in a hard shell) and sell in the form of cereals (but it does not germinate and is again not suitable for raw foodists). I hope that they will learn to cleanse the grain so that it will germinate later. Spelled flour is also sold ... for example, you can buy spelled flour in the Ecotovary store.
And the very, very last. On some sites spelled is called a special type of wheat. We know that the two-grain spelled is a separate species. And each species has varieties. For example - tomatoes, they have thousands of varieties for every taste and color. So spelled also has its own varieties (there may not be a thousand of them, but there are certainly several dozen). Therefore, spelled spelled strife - and the flour is different, and the composition is different. There is even a winter and spring spelled.