home Culinary recipes First meal Kharcho Kharcho according to the "Sulakvelidze principle" from lamb

Kharcho according to the "Sulakvelidze principle" from lamb

Kharcho according to the "Sulakvelidze principle" from lamb

Category: First meal
Kitchen: georgian
Kharcho according to the "Sulakvelidze principle" from lamb


Mutton 2 Kg
Bulb onions 5 goal
Carrot 2 pcs
Spices and condiments 2 tbsp. l.
Greens 3 bundles
Tomatoes 5 pieces
Garlic 5 tooth
Rice 0.75 tbsp.

Cooking method

  • Kharcho according to the "Sulakvelidze principle" from lamb
  • Soup kharcho.
  • What could be easier than making such a… rich, thick, aromatic… and… very tasty soup!
  • But I suggest you talk not just about the embodiment of the next recipe for this soup, but about the "Kharcho principle" ...
  • And as a basis for the discussion, we will accept the recommendations that Tamara Platonovna Sulakvelidze gives in her recipes. I highly recommend everyone to find her book. It is posted on the Internet. Everything that concerns Georgian or, more precisely, Caucasian cuisine is better, more understandable and simple ..., let's say more authentic, I, for example, have not come across in other sources. And from personal experience, everything that we did not prepare according to her recommendations has the same "Georgian", real homemade taste.
  • All the science mentioned in the book is stated. Here in this one.
  • Kharcho according to the "Sulakvelidze principle" from lamb
  • This book, according to respected and knowledgeable people, is a cult book. Wrote it wonderful !!! … As already mentioned - Woman !!! …, And - a good, according to sources, doctor… Tamara Platonovna Sulakvelidze. And it was published only once - and only in Russian in 1959. True, they say that there was a reissue in the 62nd.
  • This means that the recipes that are published there are nothing more than AUTHORIZED sources.
  • First of all, let's summarize the long-standing controversy, reaching the gnawing of the liver and pulling out the Adam's apple from the opponent.
  • So Tamara Platonovna has several recipes for kharcho. Until recently, I myself was sure that since kharcho means, undoubtedly, beef, walnut and tklapi or tkemali. But it turned out ... it turned out that HARCHO can be made from beef ... and from lamb ... and not only even from poultry, but also from fish in general, otherwise ... it's scary to imagine without any meat or fish already mentioned. And the soup from this does not become not HARCHO, but it remains.
  • This means that lamb HARCHO has the right to be. What confirmation is the recipe from this very book. "Soup-kharcho of lamb or beef (B)" ... that's what it says.
  • And there are reasons not to trust the author of the book, which, in the opinion, I repeat, many Georgians, is a textbook, if we talk about Georgian cuisine.
  • What I personally like about the recipe that I have adopted, and as a result of using which it turns out exactly as one of my friends says: “... when I put a little of THIS in my mouth, I still understand - THIS is exactly what I was preparing my aunt Fira in my naked childhood on the sunny Moldavanka ... ". In a word, it turns out the same taste of kharcho, which is remembered from childhood, when I had to try it at the home table, which was laid .... In general, it's up to you to judge, but I highly recommend trying. You will not regret.
  • So, we are talking about the "kharcho principle". Taking as a basis the set of products recommended by Tamara Platonovna and the technology described by her.
  • I. Broth
  • If we are talking about soup, then you cannot do without broth. No matter how hard you try.
  • Cook the broth. I took everything that had accumulated in the freezer in a bag labeled "LAMB for broths." These are mainly bones from the legs and shoulder blades, which remain from cutting the lamb parts for pilaf and such.
  • Kharcho according to the "Sulakvelidze principle" from lamb
  • And, I would dare to advise, add medium-sized chopped pulp to the broth. For fat, this additive will not play a special role, but eating will be much more interesting. Meat, whatever one may say, should be in kharcho.And it is better that it was not small, but more.
  • Kharcho according to the "Sulakvelidze principle" from lamb
  • And you can, for example, take a lamb neck. There are enough bones and cartilage and meat. For me, the neck is the best choice for kharcho.
  • Kharcho according to the "Sulakvelidze principle" from lamb
  • But! So that you don’t take it for the broth, and after you have washed it all, put it in a saucepan, fill it with clean (it’s better not to find anything well) with cold water and put it, the pan, on high heat.
  • Kharcho according to the "Sulakvelidze principle" from lamb
  • I prefer to cook kharcho over an open fire. In the boiler. But, as a rule, I cook broth at home. Why? I do not "cook" the broth, I "pour out" it. You can, of course, do this in the cauldron, but it hurts a lot of fiddling with this smallest and slowest light. It was troublesome, and for a long time. That's why….
  • As soon as it boils, be sure that scale will begin to form. Naturally, it must be mercilessly removed, or rather removed. Because take off the first time, and she is right there again. But there will come, and very soon, the moment when the scale will cease to form.
  • Kharcho according to the "Sulakvelidze principle" from lamb
  • Then it is worth adding to the broth everything that water from boiled meat will make the broth.
  • A couple of onions (it is not necessary to peel, but remove the top husk), a couple of carrots, pea peppers - black and fragrant, a couple of lavrushkas.
  • Kharcho according to the "Sulakvelidze principle" from lamb
  • A mixture of roots, (if there are no fresh ones, then dried ones will do) there parsley, celery, cilantro and so on. Dried herbs ... will not hurt a little. The star anise will not be superfluous. The more aromatic the broth is, the tastier it will be. Chessword.
  • And of course, don't forget the salt. How many? Here only by experience.
  • Kharcho according to the "Sulakvelidze principle" from lamb
  • It is not harmful to run a bunch of greens like this. If the grass is already mature, then do not cut the roots. Rinse well - yes ... but no need to cut.
  • Kharcho according to the "Sulakvelidze principle" from lamb
  • And then we reduce the heat to the minimum possible, cover the pan with a lid and leave the broth to simmer for at least three hours. The more time passes, the richer and richer the broth will be.
  • Just be careful not to boil. It is important. And then a rancid taste will appear.
  • Kharcho according to the "Sulakvelidze principle" from lamb
  • The broth turned out to be rich and moderately fat. When it cools down, it will become very clear.
  • Kharcho according to the "Sulakvelidze principle" from lamb
  • But I got ahead of myself. In the meantime, the broth will be cooked. The word "boil" is somewhat inappropriate for this method. Because the broth will languish for a long, long time on a tiny fire. It will be tastier this way. Check - you won't regret it.
  • In general, let's get down to preparing the rest of the kharcho contained.
  • II. Products for the internal content of kharcho.
  • So, we are preparing the rest of the products. Melted cow butter.
  • Kharcho according to the "Sulakvelidze principle" from lamb
  • We also need to remove the fat from the broth, but you won't spoil the soup with melted (if the broth is not very fatty).
  • A couple of onions - three. We need more tomatoes. Several cloves of garlic. Determine how much. Taste.
  • Kharcho according to the "Sulakvelidze principle" from lamb
  • Tomatoes must be taken exclusively real. Such that the honey-herbal aroma of the whips is felt. Everyone there is standardly beautiful ... in general, if you want to spoil the product, then please.
  • Kharcho according to the "Sulakvelidze principle" from lamb
  • And if for the real ones, "not the season" yet, then such canned food will do. Tomatoes in their own juice. They are frayed there. Better yet, take Greek. There they are in pieces and in their own juice. Although, in the end, you can get by with just tomato paste.
  • Kharcho according to the "Sulakvelidze principle" from lamb
  • So, even though the recipe says about tomato - pasta, I risked using a tomato bed ..., washed, cut, poured boiling water for a minute ...
  • Kharcho according to the "Sulakvelidze principle" from lamb
  • ... and after cleaning, chopped finely. Just save the juice, it won't get any worse.
  • Kharcho according to the "Sulakvelidze principle" from lamb
  • Greens. A little bit of parsley, cilantro and dill. Chop finely. Garlic - chop finely, as it was said, or crush.
  • Kharcho according to the "Sulakvelidze principle" from lamb
  • We put everything in a bowl, you can mix and also to the side - to insist.
  • Kharcho according to the "Sulakvelidze principle" from lamb
  • Or you can take it and grind everything in a mortar. It won't get any worse - I'm telling you for sure.
  • Kharcho according to the "Sulakvelidze principle" from lamb
  • Onions need to be chopped mediocre. Very small - not worth it.
  • Kharcho according to the "Sulakvelidze principle" from lamb
  • Figure: For the amount that we need (there are all proportions in the recipe), we take about half a glass. We wash very well and,
  • Kharcho according to the "Sulakvelidze principle" from lamb
  • after soaking, we set it to the side too.
  • I observe such a proportion that I don't get porridge. For a liter of the alleged soup, I take a tablespoon, a little with top, of already washed rice.
  • Kharcho according to the "Sulakvelidze principle" from lamb
  • Spice. One of the options is as follows.A couple of lavrushkas, two tablespoons, again with a good top, tablespoons of coriander, cumin - one and a half tablespoons, black and allspice peppers, a little red (hot) pepper and salt, of course.
  • Kharcho according to the "Sulakvelidze principle" from lamb
  • And grind everything in a mortar. Not too shallow.
  • Kharcho according to the "Sulakvelidze principle" from lamb
  • And you can do it differently.
  • Take, for example, a tablespoon of the mixture for shurpa and kharcho that Abdullo made for me. Very aromatic and slightly spicy.
  • Kharcho according to the "Sulakvelidze principle" from lamb
  • On a teahouse, without a heap of spoons, utskho and hops suneli. The same dose of soft red pepper and almost a full tablespoon of dry tomatoes. And a few peas of black pepper and sweet white pepper. Yes, a couple (I got them small) Lavrushechk. Well, salt, again.
  • Kharcho according to the "Sulakvelidze principle" from lamb
  • Well. Everything seems to be prepared. Let's start cooking.
  • III. Cooking kharcho
  • We make, then, a fire under the boiler and warm it up. We do not heat up, but we warm it up. Then we send a piece of ghee, the aforementioned, cow's butter to the boiler ...
  • ... and melt it. No need to heat up somehow. Just melt and that's it.
  • Kharcho according to the "Sulakvelidze principle" from lamb
  • And pour out the onion. We do not fry it, but only bring it to the state of PRE-transparency.
  • Kharcho according to the "Sulakvelidze principle" from lamb
  • We collect the fat from the surface of the broth, so that we grab another ladle of the broth.
  • Kharcho according to the "Sulakvelidze principle" from lamb
  • And into his bowler hat, to the bow. And then, constantly stirring, stew the onion for five to seven minutes.
  • Kharcho according to the "Sulakvelidze principle" from lamb
  • GENERAL COMMENT. When you stew the onion, and then cook the dressing, you cannot overcook it at any of the stages. If this happens, heartburn is guaranteed. And do not hold it - the taste will also "go away", the cheese will be felt. So constant attention, stirring and intuition.
  • When the broth has evaporated and the onion becomes soft and aromatic…. We send tomatoes to the pan. Here, you know, the measure is also important. Depending on the taste of the tomatoes, whether sweet or sour…. The measure is very important.
  • Kharcho according to the "Sulakvelidze principle" from lamb
  • ... and continuing to stir regularly, we continue to simmer over low heat. Try minutes through the heels. Maybe it will be necessary to adjust the taste somehow. Add salt there, or even add a little sugar.
  • Kharcho according to the "Sulakvelidze principle" from lamb
  • We catch all the bones and meat from the broth. Separate the meat from the bones and cut it, the meat into small pieces. And, of course, into his cauldron.
  • Kharcho according to the "Sulakvelidze principle" from lamb
  • And the spices immediately go into the cauldron.
  • Kharcho according to the "Sulakvelidze principle" from lamb
  • Stirring constantly, all together, over low heat, must be extinguished. No more than ten minutes. Here you need to look, so as not to overdry - overcook. And as soon as the dressing, spreading an unrealistically tasty aroma, will be ready.
  • Strain the broth through a fine sieve, straight into the saucepan with the dressing.
  • Kharcho according to the "Sulakvelidze principle" from lamb
  • Mix well, bring to a boil and ... the same, I remind you, VERY well washed rice ... we also send it to the pan.
  • Kharcho according to the "Sulakvelidze principle" from lamb
  • Then we stir, taste and adjust in salt, bring it back to a boil and immediately reduce the heat to a minimum, but not "to coals", in general, it is necessary that the boiling process is going on in the boiler on the verge of languishing. Or vice versa, whichever suits you best.
  • Cover with a lid and, letting it gurgle slightly, leave the boiler alone for fifteen to twenty minutes. It depends on the rice. It is very important not to cook it into mush. Therefore, measure it. Before the next step, he, the rice should have a small hard grain.
  • Kharcho according to the "Sulakvelidze principle" from lamb
  • And as soon as the rice is "without a minute" ready, we send the infused herbs with garlic to the pan.
  • Here the fire has already been removed completely. Leave only the coals.
  • Kharcho according to the "Sulakvelidze principle" from lamb
  • Then. Close the lid. Rak out the fire from under the pot, leave the coals small and let it brew for about fifteen minutes, if you hold on with the aromas exuding.
  • Kharcho according to the "Sulakvelidze principle" from lamb
  • Here. Remove the cover.
  • Kharcho according to the "Sulakvelidze principle" from lamb
  • There was a temptation to put the cauldron on the table just like that, in the form that he bought ..., yes ... the women, you know, had to pour a clean pot into the pot. Alas, the porcelain tureen has not yet been started.
  • Kharcho according to the "Sulakvelidze principle" from lamb
  • And then - please, pour carefully, eat slowly.
  • Kharcho according to the "Sulakvelidze principle" from lamb
  • If anyone wishes, you can still add greens with garlic ... but this is optional.
  • Kharcho according to the "Sulakvelidze principle" from lamb
  • Angela for you at your meal!
  • So that's it. Now you understand "I'm up chom?", Talking about the "principle of kharcho". Boil, for example, duck or chicken broth, or even fish and ... make soup using this technology. Time (we do not take into account the preparation of the broth) needs only forty minutes maximum. And I guarantee you pleasure.
  • By the way, you can cook the broth for the future, and then freeze it in a tray. So surprise, for example, a late or unexpected guest with a delicious soup ... or treat yourself to your beloved and one loved one "without yourself" ... I'm not talking about a glass "before ..." This is for you, I answer, not mashed artichokes with Parmesan sauce, tormenting yourself, pushing into yourself…. This is food!!! From which (yes, I did not care about calories and other cholesterol) in the body there is joy and desire ... ... ... to live on and be less bored.
  • For apologists of all kinds, I will. I cooked kharcho in a different way. With nuts there, plums, or tklapi, even pomegranate juice. Because there are many great recipes for this soup. But this recipe from Tamara Platonovna, in my opinion, is the best. And don't hesitate !!!

Time for preparing:

180 minutes

Simply amazing!
I read it like a novel. Very interesting, instructive and tasty. However, as always with you. After your recipes, I want to run to the kitchen and cook. There are lamb bones in the freezer.
Oh, how delicious and simple it is written, I will cook without fail. Thank you.
It's really quite simple and delicious!
How simple and intelligible, so beautiful and tasty !!!
Very tasty photos, you can feel the taste right through them!
Oooh ... Aaaa ... I can smell aromas. Do you cook such a bucket for a person?
Ivanych, a delicious recipe! Very interesting presentation. My son and I adore kharcho, well, he hasn’t read this text, otherwise I’d be racing after mutton. But I know I'll cook for lunch tomorrow.
And yes, thanks for the book. I've never heard of such a thing.
Colleagues ..., the question - "how many people is such a bucket designed for?" HAS NO ANSWER. The people in my house, sitting down at the table, are not burdened with the norms of the food distribution. Maybe enough for six, or maybe three ... ... It all depends on who and "under what" sits at the table. Are you in trouble?
This is beauty !!! I read everything with great pleasure, I will definitely cook it! Thank you !
I will look for such a book
Type on the internet ... as it says on the cover. It is posted in many places. Highly recommend.
Ivanych, Well, everything is very clearly scheduled, bookmarked. And now I will look for a book in the net. Thanks for the recipe.
Find ... you won't regret it.
And I have such a book. I inherited it from my beloved mother-in-law Margarita Alekseevna Rusishvili. Margushi is no longer in this world, and her book reminds me of the stunning smells in her kitchen, her simple and at the same time very tasty Georgian dishes. When I started cooking with it, even our Georgian relatives told me that my satsivi tastes better than the Georgian women themselves make. Didn't know that this book is a rarity.
Congratulations sincerely ... from the bottom of my heart.
Thank you, I have many books on cooking, I am now 71, so I have been cooking for 60 years. Now all the recipes can be found on the Internet, but in this book, indeed, all the recipes are given in several versions and there are very interesting subtleties of cooking.
I agree ... indeed, any dish turns out to be completely win-win. An ingenious book, in my opinion.
IvanychThank you for such a delicious description and for the book! I really missed it! She has every chance to become a culinary bible for me, because I love Georgian cuisine as much as I love.
Tell me, please, when you cook a 2 kg broth, do you do it in a 10-liter saucepan?
5 liter is enough
I did everything word for word from the neck, except that the water was filtered tap and Abdullo's mixture had to be made at random, based on the composition of purchased spices for kharcho found on the Internet.
It turned out very well! Nothing worse than kharcho from your favorite restaurants.
Thank you very much!
Ivanych, it's just some kind of poem))) you read it like the classics))) lamb is already thawed, as soon as I report back.Once I cooked kharcho with nuts and tkemali, not really mine, let's try this option!
IvanychI read somewhere in the reviews of Kharcho's soup, presented on the site Povarenok by one cook. He cooks kharcho exclusively from beef and is categorically against lamb. Many echo and confirm him. I have a different opinion on this and do not agree. In my opinion, the most delicious kharcho is only lamb! And I cook kharcho just like you, only on the electric stove, well, almost like you, with minor changes. When frying onions, I use vegetable oil and a bit of fat from the broth. If there is not enough acidity from a tomato, add 1-2 tbsp. l Ketchup Hains. I prepare a bouquet of spices for the soup in advance, grind everything in a mortar. I put a lot of spices and seasonings, as well as herbs and garlic. Thank you very much for your hard work in describing the recipe and confirmed by colorful photographs. What a lovely bowl of Kharcho soup in the final photo!
velli, you know, you just need to look at Tamara Platonovna to understand that kharcho can be prepared from any meat, from poultry and even from fish. That's why I called this story of mine ... "according to the principle ..."
And beef - yes. It is embedded in the name of this soup, but this is rather a historical feature of the name.
Ivanych, we now have just awful weather, rain and snow, wind, cold, brrrr ... It's so nice to taste a plate of warming soup in this weather))) Thanks for the recipe!

Kharcho according to the "Sulakvelidze principle" from lamb
for Health !!! Have a good mood! Your St. Petersburg weather is already on our doorstep ...
Thank you, Ivanych, for the principle of kharcho and separately - for the proportions of rice! Cooked, insisted. I will eat tomorrow, then I will record it, well, or at night, if the smell will not let you sleep
I really envy ... !!! I hope you won't regret it!
I couldn’t resist, I ate a bowl at 1 am, took a picture, but it was already too lazy to spread it, it was covered after a hot nourishing spicy grub ... The state of "wasted" ...

And now I'm in a hurry Kharcho according to the "Sulakvelidze principle" from lamb

Thank you!!!
It is very good!!! ...

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