Quote: Lika

A mistake, a slow cooker is very suitable for jellied meat. He turns out the best there
Slow cooker recipe book (discussions, tips, problems)
He, perhaps, comes out the best, but are all microbes and so on. residents die at t 70 С? Even in a few hours?
Quote: floran

He, perhaps, comes out the best, but are all microbes and so on. residents die at t 70 С? Even in a few hours?
Well, when it boils, it becomes disinfected. There the temperature is not 70 - more. It's good to reason when you have this device. Better than 2.
Slow cooker recipe book (discussions, tips, problems) So Lika non-verbally exposed the photo. We, from the slow-cookers, have not died from dysentery yet

wow ... you got another one?

And I still haven't bought a big Kenwood ... But I don't want to cook in Comfort, not my size. There for my boys to eat for one meal

I believe that jellied meat should turn out to be awesome, I haven't tried it only because I don't cook jellied meat with "homeopathic doses"
I will not buy this device, it turned out to be unnecessary to me just after reading carefully the instructions for it! In general, I somehow trust the recommendations of manufacturers - it is written - not suitable for jellied meat - I believe he, the manufacturer is not a fool, I think he will not write bad things! But I am very glad, guys, that you do not suffer from dysentery!
And the manufacturer, on the hike, lied, writing that the temperature in the slow cooker does not reach 100 C! Here is a pest, however!
no, you don't need, floran, this device is unique. He is current for masochists who respect Russian roulette - will carry this time or not
If you respect the instructions so much, then how, tell me, to cook milk porridge on the stewing prog? There is not enough wood to write an instruction to my rice cooker about 2 buttons. There is current soup and rice. And we also stew and bake in it. The instructions, as a rule, suffer from bad, low-quality Google, simply called the interlinear. And here on the forum - an experience that money cannot buy. Seize the moment!
Quote: IRR

ABOUT, Zest! Confirm that it is boiling in the slow cooker! But the doubting people got caught ... ??? Right now to all of you Zest say - there are gurgles?

Oh, I ran around the forum, looking for someone to "challenge"

Yes, yes, it is, everything there gurgles for itself, and if you completely forget, then it smokes.

But I will not convince you to buy. How does it happen? .. What you can assure yourself, it will happen.
And we are here - a hardened people, we crack even dry-cured meat without harm to health
IRR, I didn’t understand “don’t-don’t need” this device to me, it means it is NECESSARY or NOT NECESSARY. (Considering that I am NOT a masochist, well, if only a bit, and under other circumstances, I have nothing to do with cooking)
And on the prog I don't cook porridge, I can't share my experience, alas ... But, it's true, sometimes I cook for about 15 minutes, after the end of the program, milk porridge. But this is me about the Panasonic multicooker. And I don't have a rice cooker either, because of its low functionality.
The instructions, of course, are vile, in the sense of translation, but I somehow catch the essence (the temperature regime of cooking, in this case).
And also, of course, I catch your invaluable experience, thanks only to him I got a bread maker, and the taste and interest in many things, for which my gratitude to the forum inhabitants is endless!
Zest, dry-cured meat - vest!
Quote: floran

In general, I somehow trust the recommendations of the manufacturers - it is written - not suitable for jellied meat - I believe he, the manufacturer is not a fool, I think he will not write bad things!
well, well, America has been cooking meat in a slow cooker for 50 years and the slow cooker is still alive and well for meat and is ideal for legumes, and cheap meat in it is boiled down to the state of stew, chilled aspic
Quote: gypsy

well, well America 50 years in
FSE. I went to rest - the heavy artillery was connected! (smiley on a deck chair fanning himself)
Something seems to me that this is not the place for the debate about the slow cooker. We have a corresponding topic where all the pros and cons are discussed.
In general, the method of long-term cooking without boiling is even more known than slow cookers in America.
About the fact that 80 degrees is not enough to destroy all pathogens.
1. There is such a method called pasteurization. So, initially it consisted in the fact that the milk was heated to 50-55 degrees.
2. If you look at modern thermometers for meat, you will see that the range at which meat is considered ready is from 60 to 85 degrees. This is not the degree of readiness of the meat, but the degree of safety.
I have a smile that keeps fanning ...
Here, there are people on the forum (Gypsy, Rinka) after which neither add nor subtract. Straight, cop was born
I didn't see something in my instruction to Kenwood that jellied meat shouldn't be cooked.
Milk pasteurization method has been known for a long time! But pasteurization of meat ... In fact, it was originally about the preparation of COLD and that the manufacturer of the slow cooker wrote in a separate line "the unit for cooking COLD is not suitable." And Morphine Richardson wrote about it! I didn't read the instructions to Kenwood, which I honestly admit! And so that the slow cooker is not confused with the slow cooker. The temperature is not the same! And that's all ...
Let's finish on this, eh? .. The topic is about the Brand multicooker.
Quote: floran

In fact, it was originally about the preparation of COLD and that the manufacturer of the slow cooker wrote in a separate line "the unit for cooking COLD is not suitable". And Morphine Richardson wrote about it!
but they could not write it! (Englishmen), they have no such dishes
Quote: gypsy

but they could not write it! (Englishmen), they have no such dishes

HERE and I sit, giggle))
And sho the English could tell about our jellied meat
Do you know how it is - jellied meat in english - this
you come to visit, eat all the jellied meat and leave without saying goodbye
Quote: Zest

HERE and I sit, giggle))
And sho the English could tell about our jellied meat

And it's true, poor Englishmen, unless their oatmeal can compete with our jellied meat!
I remembered either a story, or a bearded anecdote on this topic .. One Englishman, or maybe an American attended a Russian wedding, and then told his friends that Russians serve frozen soup on the table
Colleagues, I returned from a shopping tour and continue about the crust. I don't pour water into meat and chicken, a lot of juice is released. And there is not much beef juice in the ribs, so they were welded to me in the morning! But delicious - horror! And the enamel does not crack. The crust is obtained if you cook for longer.
Quote: floran

And the manufacturer, on the hike, lied, writing that the temperature in the slow cooker does not reach 100 C! Here is a pest, however!

I'll tell you about my little MR. If I cook soup on Hai, then the gurgles are weak at the edges. There are no buns in the center, which means there is no temperature of 100 degrees. That is, the average temperature is really below 100 degrees. But if I am carcassing meat, then the bulks are active almost to the center. But the general impression is that the real does not reach 100 degrees.
I am also against the use of water in cooking meat.

If I cooked a duck, a rabbit and a goose, I never added water, so I just put the meat on the bottom. I always specify this point in the recipe.
There is enough moisture in the meat, it will come out so to speak.
Here the potatoes require liquid. If I cover the meat with potatoes, then add 200-250 mil of water. This is maximum.

I believe that excess water will turn the meat into boiled, and we will lose in taste.
Luysia, it’s probably late with advice.But I, nevertheless, think that it is better, until you understand what's what, to cook something meaty during the day.
Lyudochka! It's delicious just to watch! We have no doubt that it is delicious!
Girls, it was I who drowned milk in the baby yesterday. Then I got tired and I went to bed.
Slow cooker recipe book (discussions, tips, problems)
Slow cooker recipe book (discussions, tips, problems) Slow cooker recipe book (discussions, tips, problems)
Gabi!, Vic, in METRO we still have 3.5 liters for 280 or what? When I fotala yesterday the freezer, she IMHO got into the frame, I threw it into the ice cream. An average MV is also good, a small chicken can fit the current into it like that! ... She's oval. And you can stuff a mountain of vegetables! Boils uncritically, even if to the eyeballs, does not spill out. (unsubscribed here also to receive messages)
Quote: Kalmykova

Colleagues, I returned from a shopping tour and continue about the crust.
The crust is obtained if you cook for longer.
I confirm 100% that the crust is obtained with dogginess.
Here is my homemade sausage, I spent 4 hours in CF - 2 on strong and 2 on weak.
Slow cooker recipe book (discussions, tips, problems)
THANKS VERY MUCH to Kalmykova for the know-how !!!!
Rusya! It is not a sin to send such a sausage 5 times! Let my post be removed at the same time with such a sausage (if the hand is raised)
Thanks for the support!
I did it for the first time, even from those guts that Nusya transferred from Uzhgorod before Paska. The meat was very fatty, so there was an almost full 350-gram glass (from sour cream) of lard.
I also want to make sausage without meat with cereals or grated potatoes with cracklings (this is how they do in Polesie and in Belarus).
Nobody knows the recipe for meatless sausage?
With meat. Photo before cooking. After that, they very quickly disappeared somewhere.
I'm already small 3.5 liters. It's time to move on to large volumes.
And without meat, I did it with celery (root), and the greens were there too ... It was delicious. But I was interested in the recipe from the blog of the Turkish woman. I'll wait for the recipe. I love any peppers, although I am what they call a "meat eater".
If fountains are not enough to come up with a recipe for cooking meat, I use this: Mix = vegetable oil + liquid smoke + salt + "Classic" marinade like this:

Slow cooker recipe book (discussions, tips, problems)

Coat the meat with the marinade mixture and slow cooker. Cooking time from 3 to 6 hours. It turns out delicious and aromatic !!! Maybe someone will come in handy!
recipes for slow cookers, there are good photos
Encrypted recipes, no Google decoder, no way ...
I'll ask you more! I loaded the meat, turned it on, the numbers 0:00 appeared, I chose the High mode, but nothing changed in the numbers, I thought that a countdown from 4 hours would appear, but nothing - just the same numbers 0:00 and the mode icon. I don’t understand she’s cooking or not ??? The instructions are completely incomprehensible, the husband read it and says - go to your forum and ask :-)

And then how to understand - how long she cooks, the same to me, the electronic board ...
Quote: danuca

I'll ask you more! I loaded the meat, turned it on, the numbers 0:00 appeared, chose the High mode, but nothing changed in the numbers,
danuca , with a purchase! First you need to set the time with the "+" button, and then the mode. Good luck!
Thank you! trains! smell all over the apartment :-)
I report - the mutton turned out great, the meat is juicy and very soft.
Today I cooked borsch, on the Strong mode for 5 hours, the taste and smell of borsch is amazing, but the cabbage did not become boiled in 5 (!!!) hours. True, she poured vegetables with cold water, if hot, it would probably boil ...
How far can you put porridge (wheat, not cereal) and on what is the best mode?
Quote: danuca

How far can you put porridge (wheat, not cereal) and on what is the best mode?
danuca , I do for 6-8 hours on a strong mode. The grain is not boiled. I know that girls are brought to a boil on high and then left overnight for 6 hours on low.
The second time I cook cabbage soup in a slow cooker. Well, really - very tasty. You can feel the taste of all the seasonings, the broth turns out to be very fragrant, rich (although my children love cabbage soup almost without meat, so I cook according to their limitations - I make small meatballs from ground beef, boil them separately, then add to the cabbage soup).Only it is necessary to fill it with hot water, for the first time I cooked borsch with cold water - the cabbage was with a crust.
And conveniently, I put everything for lunch, then went to bed with the children, then had an afternoon, then took a walk, and returned - hot cabbage soup :-)
I also made lentil soup, it turned out very tasty.
But the meat (beef) didn't work out. It turned out dry and hard to chew ... although the meat was good. Did it almost without water, maybe this is the case? I made lamb with water, it was soft ...
Quote: danuca

But the meat (beef) didn't work out. It turned out dry and hard to chew ... although the meat was good. Did it almost without water, maybe this is the case? I made lamb with water, it was soft ...
danuca , I was the same. I think it still depends on meat.
Quote: danuca

But the meat (beef) didn't work out. It turned out dry and hard to chew ... x
I make meat without water, only when there is a lot of onions, tomatoes or cabbage - they give juice. Although it seems Natasha Kalmykova I made ribs without anything - whose ribs were pork or beef ribs: pardon: I don't remember.
Quote: IRR

it seems Natasha Kalmykova I made ribs without anything - whose ribs were pork or beef ribs: pardon: I don't remember.
gee ... and I did - moose
Quote: IRR

Although it seems Natasha Kalmykova I made ribs without anything - whose ribs were pork or beef ribs: pardon: I don't remember.
chi Mistletoe tse bula with bear ribs
Yesterday I cooked beef tongue in MD, put it on a strong mode for 6 hours, because the tongue was healthy. It cooked perfectly - the meat is soft, but does not break down into fibers, as happens if you digest it.
I want to stew the cabbage today. Tell me - add water to the cabbage or not?
Quote: danuca

I want to stew the cabbage today. Tell me - add water to the cabbage or not?
if the cabbage is young, then do not, let the juice itself. DROP OILS + onions, carrots (if you put them) - this is also juice ..
I've stewed cabbage four times already, twice with mushrooms, twice just with fried onions and carrots. I added mung bean, I didn't even soak it beforehand, it boiled well.
I grab and grab books on the same layout, but I don't have enough time to re-type and translate texts.

Today's Purchase: Everyday Slow Cooker Recipes (230+ recipes). It seems to be an Australian publishing house. 2010 year.

From the utility immediately the sign

Time in the oven or on the stove: 0: 15-0: 30/0: 35-0: 45/0: 50-3: 00
Slow cooking LOW: 4: 00-6: 00/6: 00-8: 00/8: 00-12: 00
Slow cooking HIGH: 1: 30-2: 30/3: 00-4: 00/4: 00-6: 00
by the way, there are recipes for cakes
my slow cooker doesn't stand idle day or night ... During the day, meat is usually stewed in it or cabbage. And every night I put a compote on LOU for 8 hours. It turns out a really rustic brew, like from a furnace! I don’t put a single gram of sugar, but it’s very tasty. I throw in a handful of raisins, dried apples, 2-3 dried apricots and pour in two liters of boiling water. In the morning I pour it into a jug and the children drink all day.
I also cook compote only in a slow cooker
Has anyone stewed cabbage on Low? I want to put it at 8 o'clock at night, will it be stewed out, will it not turn into porridge? I usually put out about five hours on a high mode, it turns out the very thing.
I stewed cabbage at night (and already twice), it turns out okay, but still, if it is on a high mode for 4 hours, then it seems to me tastier, although maybe this cabbage was not very good.
"Tell the girl, your girlfriend"
HOW IS POTATOES made at DVA? If with gravy and meat, it turns out not solid?
For two years, I have never needed it. All the milk is baked, porridge and stewed fruit, and now I've been cooking pork ribs in it for a whole week and I wanted to cook it with potatoes in gravy. And now I think that in the kapusnyak once cooked in the MDV, it turned out slightly oak due to the acid of sauerkraut. Should it be soft by itself?

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