
Drying - a decrease in the mass of bread as a result of the evaporation of water vapor and volatile substances. Drying begins immediately after leaving the oven.

Shrinkage (drying out) is the process of redistribution of moisture from the inner layers of the crumb to its outer layers and crust, and its evaporation through the crust. During storage, the moisture content of the crumb decreases. The faster the bread is cooled after baking, the less it shrinks. An increase in temperature accelerates shrinkage, and an increase in the relative humidity of the air, on the contrary, slows down.

While the bread cools down to room temperature, the drying processes are the most intensive, the mass of products decreases by 2-4% compared to the mass of hot bread. Active ventilation during this period reduces weight loss. After the bread has cooled, drying proceeds at a constant rate, but ventilation of the premises during this period increases losses. The greater the initial mass of moisture in the bread, the more intensively it loses it.

Shaped bread dries out faster than hearth bread, as it contains more moisture. Small-piece products lose moisture more intensively.

Stale bread during storage - a complex physico-colloidal process associated primarily with starch aging. The first signs of staleness appear 10-12 hours after bread baking.

Bread staleness occurs during its long-term storage, during which the properties of the bread change, its pleasant aroma disappears, the taste deteriorates and the taste of a stale product appears. The change in taste and especially aroma is due to the loss and oxidation of volatile substances.

The crust at the moment the bread leaves the oven is practically waterless. But it cools down quickly, and moisture, as a result of the temperature difference in the outer and inner layers of the loaf, migrates into the crust, the humidity of which rises to 12-14%.

For many types of bread, the thickness of the crusts is standardized by GOSTs.
For example, rye and rye-wheat breads have a crust 3-4 mm thick, wheat ones - 1.5-3 mm.

The physical condition of the crust also changes. If the crust after baking is hard and brittle, then with increasing humidity it becomes soft, elastic, and then hardens. When the crumb becomes stale, its physical properties change, its elasticity and compressibility deteriorate, and crumbling increases.

Rye bread stale more slowly, since it contains soluble and insoluble pentosans, enveloping amylopectin and amylose and slowing down the retro-gradation of starch. There is some release of moisture absorbed by the starch during gelatinization during baking. This moisture is partly held by the crumb and partly softened by the crust. When the bread is stale, the hydrophilic properties of the crumb change, that is, the ability to swell and absorb water decreases due to the compaction of the protein structure. The more protein substances in the bread, the slower the process of staling. But since the protein in bread is 5-6 times less and the rate of changes in it is 4-6 times less compared to starch, the main role in the starching process belongs to starch.

Any additives and factors that increase the volume and improve the structure and physical properties of the crumb contribute to a longer freshness. For example, the regulation of the recipe (the introduction of various additives - animal and vegetable proteins, fats, emulsifiers, soy and rye flour), intensive kneading of the dough slow down the process of staling.

The staling process is influenced by storage conditions: temperature, packaging.
Staling occurs most intensively at temperatures from –2 to 20 * C. At temperatures from 60 to 90 * C, staling proceeds very slowly, almost imperceptibly, and at 190 * C it completely stops. At temperatures below –2 ° C, staling slows down, and below –10 ° C it practically stops. Therefore, one of the ways to slow down staling is to freeze bread at temperatures from -18 to -30 ° C.

Slowing down the staling and reducing the shrinkage of bread is achieved by packing products in waxed paper, cellophane, and other materials for storing bread.
In industrial production, bread packed in this way is sterilized and stored at a temperature of 16-18 * C. At the same time, rye bread remains fresh for 3 months, and wheat bread made from high-quality flour - up to 3 weeks.
Unsterilized bread after packing in a film begins to mold on the fourth day.
Refreshing bread. When heated to a temperature in the center of the crumb of 60 ° C, the bread restores its freshness and retains it for 4-5 hours - wheat and 6-9 hours - rye.

Shelf life of bread

The bread is not intended for long storage !!!

This is its peculiarity: the sooner it is eaten, the better. With prolonged storage, it dries out, stale, loses its softness and aroma, crumbles. If the bread is stored incorrectly, it becomes covered with a film of greenish mold, and various toxins accumulate in the crumb. It is they who make bread not only tasteless, but also inedible ...

Selling time for bread made from rye and rye-wheat flour - 36 hours
Wheat bread sales period - 24 hours
The term of sale of small-piece bread weighing less than 200 g is 16 hours.
The shelf life of bread is calculated from the time it leaves the oven.
Best of all, the consumer properties of bread are preserved at a temperature of 20-25 ° C and a relative humidity of 75%.

Premises for storing bread should be dry, clean, ventilated, with uniform temperature and relative humidity.
During storage, processes occur in bread that affect its weight and quality. At the same time, two processes are going on in parallel and independently of each other: drying out - loss of moisture and staleness.

Where will we store the bread, is a bread box needed at all?

The only safe bet is buy and bake bread in such quantity that it is quickly eaten, in other words, does not need long-term storage.

But after all, even for several days, bread needs to be stored somewhere?
So, you need to buy a bread bin!

The bread box is a classic of the genre. There are standards not only for bread, but also for bread bins (GOST 24145-80), according to which bread can be stored for no more than 48-60 hours. After this period, damage to bread begins. The bread box should be tightly closed and have a minimum number of ventilation holes, no more than 1 cm2. According to new ideas about which bread is beneficial - the freshest or slightly dried, the number of holes in the bread bin has been increased.

In general, in a good bread box, a loaf or roll can remain soft for up to 7 days; however, according to the standards of the State Standard, the permissible storage period is no more than 48-60 hours.

First, decide on the size of the bread bin, taking into account the volume of the product you eat or buy.
It should be remembered that rye bread has a higher moisture content than wheat bread, so you can think about buying a two-tier bread bin. Otherwise, store rye bread in a bag with punched holes.

Black and white bread should be kept separately, therefore it is better to choose a bread bin with 2-3 sections. In a single-section bread bin, different types of bread should be put in paper bags.

In Russia, bread bins were made of bast or thin wooden plates. The sides of the breadbaskets were steamed to give them a rounded shape, the sides and lid of the breadbox were pulled together with thin strips of bast and fitted carefully. In such a bread bin, the bread remained fresh and flavorful for a long time.

However, it is not enough to put the bread basket in a convenient place, it must also be maintained in a "working" condition: remove the crumbs from it, periodically wash it with soapy water, then dry it thoroughly and process it with a 9% solution of table vinegar so that the bread or loaf does not get sour smell.

Recently, a lot of bread bins have appeared, which are also a wonderful decoration of the kitchen.

Tips for storing bread in bread bins

To make the bread in the bread box stale more slowly, our great-grandmothers put a pinch of salt, a piece of fresh potatoes or an apple there, not forgetting to change them from time to time to fresh ones (even salt, since it damp).

A lump of sugar or lemon peel will help prevent unpleasant odors in the bread bin. If, nevertheless, your bread is stale, refresh it in the "steam bath" or dry it for crackers.
Bread board and knife

There should be a separate plate for bread on the farm.
It is desirable that it be wooden, although plastic is also possible.

The bread is cut with a sharp knife or bread slicer.

Many bread products, such as flat cakes, lavash, chureks, are not cut with a knife, such bread is broken into pieces by the hostess or the owner of the house and served to everyone at the table.

In the table setting where the buns are served, a bread knife is provided, which is placed on a plate next to the fluffy bun. The knife is much smaller than ordinary cutlery for snacks and hot dishes, it has a specific thickening on the edge of the knife and teeth, so it is impossible to confuse it with others.

Drying and staleness of bread - how, where and how much bread can be stored ?!


How to care for a breadbasket

Black and white bread should be stored separately, so it is better to choose a bread bin with 2-3 sections. In a single-section bread bin, different types of bread should be put in paper bags.

It goes without saying that you need to take care of any bread bin: remove crumbs from it, wash it from time to time with a soapy solution, and then dry it thoroughly. And so that the bread does not acquire a sour smell, process it periodically with a weak solution of vinegar.
What kind of bread bin will we buy?

Bread boxes made of wood

Bread boxes made of wood are considered the most common and traditional. This environmentally friendly natural material can be harmoniously combined with any kitchen interiors. When choosing such a bread bin, it should be remembered that wood tends to absorb any odors. For example, if the apartment smells of paint, the bread bin will absorb this smell, and then it will saturate the bread with this unpleasant aroma for a long time. That is why, the wooden bread bin must be monitored constantly and not to allow bread to disappear in it.

The only "but" about such breadbins is the need to wash them often. And you need to wash them with soapy water. This way you will save yourself from the unpleasant mold smell that can appear in the bread bin if it is not properly maintained.
There are also disadvantages to such a bread bin. It cannot be washed with chemical detergents or in a dishwasher. If you buy such a bread box, you must understand that it will not serve for a long time. Wood absorbs all smells, including bread smells, therefore, after a few years you simply won't want to eat the bread stored in this aroma box.

The main thing is that the dishes are not covered with a thick layer of varnish or paint, otherwise the device will stop “breathing” and lose its natural qualities. In addition, it is important that the bread bin is made of solid wood, and not of plywood (as suggested by manufacturers in Soviet times). The best storage facilities are considered to be linden, ash, birch, as well as exotic woods. But the use of conifers for the manufacture of bread boxes is not recommended. Pine and fir have a very strong odor that will overpower the aroma of baked goods.
The best bread bin is from juniper. Finding a juniper bread bin is not easy, and it is not cheap, but simpler options are possible using different types of wood, including in combination with juniper.

When buying a wooden bread bin, pay attention to the fact that the structure is stable, the parts fit exactly and do not have any extra gaps, and the lid is tightly closed. When you start using the device, do not place strong-smelling foods next to it, as wood quickly absorbs aromas, and then does not release them for a long time. To prevent the bread from acquiring a sour smell, treat the dishes with a weak solution of vinegar.

Experts say that it is the tree that retains all the properties of bread for the longest time. For three to four days, the loaf does not stale, and with longer storage, without losing its taste, it turns into very mouth-watering croutons. And crackers are known to be an excellent prevention of gastritis.

Drying and staleness of bread - how, where and how much bread can be stored ?!

Birch bark bread boxes

Birch bark - the top layer of birch bark, which is a unique natural material.

An alternative to the wooden bread bin is the birch bark model, which is less susceptible to odor absorption.

Bread in a wooden bread bin does not grow moldy and remains soft and aromatic for a long time. Breadbins made of birch bark or juniper are especially good, but they are not often found on sale.
Birch bark has antiseptic properties, so the bread stored in a birch bark does not grow moldy for a long time.

In a house where birch bark products are available, the air becomes healing. Birch bark is considered a warm material. Even in cold weather, it is warm to the touch, as it has a strong positive energy.

Bread boxes made of the most ancient wood material - birch bark - are now completely forgotten. But in vain. Environmentally friendly material has special properties. The velvety golden layers of birch bark are resinous, do not rot, do not get wet and have good flexibility. Resin is used instead of glue.

Mold and mildew do not appear in the cupboards, boxes and bread bins, since birch bark is an excellent antiseptic. Foods retain their taste in birch bark dishes for a long time. This material has a membrane effect: taking away excess moisture, it does not allow the bread to dry out or suffocate. In addition, birch bark has a positive effect on a person: it normalizes blood pressure, relieves headaches, increases vitality, and it’s just nice to look at the archaic style of these breadbaskets.

Drying and staleness of bread - how, where and how much bread can be stored ?!

Bread box made of ceramic and glass

Ceramic bread bin is also very relevant. It stores the bread pretty well. At the same time, caring for the bread bin will not bring unnecessary trouble. Ceramics prevents the absorption of odors, pathogenic microbes do not multiply on this material.

Glass bread bins. An interesting solution, but such utensils require careful handling due to their fragility. In addition, this type of bread bin needs daily care, since glass is a rapidly contaminated material.
Drying and staleness of bread - how, where and how much bread can be stored ?!

Bread box made of plastic

The plastic bread box is a budget option. However, having bought a bread basket made of low-quality material, you risk being left with spoiled bread. Baking in such a bread bin will quickly lose its taste, the bread will crumble and smell of plastic. A high-quality bread box is quite suitable for the role of a baking storage.

These bins are very easy to clean, but their durability depends on the quality of the plastic, besides, the bread stored in such a bread bin can get an unpleasant smell.

The plastic bread bin is not distinguished by its environmental friendliness. Still, the chemical production method does not allow bread to be well stored in it, and you should know that the shelf life of such a product is limited. But their use has many disadvantages: fragility, a predisposition to internal vaporization, poor ventilation.

Unlike steel and wooden breadbins, experts do not recommend buying plastic devices. The problem is that among them there are many attractively priced options that simply turn out to be unsafe for health. Therefore, be sure to smell your purchase before buying.If the smell of plastic is strong and harsh, put it aside - then you will have the feeling that you are chewing on a piece of plastic, not fresh bread.

However, cheap low-quality plastic should not be confused with expensive ultra-modern. The latter is used to make the so-called "smart" breadbins, equipped with a grid with a special coating that absorbs excess moisture and prevents mold. Under the base of the advanced device is a plastic cutting board that does not blunt knives or slip on the table. Such a bread bin is lighter than its metal or wooden counterparts, and it's easy to take care of it - it is wiped with a soft sponge and detergent.

If you decide to buy a plastic bread bin, pay attention to the presence of a sanitary-hygienic certificate and its price.

Stainless steel bread box

A stainless steel bread box is one of the best options. Bread can be stored in it for a very long time, and maintenance of the structure is reduced to almost zero. The aesthetic side of such a purchase is also pleasantly pleasing.

The stainless steel breadbox will serve you well. It retains the warmth of the flour product, is easy to clean in the dishwasher, durable and reliable assistant. We decided to buy such a bread basket, be patient and hardworking, because you will have to wash it much more often than a wooden one. Traces of your gentle touches will remain on the lid every day.

Experts advise to choose specimens that have rubberized legs and ventilation holes (for example, in the back wall of the case), which will provide air circulation ideal for storing bread. But before choosing a "house" made of steel, check the quietness and smoothness of the cover.

Professionals advise you to pay attention to the combined bread bins: their base is made of wood or glass, and the upper part consists of a metal lid. Such devices combine the environmental friendliness of one material and the practicality of another. Moreover, they often have a "second bottom" - a retractable board on which you can cut bread.

Drying and staleness of bread - how, where and how much bread can be stored ?!
Wicker Bread Bins

You should also pay attention to wicker bins, but, as a rule, such bread bins are made from seaweed, and the bread stored in them can acquire an unpleasant "fishy" smell.
Drying and staleness of bread - how, where and how much bread can be stored ?!
Vacuum bread bin

Even a vacuum bread bin will give the kitchen an exclusive touch. It is a sealed container, outwardly resembling a huge oiler, on top of which a removable pump is placed to pump out air. This miracle of our time protects the contents from harmful microorganisms, increases the shelf life of not only bread, but also other products for which you can use it. Accordingly, it is necessary to store only one type of food in it.

Drying and staleness of bread - how, where and how much bread can be stored ?!

Cloth pouch

Our great-grandmothers kept almost all the products in fabric bags, so there is no better option for bread. Many people think so. What can I say here? - A common myth.
Yes, stylish and beautiful, but a linen bag is not suitable for long-term storage of bread. Within a day, a loaf or loaf will become so stale that it will be impossible to use them even on crackers. Perhaps nailing down nails.
Conclusion: storing bread in this way is absolutely unacceptable.

Cloth and paper

The famous French baguette is eaten on baking day. The advantage of such bread is a thin crispy crust and fresh, loose, porous crumb. There are special canvas bags for storing baguettes, but they do not guarantee that the bread will not lose its mouth-watering crunch after a few hours.

In principle, woven bread bags are a continuation of the old tradition of wrapping bread in a linen or canvas towel, thanks to which the bread stale more slowly and the loaf retains its properties for a whole week! How else can you keep bread fresh and tasty?

According to the old tradition, it is customary to wrap bread in a linen or canvas towel, preferably a one-color one, on especially solemn occasions - with minimal embroidery. Many years of experience have established that if the bread is wrapped in clean white paper or cloth, the hardening slows down and the loaf retains its properties for up to 7 days.

Plastic bag

Keeping bread in a plastic bag is one of the most popular storage methods. Despite its prevalence, it should be noted that this is far from the most reliable and certainly not the best option. After three to four days, black bread will begin to crumble, and white bread is guaranteed to be covered with mold. And both will get an unpleasant odor.

Conclusion: a plastic bag will "help out" on a trip out of town, on a short trip, on Saturday-Sunday at the dacha. You can store bread in it, but just like in the refrigerator - for a very short time

Storing bread in the refrigerator

Practice has shown that a refrigerator is a pretty good place to store bread. The softness and taste of the loaf placed in it practically do not change during the week.
True, there is one "but": bread absorbs absolutely all the smells. Even polyethylene and a hermetically sealed container do not save. Therefore, over time, the taste of bread from the refrigerator becomes well, very "for everybody".

Conclusion: you can store bread in the refrigerator. But not to long.

Various substances and additives that somewhat slow down the staling of bread

Staling of bread is its most unpleasant drawback, which sharply reduces the consumer properties of bakery products. Extending the freshness of baked bread is the most urgent task for baking practitioners and scientists. At one time, many dissertations were defended on this subject, but in practice, the freshness of bread in stores does not exceed 30-40 hours, that is, two days.

The mechanism of staling is determined some changes in the starch of the bread during its storage, as well as some changes in the protein of the bread. The starch of the flour gelatinizes during baking, softens, absorbs and binds water. The longer the moisture stays in the bread, the longer the bread will stay fresh. During storage of bread, starch begins to retrograde - to restore hydrogen bonds between chains of oligosaccharide residues. Starch loses previously bound moisture, starch is saccharified, its grains decrease, harden, the crumb of bread begins to crumble, the bread becomes stale.

During storage of bread, significant changes also occur in the protein substances of the crumb. When bread is baked, the phenomenon of protein denaturation occurs, and when it is stored with protein, the opposite occurs. Protein in the crumb of bread is much less than starch, and changes in protein are several times slower. Therefore, the contribution of changes in starch to the process of staling of bread is an order of magnitude greater than the contribution of changes in protein.

For a long time, bakers have added various substances and additives to the dough, which somewhat slowed down the staling of bread. These additives included four main groups of ingredients:
- substances that slow down the saccharification of starch;
- substances that bind moisture in bread;
- substances that change the structure of the protein (enzymes);
- natural preservatives.
Over the past hundred years, almost nothing has changed, only special types of packaging have been added, which also reduce the loss of moisture in the product and slow down the celebration process.

Various chemical and natural ingredients are added to the dough as preservatives, which effectively suppress the development of whitish bacteria and mold fungi. Such preservatives include the widely used sorbic acid and its salts (E-200, E-201, E-202, E-203). Sorbic acid is found in some berries and fruits (cranberries, mountain ash) and has been used as a preservative since antiquity. Abroad (in our country less often), propionic acid salts (E-281, E-282, E-283) are also widely used. In general, all food acids affect the staling process: tartaric, citric, and lactic.For example, rye bread and mixed roll varieties are known to be less prone to staleness than wheat bread. Their acidity is much higher (lactic acid when fermented), which helps to extend the freshness. Ascorbic acid (E-300 vitamin C) and some of its salts are often used, which are also good antioxidants that smooth out the effects of contact of the crumb of bread with atmospheric oxygen.

Enzyme additives are widely used to slow down the staling process. To slow down the saccharification of starch, starch-splitting amylase preparations are added; fungal proteases are also used, which partially destroy the bonds in the protein structures of the crumb. In order to influence gluten protein molecules, additives in the form of bacterial proteases and papain are used. Most often, these preparations are contained in special enzymatic or complex bread improvers. Significant amounts of enzymes are found in soy flour and malt, which have long been added to bread by bakers.

Additives that greatly slow down the saccharification of starch. These mainly include glucose, which prevents the formation of hard sugar crystals. Glucose is found in significant quantities in special syrups that are used in the confectionery industry and in bakery. The addition of glucose syrup (content of pure glucose 45%) in an amount of 5-6% to the weight of dry flour, allows you to increase the freshness of the bread by more than two times. In Russia, cheaper molasses is more often used, in which there is much less pure glucose than glucose syrup. Some types of bread, in which molasses (glucose) is added according to the recipe, are famous for prolonged freshness (Borodinsky, Orlovsky). Various infusions (in custard varieties) are a method of saccharification of starch, a method of increasing the fementative activity of the dough, thus helping to prolong the freshness of the products.

Additives that bind water in bread, prevent intensive drying (staling). The use of jelly-forming substances (thickeners) is very effective, they bind water in bread, the moisture content during storage does not decrease so intensively, it does not dry out. Natural thickeners include carrageenan and its salts (E-407), Agar (E-406), gums, pectins (E-440). In bakery, low-esterified pectins are most often used, the addition of which to the dough in an amount of 0.1-0.2% allows not only to significantly prolong the freshness of the bread, but also to increase the yield to 5-6% due to the large amount of bound moisture. The addition of gluten concentrate to the dough is very effective, which binds water about 2-3 times its own weight. Gluten concentrate is added in the amount of 2-3% by weight of flour, increases the percentage of gluten in the dough by 5-7%, binds about 8% of water.

Another way to bind moisture in bread is additives of various types of emulsifiers. There are a lot of them, so we will not list them. The most famous is lecithin. This substance is found in significant amounts in egg yolk, so bakers and pastry chefs add eggs to baked goods to increase the ability to knead "heavy" pastry dough (emulsifier) ​​and prolong the freshness of the product (moisture binding). Emulsifiers work especially well in doughs with a lot of fat. It is well known that even with prolonged agitation, water and liquid fat do not mix. In order to combine water and fat, the emulsifier must be composed of two molecules. One molecule is attracted by water, the other by fat. Thanks to this feature, the emulsifier combines water and fat, becoming a mediator. A lipophobic molecule attracts water, while a hydrophobic molecule attracts fat. Water and fat are thus bound by the emulsifier. The fat, in turn, also contributes to the elasticity of the crumb, since it softens the connection of the starch grains with the gluten framework. Adding up to 3% fat to the dough also prolongs the freshness of the bread to a certain extent.

There are also some other dough additives that perform similar functions, or a combination of such functions. There are many improvers that, among others, perform freshness-prolonging functions. However, no one has yet reached a complete solution to this problem. Very complex processes take place in the crumb structure, a lot of factors affect this. Moreover, you should not look for a "drug" that will completely solve the problem of stale bread, you should also not believe the advertising statements of some manufacturers that only their improver prolongs the freshness of bakery products.

Here you have it written that you cannot store in a cloth bag, but you can wrap it with cloth. It needs to be wrapped many times? And what kind of cloth? cotton?
It's just that there is nowhere to put the breadbox: (how best to store

I have collected here the experience of storing bread by different people, different proposals.
How the bread is stored in the fabric - I can't say, I didn't use it myself. I store my bread in a regular plastic grocery bag and put it in the bread bin. But, you can leave it in the bread box on the table if there is no other place.

Everything is learned in comparison, you can try it in fabric, then the fabric should be natural linen, linen, cotton.
Clear. I store the bread in a bag in the refrigerator. So I bought a bakery and thought
I keep it in the Tappervarovka cake maker. Until my men worked on it (they cut bread right in it), the bread was perfectly stored even together black and white.
I bought a wax cloth (on the breadtopia website) - I am very pleased with it, I want to order a couple more, the bread is stored in it for a week and does not stale and does not grow moldy
I saw this Progressive breadbox

Drying and staleness of bread - how, where and how much bread can be stored ?!

Plastic, with a ventilation system and a cutting board. I liked the picture very much. Advise whether to buy or not? I found very few reviews. Maybe someone is already using it? Tell us your opinion.

Svetlana, it's hard to advise! All bread bins are beautiful in appearance - in practice it is difficult to say until you try it yourself.
I wrote above, it turned out to be optimal for me, to store bread in an ordinary food bag, with a hole in the right side. Although there were many different bread boxes
Quote: Admin

it turned out to be optimal for me, to store bread in a regular food bag, with a hole in the right side. Although there were many different bread boxes

Tatyana, it's the same for me. But I really want a beautiful and functional box ... The ebay shop has not yet closed itself. Probably, I will still order.

Tanya, special thanks for the announcement of the container for pickling cabbage with Ozone. Received, very much!
Quote: Svetlana62

Tanya, special thanks for the announcement of the container for pickling cabbage with Ozone. Received, very much!

Light, health, let it serve for a long time! I also like this kind of tableware, very simple, but how it decorates the house
Quote: Svetlana62
bread bin Progressive
I keep forgetting to unsubscribe ...
I have been using the bread bin for about a month, bread purchased stored for more than a week, the holes are always open, does not dry out, does not grow moldy or stale. The only thing but- it is not very convenient to get it out of the bread bin, it is made of two halves, one slides into the other. I have a suspicion that my breadbox is for left-handers. But I found a way out - put the breadbox "on the priest" and push it from the side of the valve, then it is convenient. And it is stored even better than in Tupper's Gourmet (I have a mini-gourmet), it periodically needs to be opened and ventilated, but not in this bread bin. And yet, she is a baby, it is convenient to store half of the bread. The whole can be put by moving the halves apart, but then it is inconvenient to get it.
Hello dear bakers! This is my first topic on the forum and therefore I ask you not to hit hard in advance if I ask a question that has already been discussed, but I could not get acquainted globally with all the questions on the forum in one day. Hope to fix it in the near future

A small introduction.I bake my bread for about six months, every week two loaves of rye (50/50 or 70/30 rye / wheat) and one wheat loaf. That is, I have two sourdoughs - one rye (made on the basis of rye seeds, feed with rye flour) and the second wheat (purely on wheat flour and feed the same). In both cases, the bread turns out with not much, as it seems to me, sourness (but to an unusual person it may seem that with sourness, this is especially felt in a loaf, rye bread cannot be distinguished from Darnitsky's store at all, I judge from the reviews of friends, they eat and do not observe much difference ). I like the taste of my bread when it is fresh (see the essence of the problem below) Sourdoughs double the bread in 2 hours on average (rye a little longer, white a little faster, half an hour depending on room temperature), with them it also seems like no problem.

Now ESSENCE OF THE QUESTION: the main problem, the most important and depressing one, is that bread DIES FAST![/ b]
Namely: the life time of both is the same - three days, this is the time when bread can be considered fresh and tasty, after that it turns stale rather quickly, on the fifth day I don't eat it like that, but I fry it in a toaster, in a different way it is simply tasteless and even inedible, stale. I store my bread in a plastic bag as usual. I saw advice on keeping bread in the refrigerator on YouTube, but this option did not suit me - everything is worse in my opinion. In rag bags - it hardens twice as fast! In general, I want to throw a cry among experienced people - share your experience on how to make bread so that it dries less, stale longer.
I was prompted to create an account and ask a question here by a commentator on YouTube, who claimed that his bread lay in a bag for two months, after which he took it out and ate it, as it was fresh and soft. To which I was very surprised and even upset, because my situation is the opposite.

Tell us - how many days has your bread stale? How to make bread so that it stays soft and tasty for longer?

I will add that the principle of rye bread initially turns out to be dense, but still on the first day it is tasty, soft, and then it rapidly loses its freshness, after the third day it begins to stale. I noticed that if you add more wheat flour, then the more and the density rises, but this is not an option, since I would like to make rye bread with a high content of rye flour. But the wheat loaf turns out to be completely lush and soft, but it, like rye, after five days it is no longer soft, it is only suitable for a toaster or crackers.

There is also such an observation - the bread dries, as it were, from the inside throughout the entire volume. In the section, it is clear that for some part, depending on the day, the bread evenly lightened over the entire area of ​​the cut, such whitish light fractions began to appear, as if flour began to stand out from the bread, so it looks purely visual, but it tastes just the bread becomes dry.

I understand that I am doing something wrong and somewhere I make mistakes in the manufacture, but I would like to know exactly where the miscalculation can be?

Drying and staleness of bread - how, where and how much bread can be stored ?!


We have a hedgehog on this issue "Drying and stale bread - how, where and how much bread can be stored ?!" , so there is no need to breed more topics - after reading your topic, I will connect it to the earlier topic by link.
Come there with a discussion
I'm not against. Even for!
A very cool forum - I was stunned by the abundance of information, while I read and delve into, I am sure I myself will figure out why I have such bread in the near future

Until then, I only have a bunch of questions.
My rye did not rise very much, but yesterday it turned out well.
I realized that the dough should not stand for a long time: I did it 8-12 hours earlier and during this time the yeast apparently curled up. I cut the time in half, put the dough at 5 o'clock, and as a result, the dough rose perfectly on it!
Drying and staleness of bread - how, where and how much bread can be stored ?!Drying and staleness of bread - how, where and how much bread can be stored ?! Thanks to your forum!
I hope that this bread will grow stale longer, nevertheless I associate the early staleness with the original density of the bread - if it rose poorly, then it turned out to be dense and quickly stale. Well, wait and see)

Thank you for the kind words addressed to the forum!

A beautiful bread turned out, it is quite possible to post it as an author's recipe on the forum
I noticed this - if a whole loaf is stored in a bag (store-bought, only baked from a bakery) and a piece of bread is cut off from it and put back, it instantly stale, and if the same bread, hot and fresh is sold already cut, it is stored for 2-3 days as just baked, soft and fragrant ... this is not the first time I ask myself this question ...
Quote: Alex315
and if the same bread, hot and fresh, is sold already cut, it is stored for 2-3 days as soon as baked, soft and fragrant ... this is not the first time I ask myself this question ...
I so vaguely suspect that there are chemical "enhancers"
Admin, Tatyan, I have such a thing with bread.
In the middle of the loaf, after 4 x -5 days of storage, it becomes sticky and smells like potatoes (disgusting, it reminded me of potatoes)
Flour is good Altai. But this was not the case before. Could be covered with mold or dry out, but now it does not dry, but it becomes so disgusting.
After baking in the new Panasonic.
I already threw it away in what I kept the bread, I thought maybe because of this thing.
With oven bread, this did not seem to happen.

Mashacheck this topic Diseases of bread (potato, mold, chalk, pigment, drunk bread)
The flour may be contaminated with potato disease. Then immediately throw away the flour and wash all the cups and spoons
Tanya, this is how I mixed the flour.
It’s a pity for Altai, I took 300 grams of Al and 200 grams of general purpose. (Those are cheap)
The day before yesterday I baked baguettes in the oven, but I also added 100 grams of rye. Already the third day and it seems so far normal.
It turns out nothing to do with the stove?
And the topic went to look)
I had this from yeast. Has changed and everything is in order.
Alinamama, recently baked on live yeast Lux.
Just the pack is over. Today I'll take another pack and try.
From living Lux and I had problems. Good luck!
And all the time I only use live Lux and bake. There are no others, but with dry love did not work. The bread and pastries are superb, no problems at all. But here's what I noticed: Lux is not Lux. There are packs of red-yellow-black color: this yeast is excellent, but just red-yellow is rubbish. The dough does not rise well and they smell brrrrrr.
Quote: notglass

And all the time I only use live Lux and bake. There are no others, but with dry love did not work. The bread and pastries are superb, no problems at all. But here's what I noticed: Lux is not Lux. There are packs red-yellow-black color: this yeast is excellent, but just red and yellow - rubbish rubbish. The dough does not rise well and they smell brrrrrr.
I also use them all the time - the flight is normal! What problems can there be from live yeast?
notglass, Agree! Also noticed
Quote: notglass
Lux Lux is different. There are packs of red-yellow-black color: this yeast is excellent, but just red-yellow is rubbish. The dough does not rise well and they smell brrrrrr.
I've been baking the last 3 years only on the Suite, the pack is red and yellow and there were no problems.
I have such
Drying and staleness of bread - how, where and how much bread can be stored ?!
Masha, I have the same. It's a great yeast. It's just that bread from HP is more humid than from the oven, and it was in your bag in a warm place. I think 90 percent - the bread deteriorated precisely because of the storage location. Try to put it in a cool place and see what happens.
Quote: Newbie

What problems can there be from live yeast?

The problem is where to buy quality yeast in different regions?
I live near Moscow, but we don't have high-quality fresh yeast! Therefore, I bake only on dry
Quote: Masinen

I have such
Drying and staleness of bread - how, where and how much bread can be stored ?!

Masha, I gave up this yeast, we just sell it and the bread is not always of high quality. Starting from kneading, raising the dough to the final result Unfortunately, we do not have other fresh yeast, they do not bring

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